What Kind of Father Will You Be?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Father Will You Be?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

One of the things that everyone in this world has in common is that we all have fathers, but just none of them are exactly alike. Still, different dads tend to have things in common. Some of our dads are the best friend type, always hanging out and telling jokes and not being much or a disciplinarian. Other dads are the exact opposite, total tough guys, always telling us exactly how things are going to be and how we are supposed to behave, but only because they love us. Then there is the hovering kind of dad, the type that is always worried that something is going to go wrong and does his best to shelter you from it. Then there is the guy that is all man. He is either off to play golf, watching football, building something in his workshop, or going fishing. Then there is the type of dad that is the provider, spending all his time at work to make money for his family. 

All of these types of dads are cool, in fact, the only requirement to be a good father is that you put in the time and have a good heart, and we know you have those two things down. What kind of father would you be? Take this quiz to find out.

How often do you swear?
Fairly often, but I never would in front of my kids.
All the time.
Only when it fits the situation.
Are you religious?
I kind of am.
Very much so.
A little, but I keep it to myself.
No way.
Do you get along well with your father?
We do great together.
Yes, but we aren't that close.
We do a lot of things together.
Sadly, no.


What would you do if you your child wanted to be an actor?
Encourage them not to do it.
Get them acting lessons.
Tell them no way.
Tell them to go for it.
How into sports are you?
I like them fine.
I don't watch them that much.
I love sports.
Sports are boring.
Would you play a lot with your kids?
I guess I would.
Probably not that much, but I would watch them play.
No, I would hardly do that at all.
I would love to play with my kids!


Would you let your teenager drink at home if you supervised it?
I might, depending on the situation.
No, that sounds dangerous.
No, I am a father not a friend.
For sure.
How much money do you save?
I try to save a lot.
I am contstantly saving.
I do my best, but sometimes I buy something expensive.
I really don't save at all.
Do you smoke cigarettes?
No, but I used to.
No. That is disgusting.
Yes I do.
Only when I go out on the town.


How often do you drink?
I just have them once in a while.
I will have a few when I am watching a game.
I drink when I got out.
How upset would you be if you found out your child was smoking marijuana?
I wouldn't like it at all..
I would be really upset.
I wouldn't care all that much, but I would talk to them about it.
I wouldn't care at all.
Do you travel a lot for your job?
I travel a fair amount.
I never do.
Not often.
All the time.


Are you good at building things?
I can get by.
No, I stink at that.
I am really good at it.
Kind of, but I never do.
Do you like to work on cars?
I do some minor things.
I don't know anything about cars.
Yeah, I am a good mechanic.
No, but who cares?
How often do you go out partying?
Very rarely.
Pretty much never.
Once every few weeks.
All the time.


Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
No, that is wrong.
No, I would get caught.
Yes, a long time ago.
Yes, it is kind of a pattern with me.
How many kids do you want?
Would you ever buy your kid a car?
Maybe when they were 18.
No, I can drive them around.
Sure if they were responsible.
No, I can't afford that.


What would you want your kids college major to be?
Liberal Arts
Trade School.
Who cares?
Do you like to clean a lot?
No, but I do it.
Yes, It feels rewarding.
I never clean.
I hire someone.
Would you ever read a parenting book?
That is highly doubtful.
Of course, as many as I could.
No way would I do that.
I would probably check one out.


What kind of babysitter would you hire?
One that was trustworthy.
One that came with references.
One that I knew really well.
One that was cute.
Would you ever do co-sleeping?
I don't know what that is.
Yes, I have read a lot about it.
No way.
Sure, whatever.
Would you make a good single dad?
I would do fine.
I think I would be great.
I don't know about that.
Umm. Nope.


Would you be good at changing diapers?
Yuck, well I would if I had to.
Of course I would be.
No way would I do that.
Sure. Wait, is that hard?
How often would you post your pictures of your kids on social media?
Not that often.
I don't use social media.
It would depend on my mood.
Pick a name if you had a boy.


How much would you spend on Christmas presents?
200 dollars
500 dollars
100 dollars
50 dollars
How many parties would you throw at home?
Maybe a small dinner party.
Ehh, I might have a few people over to watch the game.
How do your friends describe you?
