What's the One Word that Best Describes You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What's the One Word that Best Describes You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz


Take this fun quiz to discover the one word that best describes you! Are you a leader, courageous, kind, sensitive, or funny? Find out how your loved ones might sum you up in just one word.

Explore the different personality traits and characteristics that make each of us unique. Whether you have a strong sense of justice or a great sense of humor, there is a few words to describe people out there that captures what makes you truly special.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about yourself and how others perceive you. Take the quiz now and uncover the descriptive words or right words that defines you best!

The type of job you get after being unemployed can have a significant impact on your health, a new study shows.
Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images
What do you do when your best friend loses his job?
Try and help him find another one.
Nothing. He can handle it.
Encourage him to take time off and travel the world.
Oh, whatever, he will be fine.
Locks are the main line of defense that most people use to protect their valuables.
seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Getty Images
If your neighbor was locked out of their house what would you do?
Let them wait at my house for a locksmith.
Break into their house for them.
Advise them to go downtown and wait at a bar for the locksmith.
Nothing, it will be fine.
What is most important?
It is all equal.


Seminole Hard Rock Casino department supervisors speak with a job applicant during a job fair at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino on May 25, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity announced that the state government will stop paying the $300-a-week federal benefit to get residents to return to the workforce.
Octavio Jones/Getty Images
What job would be good for you?
Social worker.
Motivational speaker.
What would you do if you can't pay your bills?
Get a better job.
Not pay them.
Nothing, some money will turn up somehow.
How important is freedom?
Pretty important.
Kind of important.
The most important thing in the world.
Not that important.


fotog / Getty Images/Tetra images RF
What do you do if someone cuts you off in traffic?
Nothing they are probably just having a bad day.
Chase them down and confront them.
I could care less about stuff like that.
Hope that something awful befalls them later in the day.
What do people of the opposite sex like about you the most?
How kind I am.
How tough I am.
What a freethinker I am.
How positive I am.
Do you do any extreme sports?
No, are you kidding?
Sure I do.
No, I don't like sports.
No, but I would like to try.


Do you mind being single?
Yes, quite a bit.
Not really.
Not at all.
Yes, but I always know I will meet someone.
What is the perfect Saturday afternoon?
Taking a nature walk.
Hanging with friends.
Working on my novel.
I don't care, as long as it is Saturday.
Do you get bummed if your haircut comes out weird?
Yes, but I would never say anything.
Yes, that makes me mad.
No, I like my hair to look weird.
No, it will grow back.


How might you exercise?
Lifting weights.
I don't exercise, I don't need to!
Do you like parties?
Not at all.
I like them okay.
Sure I do.
I like anything where there are people!
If you are mad at a friend what do you do?
Have a talk with them.
Call them out.
Blow them off.
I never get mad at friends.


How much do you text your friends?
Quite a bit.
Not much.
Pretty much never.
Where do you want to vacation?
Disney World.
A cabin in the woods.
Do you have a selfie stick?
Yes, but I don't use it much.
Are you kidding me?
I don't take selfies.
Yes, I love it!


Are you scared of snakes?
Yes, but I don't want to see them hurt.
No way.
Maybe a little.
Yes, but I know they won't bite me.
What scares you most?
Having someone close to me in pain.
Having a normal life.
How did you amuse yourself when you were a kid?
With my imaginary friend.
With an action figure.
Writing or drawing.
I was always amused!


If you lived near by work, how would you get there?
How long would you last if you were in the woods?
Not very long.
As long as it takes.
A day or two.
Oh, I would find my way out right away.
What class would you like to take?
A class on other cultures.
English Literature.


Do you feel lucky?
Not really.
I make my own luck.
Not at all.
Very much so.
Do you like Christmas?
Love it.
It is okay.
Can't stand it.
I like all holidays.
Are you adventurous?
No, but I could be!


What types of books do you read?
True Crime.
Literary fiction.
I like everything I read.
How often do you try new food?
Hardly ever.
Do you like to explore places you have never been?
Not so much.
Sure, why not?
I love doing that.
No, but is sounds fun.
