What Supervillain Is Your Love Interest?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Supervillain Is Your Love Interest?
Image: Marvel Studios / Warner Bros. Pictures / DC Entertainment / Legendary Pictures / Syncopy / RatPac Entertainment / Atlas Entertainment

About This Quiz

Buckle up, kids, because it's about to get awkward AF in here! Why? Because today we're talking about hot-as-the-sun villains and the stans who love them - i.e., you! Yes, we know you have the sneak for Bucky Barnes. We're aware of your shameful Loki crush. And even though you said "Suicide Squad" was a lousy movie, we know you actually saw it twice, just for Harley Quinn! 😜

So, now that we've established that you're not fooling anyone, it's time to get down to business. If you wanna know which baddie you should be getting busy with, this is the quiz for you! We're going to ask you some heckin' embarrassing questions, such as whether you actually care about defending the weak, if you identify with Ursula the Sea Witch and whether you've noticed Bane's gun show. If you're honest with us and REVEAL ALL, you'll be rewarded, with the truth about which bangin' supervillain is right for you!

Do you dare to finally admit that you're obsessed with guys and gals who want to burn this city to the ground? Are you ready to run off with a squad that's bent on merciless mayhem and destruction? Or do you merely appreciate the way Halle Berry looks in a catsuit? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it's time to take this quiz!

Tim Robberts / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which superheroes do you find big annoying?
Captain America
Bad boy
Dave G Kelly / Moment / Getty Images
Imagine that I'm the new bad boy at school. How do I impress you?
By being the BMOC
By showing up on the first day in a leather jacket
By hacking into the school's grade database
By beating up the teacher
Black cat
Kai Fagerström swe / Moment / Getty Images
What's your fave evil animal?
Birds of prey
Black cats


Peculiar couple
Zero Creatives / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you prefer a partner who's ride-or-die or a love interest who always keeps you guessing?
I like a tricky bae.
Ride-or-die is predictable, although I also want a guy I can trust.
IDGAF as long as they're cute.
Ride-or-die, OFC.
Seductive woman in bed
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Complete the sentence: "I'm a lady in the streets and a _______ in the sheets." What would you say?
Couple in conflict
Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
When people dare to throw shade at you, how do you react?
By laughing in their faces
By acting snob (but I secretly hurt inside!)
By destroying them
By clapping back so hard, I accidentally generate an earthquake


Secret identity
Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
Do you have a secret "dark" identity, like Dark Betty on "Riverdale"?
Lol, no.
Maybe I do! What of it?
Nah. Everybody already knows I'm dark AF.
Actually, my secret identity is a nice person.
Abandoned apartment
Pham Le Huong Son / Moment Open / Getty Images
If you had an evil lair, how would it be decorated?
With a heckin' ton of gold!
Black leather. Metal. Glass.
It'd be swampy and weird.
Imagine an industrial factory full of dubstepping mutants. Now, hit it with a hurricane.
Loki and Thor
Marvel Studios
Which supervillain has the best gun show?
IDGAF about gun shows.
BANE, bb!
IDK, whoever Jay Hernandez is playing?


Couple breaking up
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You just got dumped. How are you getting revenge? 😈
I'm dating their BFF.
I'm ghosting EVERYBODY, whether they deserve it or not.
I mean, destroying the city always gets my message across.
I'm not. I'm getting them back! 😜
Catwoman Halle Berry
Village Roadshow Pictures / Di Novi Pictures / Frantic Films / Maple Shade Films / Catwoman Films
Okay, time to get real: Which of these actresses is the ultimate Catwoman?
Julie Newmar
Michelle Pfeiffer
Anne Hathaway
Halle Berry
I'm necessary evil
Warner Bros. Pictures / DC Entertainment / Legendary Pictures / Syncopy
Which of these villain quotes do you relate to the most?
"Born to be a king, I ask one thing in return: a front seat to watch Earth burn."
"It's the so-called "normal" guys who always let you down. Sickos never scare me. Least they're committed."
"I'm necessary evil.”
"I'll never understand why Superman wears the same outfits every day."


Serious woman
Clarissa Leahy / Cultura / Getty Images
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much chill do you have?
10. Massive chill!
4. I have a decent amount of chill but I'm not, like, Will Smith.
7. To be an effective evil person, you need to be chill AF.
1. Like Nicki Minaj, I have zero chill and I give zero effs!
Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images
If someone described you as "witchy," would you be surprised?
Haha, yep!
No ... that's totally my vibe.
I'm the opposite of witchy, bruh.
I wouldn't be shocked, but that's not, like, dummy accurate.
Breakfast Club
A&M Films / Channel Productions
Look deep within your soul. Which "Breakfast Club" member are you actually?
The jock
The recluse
The brain
The beauty


Woman walking on street
Valentin Casarsa / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you walk down the street, what kind of theme music plays in your head?
Hair metal
'80s post-punk
Phantom of the Opera
caracterdesign / E+ / Getty Images
Are you up for baes who like to wear masks?
Sure, I wear them myself.
Heck yes!
Woman and goons
ZoneCreative / Photodisc / Getty Images
Open Mike Eagle famously rapped, "Both my goons got goons." If you were a supervillain, would you have goons? And would those goons have their own goons or nah?
I would have goons, but they wouldn't have goons.
I would have zero goons!
If you give your goons goons, they'll goon more effectively. So: yes.
In my squad, all goons have an equal amount of goon power. I'm fair like that!


Communism illustration
erhui1979 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
If you'd been alive in the '50s, which counter-culture group would you have joined?
The Jet Set
The Beatniks
The Communists
Basically any motorcycle gang
Kids playing
Alistair Berg / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you were a little kid, what role did you play in your friends' imaginary games?
The hero
I was the one making up the games.
The villain
Other kids wouldn't let me play with them.
Thoughtful woman
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
How would you describe that ex you can't get out of your head? We know you have one!!
A long-legged drifter/con artist
A sensitive dreamer with a tendency to lash out
A tough bae with a heart of gold
A hilarious jokester, the life of the party


Marvel Entertainment / The Donners' Company / Bad Hat Harry Productions / Dune Entertainment / Ingenious Film Partners
Which underrated Marvel superhero can get it?
Scarlet Witch
The Winter Soldier
Teenage boy and girl
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Let's say you're dating the hottest kid in school. Is there ANYTHING they could do that would be a dealbreaker?
Cheating on me
Running for school council
Talking out our private life to other people
Girls gossiping
praetorianphoto / E+ / Getty Images
What's your worst quality?
I'm gossipy!
I'm too emo!
I'm kind of mean!
I'll steal your man!


Dramatic girl
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
How do you feel about drama?
Love it!
I act like I hate it, but I love it.
I actually hate drama.
I'm so dramatic, I can't even tell what drama is anymore.
Justin and Hailey
Calvin Klein
Once you got with your supervillain bae, which famous couple would you most resemble?
Cole and Lili
Justin and Hailey
Miley and Liam (RIP!)
Ariana and Pete (Not RIP!)
Woman fighting
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Do you ACTUALLY care about defending the weak?
No, bruh.
Quite literally yes
My dude, I want to DEFEAT them.


Caiaimage/Chris Ryan / OJO+ / Getty Images
What would you do to become wealthy and internationally famous?
Uh, pretty much anything?
I only want fame and fortune if I earn it fair and square.
I don't want fame ... just fortune. And I'm willing to do THE MOST.
I don't care about money, just fame. 😍
Ursula the Sea Witch
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
Be honest: Do you identify with Ursula the Sea Witch or nah?
No, but my friends do, so I'm not gonna say anything against her.
Absolutely not
You know I do, fam!
Stealing data
TimeStopper / Moment / Getty Images
Be real: Is stealing ever okay?
Yeah, sure.
If you have to, then yes.
Sometimes stealing is the only way to get back what's yours.
Uh, bet!
