What Combo of One "Star Wars" and One Marvel Character Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Combo of One "Star Wars" and One Marvel Character Are You?
Image: Lucasfilm Ltd. / Bad Robot Productions / Marvel Studios

About This Quiz

Appropriately enough, Hollywood has an expression for a "pitch" for a film that involves referencing two existing properties. This is called a "high concept" pitch. An example would be '"The Fast And The Furious" meets "Star Trek". This is intended to make a clear image in the mind of the listener without having to go into too much detail. When analyzing stories, characters can often be described this way. Is Han Solo a combination of Flash Gordon and The Man With No Name from "The Good The Bad And The Ugly"? Is Spawn a combination of Venom and The Punisher? Is Deadpool just Spider-Man with guns? These comparisons are useful in understanding or even in writing a character because, by using familiar points of reference, some things can go unsaid.

No person can be described as being just like one other, but one can use common points of reference as a sort of shorthand for describing what someone is like. People are attracted to the fictions in which they see themselves; this is why we believe we can accurately describe you in terms of a combination of characters from the "Star Wars" properties and the Marvel Universe. Answer some simple questions for us, and we'll describe the protagonist of your story!

Captain america and Peggy
Marvel Studios
Life is about striking a balance, but we all play favorites. What area of your life is the top priority?
My home life is my priority.
I'm all about the job.
For me, it's relationships that are key.
I don't care so much about the fringe benefits of my job, but I always put my job first.
The First Battle Of Geonosis
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Is all fair in love and war?
No, but the line is blurry.
Yes! That's it!
No. There have to be rules!
"Fair" is all a matter of perspective.
Spiderman wrestling
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Laura Ziskin Productions
Imagine you live in a world where people have superpowers. How did you pay your dues?
I had a hard childhood and a hard adulthood.
I served in the military.
I did everything I was supposed to do, even when it would have been easy to do otherwise.
I put in the hours to be very good at what I do.


Darth Vader
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Do you see yourself as a hero, a villain or something else?
I'm a mentor.
I'm just a person.
I try to be a hero.
I'm a villain.
I'm Iron Man
Marvel Studios
The rules prevent you from doing something you really want to do. How do you take it?
I find a workaround.
I will appeal to the arbiter of the rules for an exception.
I will have to find a way that technically follows the rules.
I will simply break the rules.
Luke vs Darth Vader
Lucasfilm Ltd.
How would you describe your greatest nemesis's mission?
Power madness
They are an iconoclast.
It's similar to my own, though we don't share fundamental values.


Avengers - Final Battle
Marvel Studios
What does victory look like to you?
I'll know I've succeeded when I finally get to retire.
An eternal order that governs all things everywhere
Being with the ones I love, in peace
Yoda training Luke
Lucasfilm Ltd.
How would you describe your mentor?
Wise, but just a person, like anyone else
An evil, manipulative liar
A total pro
I didn't have one.
Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios
In what part of the country do you live?
Down in a bayou
On the frontier
A really fancy suburb
A major metropolis


Spiderman and Mary Jane
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Laura Ziskin Productions
How do you separate your work life from your personal life?
I avoid having a personal life.
When I clock out, I'm done.
I work with the people I love.
I bring my personal life to work. Simple.
Marvel Studios
What single, unifying force governs all things?
An unseen energy field
The darkness of human nature
Chewbacca and C3PO
Lucasfilm Ltd.
How would you describe the person with whom you work most closely?
My digital assistant would fit the bill.
I work alone.
I work with my romantic partner.
Nobody works with me for long.


Hulk and father
Marvel Enterprises / Universal Pictures
Describe your relationship with your parents. Was it good?
I didn't have a relationship with them.
It was pretty normal.
It was strained.
It was complicated by the fact that they tried to manipulate me all the time.
I find your lack of faith disturbing
Lucasfilm Ltd.
How's your faith holding up?
It holds. It's all I have.
Faith? What's that?
It's doing just fine, thanks. It hasn't really been tested, though.
It's broken, but it still exists.
Spiderman dancing
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Studios / Laura Ziskin Productions
Do you have any hidden talents?
Yes, many of them are unseen.
No, I don't hide them.
I'm handy when called upon.
All my talented are hidden. I like it that way.


Hulk smashing Loki
Marvel Studios
How do you use your gifts?
I have a vendetta.
I use them all in my profession.
I use them for the benefit of my people.
I use them for my own gain.
Iron Man and Spiderman
Columbia Pictures/ Marvel Studios / Pascal Pictures
Would you be willing to take on a protege?
Yes, as I have many times.
No. I don't have time for that.
Yes. I have one right now!
Yeah, but they have to be willing to work!
Iron Man in suit
Marvel Studios
In what do you place your faith, when you can't rely on your own talents to get the job done?
Unseen forces


Yoda fighting
Lucasfilm Ltd.
What would you say is the key to earning the abilities you have?
Time and suffering
Hardcore training
Study and discipline
Natural gifts
Captain America and Thor
Marvel Studios
How far back do you and your sidekick go?
As far back as I can remember ...
I don't bother keeping track.
We go back to our teens.
Only about a year or two.
Darth Vader and Luke
Lucasfilm Ltd.
What do you and your enemies have in common?
Everything ... and nothing!
We're the same, except I'm better at the game.
We come from the same background, but our aims are not the same.
We want the same thing.


Spiderman and Sandman
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Studios / Laura Ziskin Productions
Your life is unique, but how would you feel to learn someone else has lived more or less the same story?
I have heard that about my enemy...
I wouldn't care at all.
I'd feel like we had a bond.
It would be very sad.
The Avengers
Marvel Studios
How do you feel when you are surrounded by your peers?
At home
Fat Thor
Marvel Studios
Has your life turned out the way you had hoped it would, thus far?
It has happened as I had foreseen.
Yeah, more or less ...
Strangely, no
My hopes have changed, so the premise of this question doesn't work.


Lucasfilm Ltd.
About which personal frailty do you worry?
Talent deficit
Limitations of personality
Skeletons in the closet
Thanos death
Marvel Studios
Have you ever thought about what victory looks like for you?
There is no such thing as victory, only death.
Victory looks like me with a giant wad of cash, on a beach.
I'd consider a happy retirement to be victory.
Victory is an illusion.
Bad Spiderman
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Studios / Laura Ziskin Productions
What would it take to derail you from your chosen path?
A total change in the universal paradigm
Major changes in the industry
Lucking into total victory
I haven't chosen my path; it just sort of happened.


Chewbacca screaming
Lucasfilm Ltd.
In what area of life could you stand to make some major improvements?
I spend too much time at work.
I've become a little cruel as a result of my daily life.
I could probably loosen up a bit.
I could stand to have my faith restored.
Captain Marvel movie
Marvel Studios
Which of these movies did you relate to the most?
"The Empire Strikes Back"
"Captain Marvel"
"The Pawnbroker"
Peter Parker job
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Laura Ziskin Productions
Everyone's career has ups and downs. What's your employment status these days?
I'm an ... independent contractor.
I have a boss who is a real piece of work.
I'm a middle manager.
I run my own small business.
