About This Quiz
Does the shoe make the man (or woman)? Whether you like it or not, first impressions are everything. And scuffed shoes for an interview and stilettos for a employee lunch-and-learn may not make the impression you want. But this quiz doesn't want you to worry about what's "right" or "fashionable." This quiz wants to learn as much as possible about your personality to match you with the perfect pair.
The thing about shoes is what you wear is a daily decision. And if you have quite a few shoes, this decision includes comfort, appropriateness, style, matching accessories and flair. In other words, it reflects you in more ways than you may realize. Even Forrest Gump got it right when he noted, "My Mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes. Where they're going, where they've been."
So let's find out about who you are and where you've been. You'll be asked 30 questions about your likes, dislikes, your social interactions, traits, characteristics and personal opinions. We'll match those answers to the type of shoe that speaks to your personality. Take the quiz now and if the shoe fits -- wear it!
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