Can We Guess Your Favorite Christmas Movie?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Favorite Christmas Movie?
Image: Walt Disney Pictures / Jim Henson Productions

About This Quiz

Christmas movies are as much a part of Christmas traditions for many families as eggnog and tinsel. For the better part of a century, Hollywood has been making movies about the season, so not only did most of us grow up with Christmas movies, but our parents and their parents did as well. Some are touching and encapsulate the spirit of the season. Others are deeply hilarious and poke fun at all the craziness and anxiety that come about during the holidays as we try to get ready. Whatever it is you like about the season, or even whatever you may hate about it, there's a movie that perfectly sums up your feelings. And we bet that you look forward to watching it each and every December.

Whether you like an old school favorite like "Miracle on 34th Street" or something more biting and intense like Billy Bob Thornton's darkly hilarious "Bad Santa," there are literally hundreds of different movies to choose from out there. From dramas to comedies, to rom-coms and even a few horror movies, whatever you're feeling this holiday season, we'll do our best to guess which one is your favorite. Take the quiz and see how we do!

Family Christmas
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you like having a massive family holiday or something smaller?
I love getting together with everyone.
I like a normal-sized Christmas.
Smaller is better.
I always have a big one, but it's always crazy.
Little boy holding Christmas Gift
Maskot / DigitalVision / Getty Images
'Tis the season to be jolly. Or is it? Do you look forward to Christmas every year?
Yeah, I guess so.
Not especially
It's fun, but a lot of work.
Woman watching movie and eating popcorn
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you had to choose between a G-rated comedy and an R-rated comedy, which would you be more likely to pick?
G for me
Maybe PG-13?
Is NC-17 an option?
R-rated for sure!


Woman setting Easter table
Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images
Next to Christmas, what would you say is your favorite holiday?
I love all of 'em!
Christmas dinner table
GMVozd / E+ / Getty Images
Which dish do you absolutely have to have at Christmas dinner?
Green bean casserole
Family opening Christmas presents
Maskot / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Have you ever wished you could escape your family on the holidays?
I look forward to seeing them!
Nah, not really
I try to avoid them even before the holidays.
You better believe it.


Family enjoying Christmas
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you like to have everyone at your place for Christmas, or would you rather travel to someone else's place?
I like to travel.
Either way is good.
I'd rather neither of those options.
Everyone comes to our house.
Wrapped Christmas presents
Image by Catherine MacBride / Moment / Getty Images
Any chance you've ever sneaked around the house before Christmas looking for presents?
Of course not
Oh yeah. All the time!
When I was a kid
I plead the fifth.
Decorating Christmas cookies
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you have any traditions that need to be observed every year?
Soooo many
We have a few fun ones.
Not really
One or two things we like to do every year


Carve turkey
skynesher / E+ / GettyImages
Does it matter who carves the turkey for Christmas dinner?
We like to let someone else do it every year.
It's usually the oldest person at dinner.
Why would it?
You better believe it.
Friends watching movies
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you more into serious movies or funny ones?
I like a serious movie.
I like comedies with some heart.
I like darker movies.
All comedy, all the time
Christmas lights on house
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Do you decorate the outside of your home for Christmas?
Just some lights
Nah, just inside
Oh yeah, I go all out.


Christmas Carolers
nautilus_shell_studios / E+ / Getty Images
Fa la la la la, la la la la. ♫ Do you ever go caroling at Christmas?
I have in the past.
Is that really a thing people do?
Not really, no
Family singing Christmas songs
Pollyana Ventura / E+ / GettyImages
Which one of these Christmas songs is best?
"O Come All Ye Faithful"
"Jingle Bells"
"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer"
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
Handwritten Christmas cards
© Allard Schager / Moment / Getty Images
Do you send Christmas cards?
Every year!
To some people
I usually forget.


Christmas ham
didyk / E+ / Getty Images
Say there's a turkey shortage this year. What are you having for Christmas dinner?
Snowing, White Christmas
Dougal Waters / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is it still Christmas if there's no snow on the ground?
I'd prefer snow.
I hate snow.
Well, nothing beats a white Christmas.
Christmas Wreath
Tetra Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you decorate for Christmas with a particular color scheme?
I like silvers and blues.
Traditional red and green
Every color!


Christmas tree and stockings
dszc / E+ / Getty Images
What absolutely must go on top of your tree?
An angel
A big snowflake
I dunno. A squirrel?
A star
Christmas baking
Carlina Teteris / Moment / Getty Images
Are you ever inspired to do holiday baking?
I'm like a Food Network host.
I dabble.
I order out a lot, is that in the ballpark?
It never really works out.
Couple Ice Skating
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
There's nothing like a little brisk winter air. Which outdoor activity are you most into?
Ice skating
Sitting inside


Woman Wrapping Christmas gifts
Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you have wrapping skills or do your gifts look like accidents when you're done with them?
I'm pretty skilled.
I do alright.
I put gifts in bags.
It can get a little ugly.
Ugly Sweater Party
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
Ugly Christmas sweaters have become something of a tradition. Would you wear one?
All the time!
That's not my style
Now and then
Christmas party
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you enjoy work Christmas parties?
They're super fun!
Never been to one
Oh no. No, I don't.
Yeah, sometimes


Couple Christmas shopping
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you shop for Christmas gifts?
I go shopping way in advance.
Whenever and wherever
At the mall the day before
Woman using giftcard
Kate_sept2004 / E+ / Getty Images
Are gift cards a good gift or a terrible one?
They're too impersonal.
Maybe in a Christmas card
I love 'em!
Yeah, they're good in a pinch.
Artificial Christmas tree
Adam C Bartlett / Image Source / Getty Images
Do you prefer a real tree or an artificial one?
A real one would be best.
Artificial lasts longer!
I don't always use one.
It must be real!


Dog Tangled in Ornaments
Stefan Cristian Cioata / Moment / Getty Images
Have you ever had a total Christmas disaster?
Some hiccups, no disasters
Too many times
Woman Opening Christmas gift
Gary John Norman / DigitalVision / Getty Images
So, do you open presents neatly or do you just tear them apart?
I try to keep it neat and tidy.
It depends on the gift, I guess.
You know, I don't really know.
I tear those things up.
Christmas shopping
KMM Productions / Cultura / Getty Images
Some people think Christmas has gotten too commercial. Do you agree?
Maybe in some ways
Yes, but I'm fine with it.
Not at all
