The Ultimate Fox Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Fox Quiz
Image: National Geographic/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Cunning as a fox, swift as a fox -- who hasn't heard these similes? Foxes are true to their reputations is acting both cunningly and swiftly when needed. They are found in many regions worldwide and are seen as both friend and foe. Take this quiz to learn more about the elusive fox.
Which of these are names for baby foxes?
cubs and kits
kits and pups
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Baby foxes are known by three different terms: cubs, kits and pups.

In what way is the fox sometimes a pest?
It hunts rodents.
It destroys poultry.
It preys on lizards.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The fox, while it indeed hunts rodents and preys on lizards, is only considered a pest for its harm to poultry.

What is the maximum length of an adult fox?
over three feet (90 cms), tail included
over three feet (90 cms), not including tail
over four feet (122 cms), tail included
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Including the long, bushy tail, an adult fox can reach three feet (90 cms) in length.


How would you describe a fox's ears?
erect, almond-shaped ears
droopy, triangular ears
erect, triangular ears
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A fox's ears are usually erect and triangular-shaped.

Why are foxes' eyes more like cats' eyes than dogs' eyes?
because they are green, not brown
because they are elliptical in strong light, not round
because they dilate at night, not constrict
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foxes' eyes are elliptically-shaped in strong light, like a cat's, as opposed to other members of the extended dog family, whose eyes are round.

Why were foxes introduced to Australian soil?
in order to keep the rabbit population in check
in order to regulate the growing koala population
in order to fend off dingo attacks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foxes were introduced to Australia to regulate the growing overpopulation of rabbits.


What is the average lifespan of a fox?
14 years
18 years
20 years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Most foxes live up to 14 years.

When do foxes hunt for food?
during both day and night
at night
during the day
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foxes usually hunt for food during the night and then sleep during the day.

Do only vixen (female foxes) take care of the young?
No, this is a myth. Surprisingly, only the male fox takes care of the young.
No, both parents take care of their young.
Yes, only the vixen have this role.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Both parents have the role of taking care of their offspring, not just the vixen.


What habitats are suited to the fox?
Arctic and mountain regions
coastal and desert regions
many habitats, including those mentioned above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The fox is suited to a variety of climates and habitats, including Arctic, mountain, coastal and desert regions.

Do foxes hunt in a team?
No, they hunt in pairs.
No, they hunt alone.
Yes, they hunt in small packs.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foxes hunt alone, unlike other wild predators that use team force to round up and encircle their prey.

What non-meat foods do foxes sometimes eat?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They sometimes eat fruit, in addition to meat (lizards, mice and the like).


How fast can foxes run?
about 20 miles (32 kms) per hour
over 25 miles (40 kms) per hour
more than 30 miles (48 kms) per hour
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They are quite swift and can run over 25 miles (40 kms) per hour. They do this over short distances, though, but can't maintain that pace for long.

What technique do foxes use to outwit their predators?
They zigzag quickly to safety.
They use cunning to throw the predators off their scent.
They hide in bulrushes and weedy areas until the predators have lost sight of them.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They swiftly outrun their predators, zigzag-style.

What color is the tip of the red fox's tail?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It is always white at the tip.


Which fox is usually hunted in North America and Europe?
the gray fox
the red fox
the kit fox
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The red or common fox is the one that is hunted mostly in North America and Europe.

Why do foxes have whiskers?
they don't -- except in fairy tales
to intimidate their prey
to help them feel their way in the dark
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foxes do have whiskers (both the fairy-tale variety and the real stuff) and they're for feeling their way in the dark.

Which fox has the largest litter size?
the Arctic fox
the fennec fox
the bat-eared Fox
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Arctic fox wins paws-down on this one with sometimes up to 20 cubs in one litter.


Where do fennec foxes live?
in the tropical rainforests of Venezuela and Peru
in the woodlands of the U.S. and Canada
in the deserts of northern Africa and Saudi Arabia
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fennec foxes live in the desert regions of North Africa and Saudi Arabia.

What do bat-eared foxes use their ears for?
to pick up long-distance sounds
to keep cool
to fly silently like a bat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They use their bat-like ears to keep cool, allowing the heat from their bodies to pass through into the air.

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