Which "Riverdale" Character Is Your Alter Ego?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "Riverdale" Character Is Your Alter Ego?
Image: The CW

About This Quiz

For some of us, when we hear the word reboot, we inwardly grimace because of the uncertainty. On the rarer side, you end up with something that is groundbreaking and moves the canon forward. Most times, you're stuck with a book, movie or television show that is like Christmas morning, something you were super excited about but ended up letting you down. Luckily for us, "Riverdale" is an example of the former, giving viewers a new version of the Archie comics over which to obsess.

Back in the day, Archie and his gang would slurp milkshakes and munch on burgers while pondering what tests would be given the next day in class. In "Riverdale," much of the action happens outside of school, giving our bubblegum heroes a chance to shine as something more profound. Archie isn't just the perfect overachieving student; he's dealing with the loss of his father as well as keeping his emotions in check. Veronica isn't a vixen competing with Betty for Archie's affections this time around; she uses her manipulative nature to undermine her family's evil plans to help make her city a better place to live. Betty, while looking like a Barbie doll, is the exact opposite of that persona. She's smart and capable, and she is hoping to take over her family's business someday. And perhaps the best revamp is in that of Jughead. Instead of being a character who lives and dies for a cheeseburger, he's now a writer full of deep thoughts and dreams bigger than Riverdale itself.

So which one of these troubled teens are you like? Bust out those letter jackets, grab a moped ride with Jughead, and take this quiz to find out!

Hiram Lodge
The CW
Oh, no! Hiram Lodge is putting in another bid to buy and/or sell a business in town. What do you do?
I beg him not to do it, and if that doesn't work, threaten him in front of a huge group of people.
I raise awareness about the situation in any way that I can.
I rally the town behind getting the business owner whatever they need to get Hiram off their backs.
I buy the business first.
The CW
Even though they may not want to admit it, Archie and his gang are somewhat close to their families. Would you say that you are too?
With some members, yes
Not really
Only out of necessity
The CW
Do you think you are athletic enough to make it as one of Riverdale's Vixens?
I'd be a captain of the Vixens.
I tried out and got turned down.
I would probably be a good co-captain.


Archie kiss Laurie
The CW
When it comes to the ladies, Archie has had his fair share of companions. Do you find it easy to flirt with someone who catches your eye?
My awkwardness can be charming, I suppose.
It depends on how much I like them at the time.
Betty and Veronica
The CW
Betty and Veronica both have had distinctive looks. Do you think you have style?
I don't care about that kind of stuff.
I prefer function over flair.
Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe
The CW
Let's head to Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe for a milkshake! What flavor are you getting?


Riverdale High
The CW
Even in Riverdale High, there are cliques. To which one would you belong?
The cool kids
The jocks
The burnouts
The nerds
The CW
Homecoming is nigh at Riverdale High! Who would you vote for homecoming queen?
Cheryl Blossom
Josie and her Pussycats
The CW
Both Archie and Veronica have shared a stage with Josie and her Pussycats. Do you think you can carry a tune?
I can keep up with them.
No, but I can dance.
No, I'm more a listener than a performer.
I would outperform Josie and the Pussycats.


Archie late to school
The CW
You're running late to school or work; which of these breakfast items do you grab as you rush out the door?
A protein bar
An apple
I don't eat breakfast.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
"Riverdale" isn't the only television show based on the Archieverse. Which other show have you watched?
"Katy Keene"
"Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"
Wait, there's more than one show?
I watched all of them.
Griffins & Gargoyles
The CW
If you came across a flier for a Griffins & Gargoyles game, would you play it?
I'd play a game to see what it was like.
After hearing all the ghost stories, no, thank you!
Yes! Then I'd take it over and make it mine.
Not my thing.


The CW
Yay! You've got a new boo! Boo, you need to meet the parents. Would you consider yourself parent-friendly?
Oh yeah, parents love me.
Most parents like me.
Parents and I don't mix
Some parents like me, others not so much.
Betty concerned
The CW
On the surface, Betty Cooper is almost as perfect as Archie, but she has a serious dark side. Do you think you have a dark side?
Not in the least
Oh, yes
Not any darker than anyone else
I can be dark.
Southside Serpent
The CW
Becoming a Southside Serpent is often a lifetime commitment. Do you think you can do it?
I guess
I'd do it if I absolutely had to.
Heck, yeah!


Archie fighting
The CW
We all know that Archie is the best athlete in Riverdale. At which of these sports do you think you could beat him?
None of these
Cheryl Blossom
The CW
What do you REALLY think of Cheryl Blossom?
She's misunderstood.
She's OK, I guess.
She's annoying.
She's someone not to underestimate.
Riverdale characters talking
The CW
"Riverdale" is full of secrets, many of them held by other characters. Are you good at keeping a secret?
It depends on what the secret is.
I really don't like to keep secrets.
My secrets even have secrets.


Riverdale musical
The CW
Riverdale High's musicals have a tendency to be disastrous. What role would you want to play in it?
I'd be a lead.
I wrote the play.
I wouldn't be in the play at all.
I would have written some of the music.
Archie at school
The CW
Which of these items did you own in high school?
A letterman's jacket
A pair of penny loafers
A skateboard
A pearl necklace
Veronica at party
The CW
When we first meet Veronica in "Riverdale," she's a bit of a party girl. Would you have been able to keep up with her crazy lifestyle?
I'd try but eventually quit.
I would make it a goal of mine to do so.
No, and I wouldn't even try.


Jughead motorcycle
The CW
What is your favorite way to get from point A to point B?
Pickup truck
The Black Hood
The CW
Out of all the baddies who were on "Riverdale," which creeps you out the most?
Edgar Evernever
The Black Hood
The Gargoyle King
Hiram Lodge
Jughead Jones
The CW
Which version of Jughead Jones do you like better, the broody teen running away from his past or the burger smacking sidekick to Archie?
The sidekick
The broody teen
Both are equally awesome
Both are equally annoying


Betty hiding
The CW
Sneaking out of the house is a daily occurrence in Riverdale. When you were younger, how often did you sneak out?
Once or twice
I didn't sneak out because my parents were cool with me doing whatever.
More often than most
I got everything I needed to get done before I came home.
Cheryl Blossom milkshake
The CW
Thornhill, the Blossom family home, is home to a maple syrup empire. With that being said, how sweet is your sweet tooth?
I'm more into savory treats.
I have sugar in my blood.
My sweet tooth is sweeter than most.
I like to indulge once in a while.
Football game
The CW
What would we catch you doing if you were at one of Achie's football games?
I'd be watching the game.
I'd be getting some interviews for the paper.
I'd be tailgating.
I'd be cheering the team on.


Characters at school
The CW
If you had to partner up with someone from Riverdale on a school project, who would you choose?
Betty Cooper
Ethel Muggs
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Characters at eatery
The CW
Local businesses are aplenty in Riverdale! Which one of these businesses would you consider opening?
An eatery
A newspaper
A drive-in movie theater
A gym
The Lodges
The CW
You've gotten on the wrong side of one of the Lodges. What do you do?
It would depend on what they would want me to do to get back in their good graces.
I'd give them something that I know they'd find useful.
I don't really care about that kind of thing, so I'd do nothing.
Once I knew that they were upset, I'd try to make amends.
