What % Good vs. Bad Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What % Good vs. Bad Are You?
Image: 101cats/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you ready to uncover the truth about your inner character? Take this fun quiz to find out what percentage of good or bad test resides within you. From generous acts of charity to moments of questionable behavior, we all have a mix of both sides within us.

Discover if you lean more towards the light or dark side by answering a series of personal questions that will reveal the true nature of your soul. Whether you're a saint with a mischievous streak or a rebel with a heart of gold, this quiz will provide insight into the complex balance of good and evil within you.

Don't be afraid to face the mirror of your true self and embrace the results of this revealing quiz. Are you ready to find out who you really are? Take the plunge and explore the depths of your character in just 7 minutes of self-discovery.

Take this quiz is "chillin' like a villain" one of your favorite hobbies?
No. I like to chill respectfully.
I try to chill like a villain, but I'm too uptight to pull it off.
Actually, I invented chillin' like a villain.
I'm too evil to ever relax!
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Would you lie to help your mom?
Maybe. Depends on what the issue is.
Of course! She's my mommy.
I'd lie for virtually anyone, just for the fun of it.
No. I don't care whether my mom suffers.
Have you ever tried to get revenge on one of your exes?
Nope. Revenge is wrong.
I've thought about it but have never gone through with it.
The best revenge is dating your ex's friends, which I have definitely done.
No. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.


What would you do if you had a billion dollars?
I'd donate most of it to charity and invest the rest.
I'd share some money with my family but blow the rest on good times.
I'd use it to become one of the most powerful people in the world!
I'd burn fistfuls of cash in front of homeless people.
If you were a Disney character, which one would you be?
Elsa from "Frozen"
Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast"
Ursula from "The Little Mermaid"
Scar from "The Lion King"
Let's say your coworker is goofing off on company time. Would you rat her out to your boss?
No. It's none of my business.
Yes, because I'm tired of doing her work for her.
No. But I would blackmail her about it.
Yes! She deserves to be punished.


Take this quiz are you self-critical?
No. I try to focus on how I can improve, rather than castigating myself.
Sometimes. I just want to be the best, you know?
Not at all. I'm perfect.
Yes. Self-criticism is my biggest hobby.
If your best friend told you a very juicy secret about herself, would you be able to resist telling it to all of your mutual friends?
Yes. I want to keep her trust.
I'd have to tell at least one mutual friend.
I'd tell everybody right away.
I wouldn't tell anyone, but only because I don't care enough about others to gossip.
Do you shop at stores that sell goods made by sweatshop workers?
Rarely. I try to shop local.
Yes. I feel guilty, but I can't afford nicer shops.
Yes. I don't feel guilty either.
Sometimes. I'm not a big shopper.


When you're not sure what to talk about with other people, do you start making fun of someone else who's not there?
No. That's awful!
Only if it's a really desperate situation, like a work barbecue.
No. I'd rather talk about ME.
Yes. It's my only topic of conversation.
In your opinion, is pirating movies, books, music and other media okay if you can't afford to buy it?
No. Artists don't make much money as it is.
Yes, if you're really broke.
It's okay because it's what I want to do!
I think it's wrong but I do it anyway.
What kind of charities do you donate to?
My faith community, grassroots community organizations, and the Patreons of people whose work has positively impacted my life.
If a friend can't cover their medical bills, I'll donate to their GoFundMe.
None! Screw the world, I'm in this life for me!
I don't donate to charity because I'm trash.


Have you ever dated someone just to make your crush feel jealous?
Once, but it didn't work
Yes, and it did work
No, that sounds too hard
Thanks to global warming, a natural disaster has destroyed most of your neighbors' homes. Even though your house is fine, do you help your neighbors to rebuild?
Yes, they're my community.
Maybe, if I am really good friends with some of them.
Nah. I don't have time for that!
No, because I'm useless with a hammer.
Have you ever used fake statistics to manipulate other people into agreeing with you?
Gross, no!
A few times, but as a joke
Yes. I've even done this at work!
No, because I hate other people too much to argue with them.


Take this quiz do you ever tailgate other cars?
Only when traffic forces me to!
Yes, if I'm in a hurry.
Yes, even if the road is otherwise empty.
Tailgating would require me to have the energy to drive (and that's energy I don't have).
If you had a time machine, how would you use it?
I'd go back and murder Hitler.
I'd go back and hang out with dinosaurs.
I'd go back and invest in Apple.
I'd go to the future. Maybe I'm happier there?
Imagine your sister's partner is the most attractive person you've ever seen in your life ... and they're secretly in love with you. Would you make it happen with them?
No. My relationship with my sister could never survive that.
Maybe. Does this person also have a good personality?
I'm there!
No, because that's not possible. My sister is much cuter than me.


Has anybody ever said that you remind them of an evil dictator?
No, but they do say I remind them of Mr. Rogers!
Maybe once, when I was really mad about a cashier screwing up my order.
Yes, why do you ask?
Yes, the vice-principal of my high school
If you found out your partner was unfaithful, what would you do?
Request that we attend counseling
Yell at them
Dump 'em!
Act incredibly passive-aggressive
Some dear friends invite you over to meet their new-born baby. The baby's not very cute and they've named them Truckston. Do you praise the baby anyway?
Yes! I love all babies.
Yes, but I'd make fun of the name "Truckston" later.
No. I'd openly mock their baby and their silly name.
I don't have the kind of friends who'd invite me over to meet their baby.


Which of these quotes do you relate to the most?
"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people."
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"Bad people are, from the point of view of art, fascinating studies. They represent color, variety and strangeness."
"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."
How often do you fake being sick?
Every once in a while
Every Monday
Whenever I don't want to do something
Whenever I feel really depressed
When you make mistakes, do you judge yourself harshly?
No. I just vow to do better next time.
Sometimes. It embarrasses me to screw up.
No. Someone else will clean up after me.
Yes. I hate myself for being so imperfect!


Did you take the last piece of cake???
Of course I did.
Sorry, but I needed it!
If you ruled the world, what would you change?
I'd fight global warming and tax the rich to house and feed people.
I'd end all wars but move into a palace.
I'd pass laws that made it illegal not to be nice to me.
I wouldn't change anything. The world is screwed.
What's your theme song?
"Happy" by Pharrell
"Rude" by Magic
"Bad to the Bone" by George Thorogood
"Loser" by Beck


When good things happen to you, do you downplay them, claiming that it's just a matter of time before things go wrong again?
No. You gotta savor the good times.
Sometimes. It can be hard for me to trust my luck.
Nothing goes wrong for me! I make my own luck, with brute force if I have to.
Yes. I'm scared of being happy.
If your partner asked you to give up your job and move to another country, what would you say?
"Sure thing, hon."
"What's in it for me?"
"No thanks, baby."
"You're trying to trick me into breaking up with you, aren't you?"
Would you lie about your age to get a job?
No. I'd just try to ace the interview, and plus, it's illegal for employers to discriminate based on age.
Yes, if I were merely fudging it by a few years.
Yes. I lie about my age routinely.
No, because I can't see myself ever wanting a job that much.
