About This Quiz
Buckle up, kids, because it's about to get awkward AF in here! Why? Because today we're talking about hot-as-the-sun villains and the stans who love them - i.e., you! Yes, we know you have the sneak for Bucky Barnes. We're aware of your shameful Loki crush. And even though you said "Suicide Squad" was a lousy movie, we know you actually saw it twice, just for Harley Quinn! 😜
So, now that we've established that you're not fooling anyone, it's time to get down to business. If you wanna know which baddie you should be getting busy with, this is the quiz for you! We're going to ask you some heckin' embarrassing questions, such as whether you actually care about defending the weak, if you identify with Ursula the Sea Witch and whether you've noticed Bane's gun show. If you're honest with us and REVEAL ALL, you'll be rewarded, with the truth about which bangin' supervillain is right for you!
Do you dare to finally admit that you're obsessed with guys and gals who want to burn this city to the ground? Are you ready to run off with a squad that's bent on merciless mayhem and destruction? Or do you merely appreciate the way Halle Berry looks in a catsuit? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it's time to take this quiz!