Which Animal Is Your Soul Guardian?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Animal Is Your Soul Guardian?
Image: Jeff R Clow/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Have you ever felt a real connection with another living thing?  Not a person, but an animal that seems to click with you in a way that's beyond words?  

It could be a pet that intuitively knows when you're down and can brighten your spirit, or perhaps it's a wild animal that you catch a glimpse of for just a moment. You make eye contact and, for a split second, understand that we are all a part of something bigger, something connected. As quickly as this happens, it ends. But the feeling remains.  

On a spiritual level, we each have a strong connection with at least one of the many species that roam the Earth. You've likely heard of spirit guides and guardian angels before. It's not hard to imagine that your soul is in tune with an animal that's meant to be your soul guardian. This animal walks with you in a spiritual way, understands you on a deeper level that humans can't reach. Want to know what that animal might be for you? Answer some questions about yourself and we'll look into your soul to see what animal stands on guard. 

On a basic level, which of the four elements do you feel most drawn to?
Imagine yourself free from any responsibilities in the wild. You can go anywhere you want. Where are you?
Moving unseen through the city
High in the mountains
Deep in the woods
Adrift in the ocean
What are you doing on your ideal Saturday afternoon?
Just relaxing
Spending time with loved ones
Having fun with friends


What is your favorite kind of food?
I like a variety, really.
I tend to eat light, so it could be a lot of things.
I'm a meat-and-potatoes kind of person.
I love seafood.
Which extreme sport do you think would be cool to try? (Even if you'd never actually do it.)
Bungee jumping
Mountain climbing
If a good friend asked to borrow your car for the weekend, would you let them take it?
Depends on my own plans.
I'd need to know why and make sure it was OK with my insurance.
If they were a really good friend, sure.


If you could have been born in another time period, when do you think you would have fit in the best?
Ancient Egypt would have been amazing.
During the Renaissance.
The Dark Ages!
Around the time Columbus was discovering America.
What kind of charitable work are you most likely to do?
Volunteer at the local Humane Society.
Donate to some worthwhile charities.
Work with the homeless.
Anything to help stop pollution.
There's a new movie out that everyone loves based on a really popular book. Will you read it or watch it?
Movie first, book later.
I have to read it first.
I'll see the movie.
You should never read the book if you see the movie; it'll ruin one or the other.


Which major holiday do you have the most fun celebrating every year?
I love Halloween.
I'm a Thanksgiving fan.
Christmas is always a good time.
I love a party on the 4th of July!
Do you often feel overwhelmed by people who are highly intense and busy?
I try to avoid this type of person.
Not at all.
I get a boost from people like that.
Do you believe in psychic phenomena? Are there people in the world with a connection to the other side?
I know for a fact that there are.
I believe it, yes.
I haven't seen proof, but that doesn't mean it's not real.
I hope so! I want to believe.


Do you think mankind will ever make contact with life on another world?
Not in my lifetime.
Of course we will.
I don't know. The universe is so big.
I think we already have.
Do you ever buy lottery tickets?
I do all the time. Can't win if you don't play.
It's not really my thing.
Once in a while.
If you were driving down a lonely road on a stormy night and saw a hitchhiker, what would you do?
Am I alone? Are they creepy? Lots to consider.
Depends on if I'm in a hurry or not.
Keep right on driving.
I'd give them a ride!


When you want to talk to someone you can't speak to in person, what's the best way to do it?
Send an email.
Wait until you see them in person.
Over the phone.
Have you ever gotten into a real, physical fight with someone?
Not in a long time.
I've argued but never fought.
Yes, I have.
If you could live in any city on Earth, where do you think you'd go?
Alexandria, Egypt
London, England
Anchorage, Alaska
Sydney, Australia


When you want to watch a movie and unwind, what genre are you most likely to put on?
Are you a fan of driving for the sake of driving, or do you like to have a destination in mind?
It depends on my mood.
I like to have a purpose when I go out.
I take the long way sometimes.
I love just going where the road takes me.
Do you like to entertain friends at your house, or would you rather go out?
I do some special occasions at my place.
I'd rather go out.
I love to get together at my house.
I can do either as long as we're having fun.


What kind of climate would you like to live in the most?
Someplace dry.
Any place with wide open spaces and mountains.
I like a temperate area. Hot during summer, snowy during winter.
Someplace tropical!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I guess anything's possible.
I don't think so.
I think it happens sometimes.
Which would make you the happiest?
Financial stability


Let's say you live in the Marvel Comics Universe. What superpower would you want to have?
Telepathy like Professor X.
Flight like Captain Marvel.
Ability to heal like Deadpool.
Super speed like Quicksilver.
How do you usually watch TV?
I watch on my phone.
I don't watch a lot of TV.
I tend to stream and binge.
I just watch it on the TV.
Are you the kind of friend who volunteers to give rides to the airport or help people move?
I might help if I'm asked.
I wouldn't say I volunteer, no.
For close friends, definitely.
I'm always happy to help.


What's the most important thing in the world?
When you get into an argument with someone, how does it usually play out?
I try to end on a friendly note.
I make my point clear to end it.
... It can get heated.
I try to defuse it quickly.
What would you like to be remembered for in this life?
As long as someone remembers me, I don't care.
For my accomplishments.
For my family.
Being a good person.
