How Well Do You Remember the Last Episode of Seinfeld?

By: Ryan Choate
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Well Do You Remember the Last Episode of Seinfeld?
Image: NBC

About This Quiz

The TV show Seinfeld, based on the stand-up comedy of Jerry Seinfeld, is one of the most popular shows of all time. The show aired for nine seasons between 1989 and its final episode, which aired on May 14, 1998. There is never an easy way to end a show as popular as Seinfeld, and the final episode surely rankled hardcore fans. Many call it simply a quintessential Seinfeld episode with all the attributes that made the show great. Subtle references to the show's quirkiness were sprinkled throughout the episode, but they can be easily forgotten. The cameos of memorable characters from past episodes, however, were definite highlights.

The show revolves around the lives of its four main characters: Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer. All nine seasons feature magnifications of each characters quirks, weaknesses and neurotic shortcomings. As with the fictional show that Jerry and George tried pitching to NBC, the show about nothing, Seinfeld often pokes fun of everyday trivial nuances of life. Fans of the show will no doubt reference characters and incidents from Seinfeld for years to come. Let's see if you are the master of your domain. Show us how much your remember about the final episode of Seinfeld!

Elaine is admonished by Jerry and George for making a cell phone call to her friend to inquire about what?
A ride home
Her father's health
A guy she used to date
Lunch next week
What is the name of the new NBC president who decides to pick up Jerry and George's TV show?
James Kimbrough
Jackie Chiles
Brian Issakoff
Jackie Martling
NBC lets Jerry use their private jet to take a trip anywhere he wants with his friends. Where does the gang decide to go?
Rio De Jeneiro


Which character begs Jerry to tag along on their trip to Paris?
Kenny Bania
Bob Sacamano
TIm Whatley
After a scary incident in the air, their plane makes a landing to get checked out. Where do they end up?
Hartford, CT
Bangor, ME
Latham, MA
Burlington, VT
While in town, the gang witnesses a crime. What crime occurred?
Car jacking
Purse snatching


After witnessing a crime, the gang are arrested for breaking what law?
Aiding and Abetting Law
Good Samaritan Law
Failure To Respond Law
Failure To Yield Law
Who is the lawyer the gang hires to help with their case?
Johnny Cochran
Jackie Chiles
F. Lee Bailey
Saul Goodman
What TV news personality has a report on his show about the "N.Y. Four," as the gang was called?
Phil Donahue
Geraldo Rivera
Anderson Cooper
Jerry Springer


What does Jerry's mom pack for him to bring to the courthouse?
Clean socks
What is the name of the judge who presides over the trial?
Martin Van Nostrand
Arthur Vandelay
Lloyd Braun
Jack Klompus
One witness in the trial claimed that she was accosted by Jerry in a deli and he stole something from her. What did he steal?
Her purse
A bag of donuts
Marble Rye


According to a library investigations officer, how long was Jerry's library book overdue?
1 year
10 years
25 years
5 years
Who did George fight with over a disputed answer during a game of Trivial Pursuit?
Bubble Boy
During the trial, Yankees owner George Steinbrenner accuses George of being what?
A horrible employee
A thief
A Communist
A racist


What main character from the show is responsible for bringing down the Soup Nazi, as he proclaims at the trial?
Who did Jerry accidentally get deported?
Remy Temple
Babu Bhatt
Rachel Goldstein
Sal Bass
What used item did Kramer sell that later came up in the trial?
Fur Coat
Vintage shirt


Who sneaks into the judge's chamber and tries to persuade him to go easy on the gang?
Mrs. Ross
George's Mom
Jerry's Mom
How much jail time do the four characters get?
6 months
1 year
5 years
1 month
Sitting in a jail cell after the verdict, what do George and Jerry talk about?
The weather
A button on George's shirt
Their NBC show
Jail food


The character "Soup Nazi" reappears in the final episode. What was his real character name?
Remy Temple
Sal Farkus
Yev Kassem
Babu Bhatt
What does Elaine claim she said to Jerry when she thought the plane was going to crash?
I always loved you.
I always loved our friendship.
I always loved Kramer.
I always loved United Airlines.
What does George confess when he thinks the plane is going to crash?
He loves his parents.
He cheated during the contest.
He is in love with Elaine.
He thinks Jerry isn't funny.


In the final episode, we revisit a character known as the quiet talker. What is her connection to the trial?
Jerry dated her and forgot her name.
She made the puffy shirt Jerry wore on TV.
She had the man hands.
She was the virgin Jerry dated.
What was going on in the very last scene of the finale during the credits?
Jerry back in New York
Elaine in a woman's prison
Jerry doing stand-up in jail
The four characters still sitting in jail
Which four characters are playing pool in a bar while waiting for the trial verdict?
Keith Hernandez, Frank Costanza, Mickey, J. Peterman
Morty Seinfeld, Newman, Bania, J. Peterman
Newman, Bania, Babu, Morty Seinfeld
Keith Hernandez, Mickey, Bania, J. Peterman


What are Jerry's parents and Frank Costanza doing while waiting for the verdict?
Listening to Rabbi Glickman
Eating food
What is David Puddy doing while waiting for the trial verdict to come back?
Using a tanning mirror
Eating a candy bar
Picking up a woman
Talking to Jackie Chiles
What does Newman do when the verdict is read?
He leaves with Sidra.
He yells at Jerry.
He chokes on some food.
He claps.


What do we see Mr. Ross, Susan's father, purchasing while waiting for the trial verdict?
A pizza
A gun
A soda
A hot dog
Where are Jerry and George going to live after they start making their T.V. show for NBC?
New York
Why does Kramer stumble into the plane cockpit while flying to Paris?
He faints.
He falls while trying to get water out of his ear.
He wants to fly the plane.
He trips.


While complaining about the quality of the private jet, George bets they wouldn't give that plane to which T.V. star?
Will Smith
Roseanne Barr
Ted Danson
Oprah Winfrey
Which famous celebrity passed away while the final episode was airing on T.V.?
Lloyd Bridges
Jack Lord
Frank Sinatra
Roddy McDowell