What Would Your Job Be in the Pokemon Universe?

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Would Your Job Be in the Pokemon Universe?
Image: The Pokémon Company / Nintendo

About This Quiz

While the Pokemon Universe shares many of the same jobs that we have, there are many more that could only be found in a world like this. A typical routine for someone in the Pokemon world would likely start off like ours: eat some breakfast, take a shower and go to work. But what job would you be going to every day if you lived in one of the Pokemon regions?

We choose jobs depending on our skills and what we like to do most. But of course, it also depends on whether or not the hiring manager is impressed with us, as to whether or not we actually get the job that we want. Many of the jobs we would apply for in this universe would be Pokemon oriented. Nurses, cashiers and researchers all play large roles for the universe and the Pokemon themselves. But there are also fun places like Game Corners that cater to both Pokemon and their trainers. It's a lot like the real world - there are just unique monsters lurking around in this world!

If you want to find out which job in the Pokemon universe would suit you best, then there's only one thing left to do. Take the quiz and get the results of your Pokemon aptitude test!

When at work, do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
Teamwork is the best kind of work.
It doesn't matter much to me, but I tend to do more teamwork.
I spend more time independently, but sometimes you've got to join as a team.
I'm much better at working independently.
When faced with an unexpected situation, are you a quick thinker?
Yes, pretty often
I have to be!
I take a little bit of time.
Not at all!
You can't leave home without which of the following?
My phone
My uniform
My badge
My notes


Your work environment might affect your productivity, so what's the best way for you to work?
In an office
On my feet
At a desk
What legendary Pokemon is the most fascinating, in your opinion?
The best way to unwind when you come home from work is by doing what?
I love to make dinner and watch a television show.
I read up on the news and see what is happening.
I like to work out.
I watch a documentary or do some light reading.


Do you like to have the help of Pokemon at work, or do you want to help them?
I'd much rather help them.
I can use some help here and there.
I need the help of my Pokemon!
They can be helpful here and there.
Some are good with theory, while others enjoy being hands on. Do you enjoy studying or training?
I learn better through practice, so I'd say training.
I don't mind doing a little bit of both, but I learn more by training.
I do a little more studying, but training helps too.
I'd prefer to study.
Of the following, which would you say is most like your mindset on the world?
I think that everyone should appreciate life.
I think the good outweighs the bad in the world.
There's so much to fight for.
We know nothing about it.


Villains invade the Pokemon world, but one gang is pretty notorious. How do you feel about Team Rocket?
I think that they treat Pokemon poorly.
I want to catch them!
I don't think about them much.
I think they're pretty bad.
If you could live in any city in the Pokemon world, where would it be?
Pallet Town
Slateport City
Nuvema Town
New Bark Town
With so many types, it can be hard to choose. Do you have a favorite type of Pokemon?
Fairy type
Dark type
Fighting type
Grass type


In your everyday life, do you like to keep busy or have some free time to yourself?
It's best if I'm not always busy.
Definitely I have to keep busy.
I like my down time.
I will never know enough about the world unless I keep going.
Maybe you use them for your Pokemon, or maybe you're just a fan of the design. Which Poke Ball is your favorite?
Love Ball
Quick Ball
Master Ball
Premier Ball
When things don't go your way, how do you react?
I try to take my mind off of it. There are more important things to worry about.
I think about why things went wrong and plan to do something differently in the future.
I get angry.
I brush it off.


When on your journey, do you befriend other trainers or rival them?
I try to befriend them.
I don't try to do either of those.
I definitely have a rivalry!
I try to befriend them most of the time.
If you entered a Pokemon contest, which one would you enter?
I'd go for the beauty contest.
I'd enter the cool contest.
I'd win it all at the toughness contest.
I'd have to enter the cleverness contest.
TMs may not come in handy as much, but which HM is most helpful for you?


How often do you take time to see your friends?
I make quite a bit of time for them.
I am usually very busy, so I don't see them much.
I see them all the time.
I'm almost always busy, so I see them on rare occasions.
There's so much style in each region. Who from the anime is your biggest style inspiration?
Jessie and James
What do you believe every Pokemon deserves?
A home
A challenge
A purpose


Of the following subjects, which would you say sounds the most interesting to you?
Criminal Law
Which of the following Pokemon would you say that you're most like?
If you could work in one Pokemon region, where would you choose to work?


Would you say that you have great physical strength?
I'm not the strongest, but I can hold my own.
Yes, I'm in top shape.
Yes, for the most part
Not at all
Where would you spend most of your free time in the Pokemon universe?
I'd always be at the Poke Mart stocking up.
I'd be out in the big cities.
I would spend a lot of time walking the routes and battling trainers.
I'd go out exploring every inch of the world.
Is social interaction a strong point for you, or is it something that you need to work on?
I wouldn't say I'm great, but I'm all right.
I can be at times.
The best!
No, I'm not the best.


There are many great people to look up to in the world. Which professional in the Pokemon world would you like to train with?
Day Care Lady
The best way to spend a sunny day in the Pokemon world is by doing what?
Volunteering at the Pokemon Day Care
Relaxing on the beach
Using surf on the open water
Walking the mountains and researching
How do you feel toward Pokemon in general?
I want to help them as much as I can.
I want to protect them at all costs.
I'm all about training and working closely with them.
I like learning about them and using the knowledge for good.
