About This Quiz
Have you ever felt a real connection with another living thing? Not a person, but an animal that seems to click with you in a way that's beyond words? Â
It could be a pet that intuitively knows when you're down and can brighten your spirit, or perhaps it's a wild animal that you catch a glimpse of for just a moment. You make eye contact and, for a split second, understand that we are all a part of something bigger, something connected. As quickly as this happens, it ends. But the feeling remains. Â
On a spiritual level, we each have a strong connection with at least one of the many species that roam the Earth. You've likely heard of spirit guides and guardian angels before. It's not hard to imagine that your soul is in tune with an animal that's meant to be your soul guardian. This animal walks with you in a spiritual way, understands you on a deeper level that humans can't reach. Want to know what that animal might be for you? Answer some questions about yourself and we'll look into your soul to see what animal stands on guard.Â