Can You Name These '80s Horror Movies From a Screenshot?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Name These '80s Horror Movies From a Screenshot?
Image: United Artists

About This Quiz

The 1980s was the golden age of slasher films. Horror movie icons jumped from the screen and gave us everything we were looking for in tension and sheer terror. The slow walk of your favorite killers as teenagers screamed and hid may be a cliche, but audiences loved seeing it over and over again. 

From the rise of Stephen King films to the rumors of the "Poltergeist" franchise curse, audiences of the 1980s loved the horror films of the decade for their amazing makeup and jump scares with piercing music. If you're a horror enthusiast, there is no doubt that you have spent a lot of time reviewing the movies of the '80s and understanding the formula that made a great scary movie back then. Wes Craven, John Carpenter and David Cronenberg must hold a special place in your heart.

Writers, directors and slashers aside, if you grew up in the 1980s, you definitely know a thing or two about horror movies. We dove pretty deep to find some of these films, but we finally narrowed our quiz down to 40 of the craziest horror films of the decade. Do you think you can name all of them from a screenshot?

SLM Production Group/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Do you remember this movie about the Freeling family?
"Ghosts Next Door"
"The Exorcist"
A Nightmare on Elm Street
New Line Cinema/Media Home Entertainment/Smart Egg Pictures
Our first introduction to this crazy slasher was in 1984. What is the name of this movie?
"A Nightmare on Elm Street"
"Friday the 13th"
"Freddy Krueger"
"Fright Night"
Friday the 13th
Georgetown Productions
A famous slasher's mother kills everyone in the first movie of which franchise?
"Friday the 13th"
"Skate Slashers"


The Shining
The Producer Circle Company/Peregrine Productions/Hawk Films
Which Stephen King film is all about the slow fall into insanity?
"Storm of the Century"
"The Thing"
"The Shining"
Childs Play
United Artists
Can you name this terrifying movie where a doll comes to life?
"Child's Play"
"My Bloody Buddy"
"Wanna Play?"
The Lost Boys
Warner Bros.
In which film do attractive teens turn into vampires?
"The Boys' Club"
"Boys on the Side"
"Vamp Night"
"The Lost Boys"


Warner Bros./Amblin Entertainment
Do you remember this horror film about a kind of pet that came with strict rules?
Halloween II
Dino De Laurentiis Corporation
Which sequel was made in 1981 and includes a survivor from the original film?
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 2"
"Halloween II"
"Mike Returns"
"Jason Goes to Hell"
The Evil Dead
Renaissance Pictures
In 1981, this movie that includes the "Necronomicon" was released. What is it called?
"Raising the Dead"
"Dead Man Walking"
"The Evil Dead"
"Into the Woods"


20th Century Fox/Brandywine Productions
What is the name of this classic space thriller?
"Deep Space"
"Lost In Space"
"Alien Nation"
The Thing
The Turman-Foster Company
Can you name this movie about a brutal killing machine?
"The Thing"
"The Fly"
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
The Changeling
Associated Film Distribution
In which psychological thriller do we see a man experiencing grief and a ghost at the same time?
"The Others"
"The Changeling"
"The Forbearance"
"Forgoing Love"


Children of the Corn
Angeles Entertainment Group/Cinema Group/Hal Roach Studios/Inverness Productions/Planet Productions
What is the name of this Stephen King film about a town with no adults?
"Village of the Damned"
"The Burning"
"Children of the Corn"
Halloween III Season of the Witch
Dino De Laurentiis Corporation/Debra Hill Productions
Can you name the film from the "Halloween" franchise that doesn't include Michael Myers?
"Halloween H20"
"Halloween III: Season of the Witch"
"The Death of Michael Myers"
"Halloween II: The Rendering"
The Fog
Debra Hill Productions
Which film has a little bit of supernatural mystery mixed in with the horror?
"The Horn"
"The Bells"
"The Fog"
"The Fly"


Evil Dead II
Rosebud Releasing/Renaissance Pictures
What sequel includes a possessed girlfriend?
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 2"
"Evil Dead II"
"Halloween 2"
"The Return of the Living Dead"
pet sematary
Paramount Pictures
Animals come back to life in which Stephen King movie?
"Judgment Day"
"Animal Resurrection Land"
"Pet Cemetery"
"Pet Sematary"
Sleepaway Camp
American Eagle Films
Do you remember this film that scared kids away from camp?
"Cabin Fever"
"Cabin in the Woods"
"Camp Nowhere"
"Sleepaway Camp"


Fright Night
Vistar Films
In which film does a teen believe his neighbors are vampires?
"Fright Night"
"Vamps Among Us"
"Vampire Chronicles"
"The Shining"
Night of the Creeps
TriStar Pictures
Can you name this '80s horror film about a prank gone wrong?
"Night of the Creeps"
"Creepy Crawlers"
"Campus Creep"
The howling
International Film Investors/Wescom Productions
What is the name of this werewolf movie from 1981?
"The Full Moon"
"The Howling"
"The Following"
"Report Me"


Laurel Entertainment
This movie was five short horror films in one. What was it called?
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"
"Friday the 13th"
"Night of the Demons"
Day of the Dead
Dead Films Inc./Laurel Entertainment Inc./Laurel-Day Inc.
This horror movie shows what happens when people from different walks of life are facing the end of the human race. What is it called?
"Dawn of the Dead"
"28 Days Later"
"Night of the Living Dead"
"Day of the Dead"
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group
What is this monster movie from 1988?
"The Thing"
"More Where That Came From"


From Beyond
Empire Pictures
This movie is about a parallel universe. Do you know what it's called?
"The Other Side"
"Darkside Tales"
"From Beyond"
"More Than You Know"
Night of the Demons
Aldan Company
Can you name this movie about reaching people on the other side?
"The Seance"
"Across the Planes"
"Night of the Demons"
The Burning
Miramax Films
Do you remember this movie about killing campers?
"Summer Camp"
"The Burning"


Taft Entertainment/Sunn Classic Pictures
Can you name this horror film about an out-of-control dog?
"Murphy's Law"
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors
Heron Communications/Smart Egg Pictures
This "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie takes place in a psychiatric ward. Do you know the name?
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors"
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Child"
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Warriors"
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: The Dream Child"
The Fly
Brooksfilms/SLM Production Group
Can you name this movie about a man who tries to teleport?
"The Human Fly"
"The Transporter"
"All Gone"
"The Fly"


The Stuff
New World Pictures
In 1985, we were given a movie that was clearly a warning against consumption. What was it called?
"The Stuff"
"The Ooze"
"The Booze"
Basket Case
Basket Case Productions
Do you recognize this movie about the separation of conjoined twins?
"Worlds Apart"
"Basket Case"
"Back Together"
"Get Rid of Him"
Near Dark
F/M Entertainment
In which movie do we see a man fall in love with a vampire?
"Cowboy Killer"
"Beneath the Moon"
"Near Dark"
"Wishing Star"


Motel Hell
United Artists
This movie will make you never eat hot dogs again. Can you name it?
"Under the Sheets"
"Our Home"
"National Sausage"
"Motel Hell"
The Gate
Alliance Entertainment
Can you identify this movie about opening the gate to hell?
"The Tree"
"The Gate"
"The Party"
"The Seance"
Friday the 13th The Final Chapter
Paramount Pictures
Do you know which "Friday the 13th" installment made us think the movies were over?
"Friday the 13th Part 2"
"Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives"
"Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter"
"Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan"


An American Werewolf in London
PolyGram Pictures/The Guber-Peters Company
This film is all about man versus nature and man versus self. What is it called?
"The Fly"
"An American Werewolf in London"
Friday the 13th Part 2
Paramount Pictures
We first see the iconic slasher Jason Voorhees actually slashing in this movie. Do you remember the name?
"Friday the 13th Part 2"
"Friday the 13th Part III"
"Jason X"
"Friday the 13th"
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
The Cannon Group, Inc.
In which sequel do we see Leatherface again?
"Christine 2"
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2"
"Pumpkinhead 2"
"The Chainsaw Massacre II"


Film Futures
Can you name this movie about a man who opened a naughty box?
"Pandora's Box"
"Raise Hell"