Two Truths and a Lie: The Bible Quiz

By: Torrance Grey
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Two Truths and a Lie: The Bible Quiz
Image: boonchai wedmakawand / Moment / Getty Images

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Are you ready to put your Bible knowledge to the test with the Two Truths and a Lie: The Bible Quiz? Dive into the world of Jacob, Rahab, and Peter as you unravel the web of lies that play a pivotal role in biblical history. Can you separate fact from fiction and uncover the one untrue statement in each question?

Discover the fascinating stories of deception that ultimately led to the fulfillment of God's will. From Jacob's deceit to Rahab's cunning actions, lies play a surprising role in shaping the events of the Bible. Test your knowledge and see if you can untangle the web of truths and lies that make up the fabric of this ancient text.

Get ready to challenge yourself and see if you can rise to the occasion in this quiz. With every question posing a new challenge, you'll need a keen eye and a deep understanding of the Bible to come out on top. So, put your thinking cap on and see if you have what it takes to excel in the world of biblical trivia!

Can you spot the untruth about the creation story?
God puts His own breath into Adam's nostrils.
There are "waters" that seem to precede the creation.
It mentions Lilith by name.
The prophet Jonah is famous for being swallowed by a great fish. What's not part of his story?
He eventually did preach to Nineveh.
He was trying to get to Tarshish.
He had a business growing oranges in Joppa.
Sarah was the wife of Abraham in Genesis. Which of these is not true about her?
She drove her maid Hagar away to her death.
Her name originally ended in an "i."
She was Abraham's half-sister.


Sarah gave the son of her old age the name "Isaac," for "laughter." What isn't true about him?
He became blind in his old age.
He stole his father-in-law's household idols.
He tended to play favorites between his two sons.
This mosaic depicts a traditional nativity scene. While scholars are divided on the actual date of Jesus' birth, they're pretty sure it was not Dec. 25.
Philippe Lissac
Everyone knows that Jesus had 12 disciples. Which of the following statements isn't true about them?
They were a "core" group, with more followers beyond that.
One of them was a tax collector.
Judas was Jesus's first choice for "the rock" on which he would build the church.
Prophets play a vital role in the Bible. Who among these is not, however, one of them?


King David performed many feats before and during his reign. However, one of them was not ...
Fathering a child with Abishag in his old age
Killing Goliath with a slingshot
Sparing Saul's life in a dim cave, when he could have killed him
Christians spend a lot of time reading the gospels. Which of these is untrue about them?
They tell the story of Jesus's deeds, death and resurrection.
They are the only books in which Jesus is a person on Earth.
Three are synoptic and one is more mystical.
Bathsheba is one of the Old Testament's more famous women. Which of these isn't true about her?
She became the Queen Mother.
Her first pregnancy by David resulted in King Solomon.
She was married to a warrior named Uriah.


Gutenberg Bible of the New York Public Library.
NYC Wanderer (Kevin Eng)/Wikimedia Commons
Can you spot the lie about Methuselah, the Bible's oldest man?
He lived 969 years.
His father was Enoch.
He had no children himself.
One of these is not a tribe of Israel. Can you tell us which one?
Moses was one of the greatest leaders found in the Bible. However, what wasn't true about him?
He killed a man.
He entered into the promised land with his people.
He tried to decline his leadership role based on not being a good speaker.


Jacob is a complicated trickster figure in Genesis. What is not true of him?
He had sons by two wives and two concubines.
He wrestled with an angel.
He loved both his wives equally.
Which of these is just not true about Samuel, the wise prophet of Israel's early years?
His mother dedicated him to God's service.
He was called back to earth as a ghost.
He opposed Saul's kingship from the beginning.
Can you identify the untruth about the Bible's famous chapter about love ("the greatest of these is love")?
Early versions use the word "charity" instead.
It is 2 Corinthians 13.
It also contains the verses saying "When I was a child, I thought as a child, I spoke as a child, I reasoned as a child ..."


The book of Revelations is complex, mystical and kind of scary! Which of the following isn't true about it?
It is the only place in the Bible where the end of the world is described.
It was written on the island of Patmos.
It contains the legendary "beast" whose number is 666.
One of these is not the name of an enemy of Israel. Which is it?
Which of the following isn't true about the book of Judges?
The judges are all male.
It is the seventh book of the Bible.
It precedes the book of Ruth.


Can you identify the untruth about Joseph, the son of Jacob exiled to Egypt?
His coat had only one color.
His wife's name was Asenath.
He had prophetic dreams.
Can you tell us which of these is not true about the gospel of John?
It contains the shortest verse in the Bible.
It is one of the synoptic gospels.
One of its verses is frequently referenced on signs at sporting events.
Can you spot the lie among these "meta" facts about the Bible?
Malachi is its final book.
It has been translated into more than 500 languages.
One of its books does not mention God at all.


More meta facts about the Good Book! However, one of them is wrong ...
It's the best-selling book in history.
It had numbered verses from its first printing.
It is thought to be the most frequently stolen book in the world.
Matthew was the disciple Jesus called away from being a tax collector. What's not true of the gospel bearing his name?
It likely wasn't written by the disciple Matthew.
It contains no parables.
It contains a famous chapter about the End Times.
When mentions of "life" and "death" are plotted in Genesis, a pattern emerges.
Can you identify the "fact" that isn't true about the book of Revelations?
Its final word is "Amen."
It contains a curse on anyone who adds to or deletes content from it.
It inspired the movie "Armageddon."


King David's bloodline, or the "house of David," is a very important one in the Bible. Who among the following is not part of it?
We can't give someone as important as Moses just one question! What else is not true about this major biblical figure?
His wife's name was Rachel.
He was raised as Egyptian royalty.
He appeared at the Transfiguration, to Jesus and three disciples.
Can you spot the lie about the book of Acts?
It is the fifth book of the New Testament.
Some of it is written in the first person.
It is believed to be written by a woman.


The book of Isaiah is one of the Bible's major books of prophecy. What's not true about it?
It contains the verses that inspired "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
It is quoted several times in the gospels.
It has 66 books.
Can you spot the untruth about Jeremiah, the prophet?
He lived during the reign and death of King Josiah.
His name gives us a word for "a very sad tale."
He held Ahab and Jezebel to account for wrongdoing.
Can you spot the lie about the gospel of Mark?
It does not contain the crucifixion story.
It is believed to be the first gospel written.
It contains the story of Jesus's temptation by Satan.


Which of the following isn't true of the book of Obadiah?
It is the shortest book of the Old Testament.
It is the last book of the Old Testament.
It's about the fall of the heathen nation Edom.
Can you identify the untruth about the book of Jude?
It's considered one of the epistles.
It has only 25 verses.
Hey, this is not a book of the Bible!
Which of these things is not true about Jael, found in the book of Judges?
She killed Sisera, enemy of the Israelites.
She used a tent peg to do so.
She was a judge of Israel.


The book of Titus is found in the New Testament. What is not true about it?
It was written on behalf of a runaway slave.
It is traditionally attributed to Paul.
It might not, in fact, have been written by Paul.
Can you identify the lie about the epistle of 3 Peter?
It makes reference to the "harrowing of hell."
It explains why God is delaying the Second Coming.
The lie is that it's in the Bible at all.