About This Quiz
There are 66 books in the Bible.ÂÂ
When broken down further, that's 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.ÂÂ
Let's break it down even further, shall we? In total, the Bible comprises 31,102 verses. Of these, 23,145 verses are found in the Old Testament and 7,957 in the New Testament.
On average, that works out to each chapter having around 26 verses, but we know it's not that simple.ÂÂ
The longest book in the Bible is Psalms. And it is easy to see why! There are 150 of them. The shortest book in the Bible is 2 John. It comprises just 13 verses and is only around 298 words long, depending on the Bible type used, of course.
So all in all, the Bible contains a lot of history, stories, parables, sermons and many other parts of God's word given to man over the centuries.ÂÂ
But how well do you know? Are you able to determine the missing word from a verse? Or could you tell us, if we give you a famous verse, where it came from?
You can! Well, let's see how well you fare on the Ultimate Bible Verse quiz.
Good luck!
Please note, all verses are taken from the King James version of the Bible.ÂÂ
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well-known and famous passages in the Bible, known by Christians and non-Christians alike. This Psalm was written by David before he was King. At the time, King Saul, who was jealous of David, was hunting him to kill him.
Yes, Jesus wept. John 11 v 35 is, in fact, the shortest verse in the Bible. But why was Jesus weeping? Well, it was for his friend Lazarus, who had died four days earlier. Jesus brings Lazarus back to life, showing that he has the ability to perform miracles and that he is the son of God.
One of the most famous Bible verses is found at John 3 v 16. In it, the author explains exactly how much God loves his creation, so much so that he offers his own Son to take away the sin of man.
The creation of the universe and all in it forms the basis of the first chapter of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Written by Moses, it tells how God created each part of the universe, the sun, the Earth, Man and all the animals in six days.
This verse is found in the Old Testament. Exodus 20 v 2 to be exact. It tells of how God saved his people from the Egyptians who had enslaved them.
Exodus 20 contains the 10 Commandments God gave to Moses which formed the law for the Israelites. The first one is laid out in verse 3 and is seen as the most important. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
This verse is taken from Exodus 20 v 20. It is spoken by Moses to the Israelites just after he has received the Ten Commandments. Moses climbed Mount Sinai to receive the stone tablets that were the law for God's people.
This verse comes from Matthew 5 v 44. This was the first time that Jesus addressed the masses and is known as the Sermon on the Mount. This passage in the Bible also includes the Beatitudes.
The book of Psalms opens with Psalm 1 v 1 as written above. Many of the Psalms, including this one were written by David. Many are also meant to be set to music.
Paul is one of the great apostles. From persecuting the Jews, he transformed into a follower of Jesus after encountering God on the road to Damascus. This passage is taken from Romans 1 v 1.
Certainly a favorite of many, this verse is found in Jeremiah 29 v 11. Many hang on to this verse in troubled times as it shows that the Lord works for those who are his children.
Genesis 4 v 1 to be exact. After Adam and Eve had sinned against God they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. It was around this point when they had their first son, Cain.
This is a passage often quoted by clergy. Why? It is is seen as a warning to steer clear of earthly things that steer men away from God. This verse is found in 1 John 2 v 15.
With verse 1 of Genesis 1 setting everything up, verse 2 tells us that earth didn't exist. But God did and the creation process was just about to begin. Soon, the universe and everything in it was formed.
A book that is extremely difficult to understand, Revelations opens with the above verse. Written by John, it speaks of the end times, a time when Jesus returns triumphantly to this world.
Yes, the Old Testament ends with the word "curse." And where is this passage found? It is from Malachi 4 v 4. Interestingly, debate rages if Malachi wrote the book or if a prophet called Malachi even existed.
Well, it makes sense that the Bible ends with an amen. After all the talk of the end of the world and the return of Christ throughout the rest of Revelation, its actually a little more reassuring. This passage is Revelation 22 v 21.
Psalm 23 truly is beautiful. Especially in the older English form as seen in the Kings James Version of the Bible. Yet again, it shows a continual theme of David knowing that he was under the protection of God.
This passage is found in Genesis 6 v 13. The world has become a corrupt and evil place. God has turned to Noah and told him what he is about to do.
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well-known and famous passages in the Bible, known by Christians and non-Christians alike. This Psalm was written by David before he was King. The ending of this Psalm is just a beautiful reassurance of God's love for us.
Exodus 20 contains the 10 Commandments God gave to Moses. This formed the law for the Israelites. Verse 15 includes the specific commandment not to steal.
An often talked about verse, especially in the modern world where corporal punishment has certainly been placed on the back burner. This verse if from Proverbs 13 v 14 in the Old Testament.
It is taken from 1 Corinthians 13 vs 13. This is a great passage that begins with love and moves onto three other important things, faith, hope and charity. Paul was writing here to the church in Corinth, one he had helped establish on one of his many mission trips.
Found in Matthew 5, this verse comes from Jesus' first public sermon. It is often referred to as the Sermon on the Mount. This is not the only verse that starts with "blessed," there are 9 in total.
Matthew 6 v 9 sees the Lord's Prayer for the first time in the Bible. It is not the only place it appears. The Gospel of Luke also features the Lord's Prayer.
Well, the book of James should mention James, right? Did you know that this book is attributed to James, the brother of Jesus? It it thought to have been written for Jewish Christians living outside Palestine.
This verse is very famous and certainly an inspiration to many Christians. Found in Philippians 4 v 13, this was written by Paul, perhaps the most prolific apostle of Jesus. Did you know he was a converted Jew who actually persecuted Christians before coming to God?
The whole of Genesis chapter 1 deals with the creation process. God formed the heavens and Earth from nothing. Was this the Big Bang? Well, you will have to decide that for yourself.
This passage is from Romans, and is verse 8 to be exact. This book was written by Paul. It is often given to new Christians to study as a way to increase their knowledge of Christianity as well as their faith.
This passage is taken from Hosea chapter 13. This chapter also includes the famous verse "Oh death, where is thy sting." Despite the woe that Israel has brought on themselves, God is always there to help them and renew them.
Yes, this is taken from the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20. Did you know that Moses had to go get a second set of stone tablets with the law written on them. The first he destroyed after he found the Israelites worshipping a golden idol of a calf after he came down from Mount Sinai.
This verse comes from Genesis 4 v 9. Cain, the oldest of Adam's sons is the first murderer as recorded in the Bible. Because God seems to show more favor to Abel's sacrifice, Cain kills him.
A follow-on from John 3 v 16, this is verse 18. And it is establishing one of the core principles of Christianity. Believing in God and his love for us as well as the fact that his son to die for our sins (as per verse 16) is the core fundamentals of the faith.
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most well-known and famous passages in the Bible, known by Christians and non-Christians alike. This Psalm was written by David before he was King. This passage shows how God cares for his children.
Yes, it does. Matthew, the first of the Gospels, goes on to give a genealogy of Jesus Christ, showing his link to both David and beyond in Israelite history. This shows he was a Jew.