When Will You Meet Your First Boyfriend?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
When Will You Meet Your First Boyfriend?
Image: Unsplash by DÆ°ong Trí

About This Quiz


Are you tired of waiting for Mr. Right to sweep you off your feet? Well, wait no more! Take our fun dating quiz to find out when will i get a boyfriend on your unique personality traits. Who knows, he could be just around the corner!

In the world of dating, it's not just about good looks - it's all about personality. Show off your sense of humor, kindness, and intelligence to attract your dream guy. Remember, relationships are a two-way street, so be ready to compromise and try new things to make it work. So why wait? Take the quiz and find out when your future beau will make his grand entrance into your life!

Don't leave your love life up to chance - take control and discover when your first boyfriend will come knocking at your door. With just a few clicks, you could uncover the answer to the age-old question of ""when will I meet my first love?"" So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz now and get ready for a romantic adventure!

Q1 How Many Relationships
Jena Ardell/Moment/GettyImages
How many relationships have you been in so far?
I lost count.
Two or more
Q2 Talking to Guys
How do you normally act when you talk to guys?
Confident and outgoing
Timid, but somewhat confident
Ha, I don't talk to guys!
Super shy
Q3 Cute Nicknames
Jenny Dettrick/Moment/GettyImages
Which of these cute nicknames would you call your future boo?
Gummy bear


Q4 Best Place to Meet
Where is the best place to meet that special someone?
By the power of dating apps!
Through luck and chance
Through mutual friends
Good question ... no idea
Q5 Same Personality
SEAN GLADWELL/Moment/GettyImages
Would you want your boyfriend to have the same personality as you?
No, that'd be weird.
Some similarities would be nice.
Well, not "exactly" the same.
Yes, that'd be so romantic!
Q6 Kisser or Hugger
Nanette J.Stevenson-ebbystouch.com/Moment/GettyImages
Are you more of a kisser or a hugger?
I'm a cuddler!


Q7 1,000 Miles Away
Esthermm/Moment Open/GettyImages
If your boyfriend lived 1,000 miles away, how would you communicate with him?
Phone calls
Through romantic love letters
Q8 Celebrity Date
Atomic Imagery/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Which of these celebs would you love to go on a date with?
Jamie Foxx
Christian Bale
Orlando Bloom
Matt Damon
Q9 In Line
Image Source/Image Source/GettyImages
Do you have a line of guys who are just waiting to date you?
How did you know?!
Yeah, I have a few guys waiting ...
I'm not really sure ...
What? Of course not!


Q10 Long or Short Relationship
Image Source/Image Source/GettyImages
Which sounds more appealing, short-term or long-term relationships?
Short-term relationships
I guess it depends on the relationship.
Somewhere in the middle is better for me.
Long-term relationships
Q11 Fight
Medesulda/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
How would you handle a fight with your significant other?
By walking away from it
By screaming and yelling
I would try to listen with an open mind.
I don't know ... I don't like fighting.
Q12 Which Dating App
filo/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
Which of these dating apps do you use the most?
I don't use dating apps.


Q13 Texting Date
You're on a first date with a guy and you notice that he's constantly texting on his phone. So, you decide to ...
Get up and walk away from the date.
Sit there and wait until he's done texting.
Text on my phone too.
Kindly tell him to put his phone away.
Q14 Social Butterfly
Has anyone ever called you a ‘social butterfly?'
Yup, I get that a lot.
I think once or twice.
Nope, never
A what?
Q15 Your Type
Unsplash by Court Cook
How would you describe your "type?"
Tall, dark and handsome
Sweet and soft


Q16 Travel Overseas
Would you ever travel overseas to meet that special someone?
Probably not
I don't know, they'd have to be really special.
In a heartbeat
Knowing me, I probably would, eventually.
Q17 Adventurous Date
Unsplash by Holly Mandarich
What type of adventurous date would you want to go on?
Hiking a mountain
Playing a sport together
Trapeze class
Visit Disneyland
Q18 The One
Ja_inter/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
If you met "the one” in your life, would you know right away?
I don't believe in "the one."
I guess only time will tell!
Not right away
Oh yeah, absolutely!


Q19 DC Superhero
DC Films/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films
Your ideal boyfriend would be similar to which of these DC superheroes?
Q20 Short or Tall
Should your ideal soulmate be shorter or taller than you?
Taller than me
Shorter than me
Same height as me
I don't care about height.
Q21 Mysterious or Straightforward
Maciej Toporowicz, NYC/Moment/GettyImages
Would you rather date a guy who was more mysterious or straightforward?
It doesn't matter to me.
Ideally, a mix of both


Q22 Clingy
Is it better to be clingy or play hard to get in a relationship?
I'm a "play hard to get" kind of person.
I don't really know.
Neither one of these is a good option.
I like being clingy!
Q23 Crush Party
calvindexter/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
If you saw your crush at a party, how would you get their attention?
I would walk right up and start talking to them!
I would give them a wink first.
I would smile and wave at them.
Don't ask me!
Q24 Silly or Serious
Yifei Fang/Moment/GettyImages
Is your overall vibe more silly or serious?
I'm right in the middle.
A mix of both


Q25 Going On About Ex
FrankRamspott/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
How would you feel about your boyfriend going on and on about their exes?
I wouldn't really care.
Happy, I like people who are open about their past.
A little weird
Q26 Turn Off
Yagi Studio/DigitalVision/GettyImages
What's the biggest turn off for you in a relationship?
Lying to me
Being disrespectful
Being selfish
Keeping secrets from me
Q27 Space
How much space is really needed in a relationship?
I don't believe in "space."
A reasonable amount
A lot of space
Honestly, I don't know.


Q28 Not a Cuddler
Unsplash by Pablo Heimplatz
How would you feel if your new boyfriend wasn't much of a cuddler?
I could get over that.
Bye-bye new boyfriend
That's odd, but it's whatever.
It's fine, they don't have to be a cuddler.
Q29 Jealous
Juana Mari Moya/Moment/GettyImages
If your boyfriend was best friends with one of their exes, would you feel jealous about this?
No, why should I be?
A little bit
It depends on the ex.
Heck, yeah!
Q30 Get Ready
Guido Mieth/DigitalVision/GettyImages
How long would it take you to get ready for a first date?
Less than 10 minutes
About a half hour
One hour
Two hours
