Which "Inuyasha" Character Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "Inuyasha" Character Are You?
Image: NNS (ytv) / Adult Swim (Toonami) / Starz

About This Quiz

Don't you miss "Inuyasha"? We do! It had incredibly compelling relationships, intricate story arcs and couples you could actually root for. Sadly, we don't have the power to bring this show back on the air, so we decided to relive its glory in a different way - through an "Inuyasha"-themed personality quiz!

Whether you've always wondered whether you'd be a demon hunter or a demon, or if you simply miss the days when you used to root for the show's core couples to get together, you'll get something out of this quiz! To figure out what your "Inuyasha" personality type is, we're going to ask you some very intimate questions. We want to know how you react when you're teased, whether you're happy with your status in life and which "Inuyasha" characters you're attracted to. By the end of the quiz, we'll be able to tell you whether you're Inuyasha AF or more Sango than a freshly sharpened sword.

Are you ready for a trip down manga memory lane? Then stop doing homework, brew up a cup of tea and come play this quiz. Hurry up - Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and (of course) Inuyasha are waiting for you! ✨

Woman waking up
WANDER WOMEN COLLECTIVE / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you do?
Check my Snapchat
Take a long, hot shower
Hit the snooze button
Some one-handed push-ups
Couple in love
Paul Bradbury / OJO Images / Getty Images
How long does it take for you to be sure that you like someone else?
Months and months. I don't love easily.
Two or three seconds
Like ... a couple hours?
It depends on their behavior.
Man thinking
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Reading through these quotes, which of them seems like it could have been written about your life?
"It's been one trap after another! I'm getting tired of these deceptions!"
“This may come as something of a surprise, but I’m a sore loser.”
“I’m just a kid!”
“There was no place for me, so I had to make one for myself, and then I realized, I had a place, but I was the only one in it. I didn’t know any other way to live.”


Japanese food
Photographer is my life. / Moment / Getty Images
What's your favorite kind of Japanese food?
Inuyasha characters
NNS (ytv) / Adult Swim (Toonami) / Starz
In your opinion, which "Inuyasha" character is the most attractive?
yogysic / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Do you think it would be fun to be a demon?
No. I hate demons!
Probably, but I'd want to change back after an hour.
That's all I want!
No way. Demons are scary.


Girl with emoji
Andrea Comi / Moment / Getty Images
What's your favorite emoji?
Teacher angry
Stolk / E+ / Getty Images
If teachers get mad at you, what is it for?
Talking too much in class
Being disrespectful
Not respecting other students' boundaries
Birgid Allig / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you get along with your family?
I don't really have a family.
We get along to a normal extent.
Not at all!
They're so important to me, but we're divided on several subjects.


Fox pet
All images taken by Keven Law of London, England. / Moment / Getty Images
If you could have any animal as a familiar, which one would you choose?
A horse
A monkey
A fox or wolf
A black cat
franckreporter / E+ / Getty Images
How can someone be a hero?
By making people smile
By helping those in need
By protecting your nation, at all costs
By rising to every challenge life throws your way
Jennifer A Smith / Moment / Getty Images
How do you feel about dogs?
They're okay.
My dog is my best friend!
I prefer foxes.
I like those little toy breeds.


Student taking money
Jupiterimages / liquidlibrary / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Let's say a much bigger kid is taking your lunch money every day. How would you handle him?
I'd get my friends to yell at him.
I'd tattle on him to the principal.
I'd cut school to avoid him.
I'd confront him.
Man blushing
Tara Moore / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What makes you blush?
Being flirted with
Lol, nothing!
When people figure out that I care what they think of me
Being mocked for my hobbies
Four leaf clover
Elizabeth Fernandez / Moment / Getty Images
Do you believe in luck, curses or fate?
I think you have to make your own luck.
Nope. That's all superstition.
Yep! I'm extremely lucky.
At times. I mean, sometimes I feel quite cursed.


Happy couple
Raphye Alexius / Image Source / Getty Images
What do you look for in a romantic partner?
They have to be cute and fun!
I want someone who's kind to me.
TBH, I judge partners on their looks.
I like people who play hard to get.
Magic trick
krisanapong detraphiphat / Moment / Getty Images
Do you know any magic tricks?
I know about a million magic tricks!
No. Magic isn't cool.
I know a couple card tricks.
Sure. Give me your money, and I'll make it disappear!
Asking out
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Have you ever asked someone else out?
No ... I'm not really into dating.
Yes, I ask people out all the time.
Nah. I'm too shy.
No. I'm always the one who GETS asked.


Girl skateboarding
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's your favorite way to break a sweat?
I hate exercising!
Girl mad at man
Victor Dyomin / Moment / Getty Images
When someone else is mad at you, what do you do?
Nothing. Their emotions are their own business.
I keep talking to them, trying to wear them down.
I stay out of their way.
I use my charm on them!
Best friends
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In your opinion, is it more important to have a best friend or a loving partner?
Actually, the most important thing is family.
I really want a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Why not both?
My best friend is everything to me.


Woman hiding
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Have you ever ghosted someone you were dating?
No. If I stop liking someone, I tell them about it.
No, but I sure have been ghosted!
Well ... everybody does it, right?
Yes, when I was afraid that the other person wouldn't take no for an answer.
Hard project
triloks / E+ / Getty Images
If you've got a tough work project to tackle, what do you do first?
Make a to-do list
Dive right in. Why not?
Tackle the hardest thing first
Procrastinate like heck
Man teasing girl
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When people tease you, how do you react?
By ignoring them
By laughing it off
By getting really mad
By teasing them back!


The CW
If you were a "Riverdale" character, who would you be?
Man with pink hair
Mireya Acierto / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you could dye your hair any color, which one would you choose?
Walking at night
mgs / Moment / Getty Images
Are you afraid to walk around by yourself at night?
No. I know how to defend myself.
Nah. I don't usually get harassed.
That's never happened ... I'm always with a friend!
Yes. In my opinion, that's really dangerous.


Breakfast Club
A&M Films / Channel Productions
If you were a "Breakfast Club" character, who would you be?
The athlete
The brain
The basket case
The princess
Secret diary
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
What are you afraid of other people finding out about you?
That I'm a little bit two-faced
That I'm easy to manipulate, if you can make me feel sorry for you
That I crave love, just like everybody else does
That I'm not as hard as I seem
Spa day
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
If you could have a spa day anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A Russian banya
A Korean spa
A Finnish sauna
A Turkish bath


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