About This Quiz
Don't you miss "Inuyasha"? We do! It had incredibly compelling relationships, intricate story arcs and couples you could actually root for. Sadly, we don't have the power to bring this show back on the air, so we decided to relive its glory in a different way — through an "Inuyasha"-themed personality quiz!
Whether you've always wondered whether you'd be a demon hunter or a demon, or if you simply miss the days when you used to root for the show's core couples to get together, you'll get something out of this quiz! To figure out what your "Inuyasha" personality type is, we're going to ask you some very intimate questions. We want to know how you react when you're teased, whether you're happy with your status in life and which "Inuyasha" characters you're attracted to. By the end of the quiz, we'll be able to tell you whether you're Inuyasha AF or more Sango than a freshly sharpened sword.
Are you ready for a trip down manga memory lane? Then stop doing homework, brew up a cup of tea and come play this quiz. Hurry up — Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and (of course) Inuyasha are waiting for you! ✨
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