Can You Identify These Night-Blooming Flowers?

Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can You Identify These Night-Blooming Flowers?
Image: Vizerskaya / E+ / Getty Images

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Birds do it, bees do it ... and so do bats, bugs, rodents, lizards and even bears;  yup, we're talking about pollination! By nosing their way towards the sweet nectar inside of a flower or simply traipsing past, over or through the plants, these critters carry tiny bits of pollen wherever they go. In some cases, these helpful creatures may even carry that precious pollen to another plant, where it mingles with the plant's own pollen supply. This cross-pollination process sets off a reaction deep inside the stamen of the flower, resulting in the production of seeds that can one day grow into brand new plants. 

But wouldn't it make sense then, for plants to open their petals wide during the day so that all that pollen is fully accessible? Not always. In fact, a surprising number of flowers stay shut tight when the sun is out, blooming only at night. The reason? Evolution. Just as humans have evolved to walk upright, flowers have evolved over time to maximize their odds of successful pollination. For most species, that means exposing those pollen-coated stamen by day, while for others, it means blooming only in the dark. This could be because the plants have their best chance for pollination success with the help of animals that are active at night, like bats. It can also be attributed to certain plants seeking protection from hungry creatures during the day, blooming at night when the critters that like to munch on them might be fast asleep.

Think you can name the most common night-bloomers? Prove it with this quiz!

1 Tuberose
Flavia Morlachetti / Moment Open / Getty Images
What is this flower, which welcomes commuters home after work to waxy white blooms and a sweet fragrance that fills the evening air?
2 Catchfly
Marcia Straub / Moment / Getty Images
It sounds like a bloom from "Little Shop of Horrors," but do you know the common name of this plant that has furry leaves?
Night-blooming cereus
3 Casablanca lily
DigiPub / Moment / Getty Images
If you don't get this one right, you'll regret it. Maybe not tonight, but soon, and for the rest of your life ... or so says Humphrey Bogart.
Casablanca lily
Blazing star
Corpse flower


4 Chocolate daisy
Wiki Commons By Kaldari
Part of the sunflower family, this plant gets its name from the color of its stamen. Do you know what it's called?
Spider lily
Chocolate daisy
5 Magnolia
Unsplash by Maria Shanina
Native to the southeastern U.S., what is the name of this plant that produces night blooms as well as some truly unusual seed pods?
Common lilac
6 Angel's trumpet
Michael Leggero / Moment / Getty Images
Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and even Lucifer can name this toxic night-blooming flower. Can you?
Angel's trumpet
Night phlox
Common sunflower


7 night gladiolus
Unsplash by Karly Jones
Sometimes known as the sword lily, this South African native has a spicy smell that some compares to cloves. Do you know what it's called?
Night gladiolus
Rain lily
California poppy
8 Honeysuckle
G.N. van der Zee / Moment / Getty Images
Officially known as Periclymenum, name this climbing vine that lends a sweet smell to summer nights.
9 Moonflower
Jakob Polacsek / Moment / Getty Images
Ipomoea alba looks a lot like morning glory, but its name connotes night rather than day. Know its common name?
Night lily
Evening stock
Night-scented orchid


10 Mirabilis jalapa
Oscar Suarez / Moment / Getty Images
Sweetly scented and brilliantly colored, Mirabilis jalapa blooms by night then wilts and dies as the sun rises. What is its common name?
Cabbage rose
Four o'clock
Garden heliotrope
11 Nicotiana
Elena Pejchinova / Moment / Getty Images
This family of plants not only produces beautiful flowers but is also used to manufacture tobacco products. Can you name it?
Curry leaf tree
Night gladiolus
12 Foamflower
Rebecca L. Latson / Moment / Getty Images
If you don't exactly have a green thumb, you might like the low maintenance night bloomer shown here ... but do you know what it's called?
Black-eyed susan
Night-blooming hibiscus
Casablanca lily


13 Antares flower
Bradford Cote via Youtube
What is this popular pond plant that produces a huge red flower made up of dozens of petals?
Evening primrose
14 Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Paul Wiryantho / Moment / Getty Images
Epiphyllum oxypetalum only blooms for a few nights each year. Do you know the name of this plant?
Chocolate daisy
Queen of the Night
15 mock orange
William Turner / Photodisc / Getty Images
Know the name of this species, which belongs to the Philadelphus genus and smells just as sweet as it looks?
Mock orange
Angel's trumpet


16 Peruvian apple cactus
Gunter Fischer/Universal Images Group / Moment / Getty Images
This cactus can grow 30 feet tall in the wild and can stretch even higher with the right support. Do you know its named?
Night-scented gilliflower
Peruvian apple cactus
17 Night-blooming jasmine
Joshua McCullough, PhytoPhoto / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Part of the Solanaceae family, which also includes potatoes, this shrub can grow a dozen feet tall or more. Know its name?
Corpse flower
Common quince
Night-blooming jasmine
Night phlox
18 Easter lily cactus
Desert Plants of Avalon via Youtube
Scientists know this plant as Echinopsis oxygona, but can you guess the common name of this flowering succulent?
Easter lily cactus
California poppy
Common lilac
Common sunflower


19 Datura
Rizky Panuntun / Moment / Getty Images
With nicknames like devil's trumpet and hell's bells, it's no surprise this plant is extremely poisonous if consumed. Do you know what it's called?
Rain lily
Morning glory
Cypress vine
20 Yucca
©Daniela White Images / Moment / Getty Images
It's part of the asparagus family, but can you name this species known for its stiff, sword-shaped leaves?
Night-blooming hibiscus
Chocolate daisy
Casablanca lily
21 Garden heliotrope
AYImages / E+ / Getty Images
Despite its gorgeous clusters or blossoms, this plant is labeled an invasive species in many parts of the U.S. Can you guess what it's called?
Garden heliotrope
Blazing star
Curry leaf tree
Silver spurflower


22 Silver spurflower
Wiki Commons By David J. Stang
This Aussie native is part of the mint family and grows up to 3 feet tall. Guess the name of the plant shown here.
Common quince
Silver spurflower
23 Evening stock
Wiki Commons By Al-Bargit
Even in the dark, you can identify the flowers on this plant by their spicy vanilla scent. What is the name of this species?
Night-scented gilliflower
Evening stock
24 Evening primrose
Whiteway / E+ / Getty Images
Also known as sundrops or suncups, name this plant scientists call Oenothera biennis.
Easter lily cactus
Night-blooming jasmine
Evening primrose


25 Night-blooming cereus
Firdausiah Mamat / Moment / Getty Images
This plant gets its name from the Latin term for "wax taper" because it resembles a tall candle. Can you guess its common name?
Night-blooming cereus
26 Plumeria
somnuk krobkum / Moment / Getty Images
Believe it or not, this flower used to make leis is not native to Hawaii. Do you know what it's called?
Common lilac
27 common quince
Wiki Commons By David J. Stang
Scientists know this species as Chaenomeles, but can you identify this flower that looks like a mix of a rose and a camellia?
Night-scented orchid
Evening primrose
Common quince


28 Corpse flower
Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images
If you're lucky enough to catch this plant in full bloom, you'll probably smell it before you see it. Think you know its name?
Acid blossom
Corpse flower
Sulfur plant
Feces flower
29 Night-blooming hibiscus
Wiki Commons By Harvey Barrison
Choose the correct name for this plant, which produces leaves that are as beautiful as its flowers.
Night gladiolus
Night-blooming hibiscus
30 Rain lily
Photo by Ubo Pakes / Moment / Getty Images
The Zephyranthes genus includes around 70 species of flowers that bloom by night and last for only a few days. Guess their common name.
Rain lily
Silver spurflower


31 Curry leaf tree
Wiki Commons By Ton Rulkens
It's not just the flowers that are fragrant on this species ... the leaves themselves have a pungent scent. Can you name this plant?
Curry leaf tree
32 summer lilac
Unsplash by Daria Nepriakhina
Which of these is another name for the plant shown here, which is sometimes called summer lilac or sweet rocket?
Four o'clock
Angel's trumpet
Night-scented gilliflower
33 Durian
Unsplash by Jonny Clow
The tree that produces these flowers also creates a fruit that sometimes smells like raw sewage. Think you can name it?
Dragon fruit


34 Common lilac
Unsplash by Kelly Sikkema
Syringa vulgaris is known for its huge blueish-purple panicles, but can you remember the common name of this fragrant plant?
Cypress vine
Evening stock
Chocolate daisy
Common lilac
35 Pitaya
Unsplash by Nikolai Chernichenko
Choose the correct name for this night bloomer, which is also known as the dragon fruit flower and has a fruity scent to match.
Common daisy
36 Epidendrum nocturnum
Wiki Commons By Hans Hillewaert
Native to the Caribbean and Central America, what is this flower that scientists call Epidendrum nocturnum?
Garden heliotrope
Night gladiolus
Night-scented orchid
Morning glory


37 Brahma kamal
Wiki Commons By Vedant Raju Kasambe
Named for the Hindu god of creation, what is this flower that blooms high in the Himalayas?
Night-blooming jasmine
Brahma kamal
Easter lily cactus
38 Mentzelia laevicaulis
Wiki Commons By Thayne Tuason
Mentzelia laevicaulis is native to western North America, but do you know what this whiskery yellow flower is commonly called?
Blazing star
39 Daylily
KenWiedemann / E+ / Getty Images
Despite its name, this plant from the asparagus family is a nighttime bloomer. Know the name of the flower shown here?
Four o'clock


40 Night phlox
David Wasserman / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Pick the correct name for this plant that scientists call Zaluzianskya capensis, but which is more commonly known as midnight candy.
Night-blooming cereus
Night phlox