About This Quiz
Beautiful and fragrant flowers are an important part of many occasions in life and can be seen at everything from formal dinners to weddings to graduation ceremonies, as well as birthdays, funerals and anything in between. They are used to express affection for people you care about. Flowers may also be viewed as a threat, depending on what kind of flowers are included.
Flowers hold special significance, both as a group and also individually. There as those like the lotus flower, which is both religiously and culturally important to many Asian people. There is the calla lily, which represents marriage and as such is seen in many bouquets. There is also the poppy, which has been associated with remembrance of the soldiers who died during World War I.
How well do you know your flowers? If you were given images of a variety of these beautiful plants, would you be able to guess what their names are? Well in this quiz, that is exactly what you are going to do. Take it to see how well you can identify the flowers of the world, including some that you might have received - or maybe some you will want to give to someone you love.ÂÂ
The bird of paradise, also called the crane flower, is native to South Africa. The flowers, now grown all over the world, bloom in horizontal clusters in a two-rank formation.
Lilac is a genus of 12 species of flowering plants which are native to woodlands from Eastern Asia to Europe. The flowers are usually seen blooming in the spring months, with the most common color being purple. White, yellow and pink varieties also bloom.
Foxglove is a genus of approximately 20 species of perennial and biennial plants which produce a tall spike with tubular shaped flowers. They come in a variety of colors. A medicine called digoxin is extracted from the plant and is used to treat many different heart conditions.
Calla lilies are a genus of flowering plants, native to temperate regions of South Africa. These classy-looking flowers come in a variety of colors and are fairly easy to grow. They are also a favorite when it comes to bouquets.
Kadupul, also known as the queen of the night, is a species of cactus and one of the rarest and most expensive flowering plants in the world. its bloom lasts only for a brief time. In India, it is believed that people who pray to Brahma Kamalam while the flower is in bloom will be granted their wish.
Periwinkle is a species of flowering plant native to European countries, including France and the Netherlands. The alkaloids from the plant can be used to treat many ailments, such as diarrhea and high blood pressure.
Amaryllis is a genus of flowering bulbs, which consists of two species of flowers. Amaryllis are available in a variety of colors, but are most commonly seen in white, pink and purple with crimson red veining.
The moth orchid, also called Phalaenopsis, or Phal for short, is a genus consisting of about 60 species of flowers. Native to regions of Southeast Asia and parts of Australia, the flower was so named because of its resemblance to a moth in flight.
Zinnias are popular garden flowers, native to dry grasslands from South America to the Southwestern United States. They come in a variety of bright colors and range in appearance from dome-shaped to single rows of petals.
Snapdragon, also called dragon flower because of its resemblance to a dragon's face when the flower is squeezed, is a genus of plants which can be found all over the world. These flowers are found in many gardens, ranging from white to crimson, and also yellow, orange, peach and more.
Ranunculus is a genus of over 500 species of flowering plants which typically flower during the spring months and sometimes during the summer. They have highly lustrous petals, which aid in attracting pollinating insects.
Dahlia is a genus of approximately 42 species of flowering perennial plants, listed as the national flower of Mexico in 1963. These dramatic flowers come in a variety of colors. They were grown as food crops by the Aztecs, but the practice died out after the Spanish Conquest.
The lotus flower, also known as the Padma, is an aquatic flowering plant which comes in a variety of colors and sizes. In many cultures and religions, the flower represents creation and beauty, and its blooming represents expansion of the soul.
Anthurium, also called tailflower, is a genus consisting of approximately 1,000 species of flowering plants which are native to the Americas, including the Caribbean. Commonly kept as houseplants, they have been shown to remove chemicals from household air.
Garden pansies are a popular type of flower with two upper petals, two side petals and a single bottom petal. They come in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, purple and blue, as well as hybrids of different colors.
The balloon flower, also called the Chinese bellflower, is a species of flowering perennial plant which blooms blue flowers during the late summer months. The flower has five petals which are fused together into a bell shape at the base.
Yarrow is a species of flowering plant which is native to the temperate region of the Northern Hemisphere. The flower, which comes in colors like white, yellow and pink, was introduced to Australia to feed livestock.
The carnation, also called clover pink, is a species of sweetly scented perennial flowering plant that symbolizes love and admiration. Typically seen blooming in bright pink-purple, it can also be found growing in red, white, yellow and green.
Hyacinth is a genus of fragrant flowering plants which are native to eastern Mediterranean countries but can now be found in many different countries. The flowers grow in clusters along a stalk in a variety of colors.
Iris, whose name comes from the Greek goddess of the rainbow, is a genus of approximately 300 species of flowering plants which are found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are typically used as ornamental plants and can be seen in gardens around the world.
Lily of the valley, sometimes called Our Lady's tears, is a sweetly scented flowering plant which has a bell-shaped flower growing on the plant's stalk. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, causing decreased heart rate and blurred vision after ingestion.
Tulips are a genus of about 75 species of flowering plants which were originally found growing from Southern Europe to Central Asia. Holland is famous for its tulips. The flowers are available in a variety of bright colors, including red, pink, yellow and white.
The corpse flower is so named because if its odor, which has been likened to a rotting corpse. This huge, dramatic flower can be found on the island of Sumatra, off the coast of Indonesia, and it is typically seen in private collections and botanical gardens around the world.
Azalea is a type of flowering shrub, belonging to the Rhododendron genus. Azalea leaves and nectar are very toxic, and if they are received in a black vase, they may be seen as a death threat.
Gardenia is a genus of flowering plants which are native to subtropical and tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Many of these flowers have a powerful scent. They can be found blooming from mid-spring to mid-summer.
Chocolate cosmos is a species of flowering plant, so named because the scent resembles that of chocolate. The reddish-brown flowers are extinct in the wild, but people grow them from a non-fertile clone created in 1902.
Sunflower is a genus which includes 70 species of flowering plants native to North America. It has a round flower head surrounded by ligules, or fused petals, which resemble the sun. Sunflowers can be found in bouquets, plus they are grown as a food crop for livestock and humans.
Begonia is a genus of flowering plants which includes around 2,000 species, many of which are kept as ornamental houseplants. They are found in white, yellow, orange, pink and red.
Wisteria is a genus of flowering, climbing vines. These colorful plants, some of which can climb as high 60 feet, are used as ornamental flowers in many gardens.
Marigold, sometimes called ruddles, is a genus of flowering plants which can be found growing in warm temperate regions around the world. The florets of some marigolds are edible, and all can be used as dyes and cataplasms or poultices.
Anemone is a genus of around 200 species of flowering plants which can be found in temperate regions around the world. It is a favorite in many gardens and can be found blooming in a variety of colors during autumn and into early spring.
Delphinium, also known as larkspur, is a genus of approximately 300 species of perennial flowering plants which are native to countries of the Northern Hemisphere and some tropical regions. Delphinium comes in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, red and yellow.
Primrose is a species of perennial flowering plant, usually seen in pale yellow, but can also be white, red, purple and pink. The primrose is very popular in gardens because it attracts butterflies.
Chrysanthemum, often called mum for short, is a genus of flowering plants which are native to northeast Europe and Asia. They come in a variety of colors and cultivars and are used to make teas and insecticides. They are popular as ornamental flowers.
Peonies are a genus of fragrant flowering plants which can be found blooming in purple, red, white and yellow, from late spring to early summer. Many of them are sold in bouquets and others can be found growing in gardens.
Ginger is a flowering plant whose root is commonly used as a spice and, in some places, folk medicine. Found growing in tropical areas around the world, ginger comes in a variety of colors, including pink, red and white.
Coxcomb, also called cockscomb, wool flower or Celosia, is a genus of edible and ornamental plants which is known for its flame-like flower head appearance. They come in a variety of vivid colors. They are used as garden flowers as well as a leaf vegetable.
Poinsettia, also called Christmas star, is a species of flowering plant which, because of its red and green foliage, is widely used during Christmas and the holiday season. Other cultivars can be found in pink, white and marbled.
Allium, also called ornamental onion, is one of many spring blooming flowers known for having a characteristic spherical shape. These bee-friendly plants come in a variety of heights and colors, including white, pink, purple and blue.
Cherry blossom is a flower found on certain trees from the Prunus genus. Commonly growing in temperate zones of Japan to Afghanistan, it has many varieties. The cherry blossom is symbolic to Japanese people, and it is their national flower.