What Type of Guy Is Meant for You?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Type of Guy Is Meant for You?
Image: Rasstock / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Anyone interested in finding the perfect guy has probably heard lots of mixed messages throughout their life.

When young, we are exposed only to the fairy tale, cartoon-style love seen in Disney movies and children's stories. While such romantic relationships are nice to watch for 90 minutes, it's rare that we see them actually happen in real life. 

As we age, influences from our peers, parents and the media start to color our perception of finding love. We're often told that guys like to find a mate who is "hard to get" but still shows enough interest to make them continue the chase. We are told to learn how to cook, manage money, hold down the house, carry ourselves properly and dozens of other "must-do" requirements to land a guy.

In reality, the main factor that determines how someone lands a guy is their personality. Some people have a tendency to attract people like them, while in other cases, the old adage "opposites attract" aptly describes the situation. 

If you want to know more about your future beloved, just give us some information about your personality as it relates to love, and we will match you with a particular type of prince charming. Step right up and get ready to plan your happily ever after!

The clothes make the man - what kind of outfit do you prefer your future boo to be rocking?
A power suit with nice shoes and belt
Something trendy, like an extra-long shirt or a vest
A tank top and shorts
Jeans and a T-shirt
What kind of movies do you want to watch with your future mate?
Inspirational sports stories
Indie films
Family movies
If you and your guy had to be stranded on an island and could only have one possession, what would you bring?
A book to read
Workout equipment
His smartphone


What's the one thing you use every day that you couldn't live without?
To-do list app
Gym membership
You just had a delicious meal with your sweetie! What are you guys splitting for dessert?
Parfait with fruit
Chocolate sundaes
It may be tough to predict now, but where do you envision meeting your future bae?
A networking event
An art gallery opening
A workout class
A family party


Which of these would be a dream date with your guy?
Coffee and a poetry reading
Dinner at an upscale rooftop restaurant
Cooking together at home
Going for a challenging hike with a beautiful view
How much did you date when you were a teenager?
About an average amount
I can count the number of dates I had on one hand.
I had no trouble dating in school.
Not often, but there were a few guys who really stole my heart.
What type of family environment did you grow up in?
We were close, loving and tight-knit.
We competed with each other in everything.
We were expressive and focused on feelings.
We were hard-working and ambitious.


It's been a long day at work, and you just got home. What are you doing for fun to unwind?
Catching up on emails a bit
Heading to the gym
Volunteering with a local youth group
If you were going to see a movie with your guy, what would you order at the concession stand?
A large popcorn to share
Individual meals in those cool little boxes
Water and popcorn, no salt or butter
What kind of clothing brands do you prefer to wear?
Upscale business casual
Underground streetwear
Athletic clothes
Whatever's most comfortable


You're on a long car trip together with your man - what kind of music are you two jamming to?
Classic rock
Upbeat R&B
Overall, how well do you handle your emotions in a relationship?
I tend to be extremely hot or cold.
I'm pretty laid back and always willing to compromise.
I'm usually pretty good with my emotions, unless I feel something is holding me back.
Fine but I sometimes lose my temper.
You are out with friends, and a guy you aren't really interested in asks to buy you a drink. How do you respond?
Lie and say I already have a boyfriend
Ask him why he thinks I need a drink from him
Just leave the area
Politely but firmly deny them


What kind of books do you like to read?
Kids' stories
Inspirational biographies
How-to books
Let's say you and your guy are staying in to binge watch a TV show. What are you watching?
A comedy series
A sports miniseries
A business drama
A live concert series
Which of these finger-food appetizers would you and your guy most want to make together?
Beef jerky
Pigs in a blanket
Deviled eggs
Avocado balls


What type of pet do you imagine you and your guy owning one day?
Something low maintenance, like a fish
A rabbit
A big, powerful dog
A kitten
Do you have a close relationship with your parents?
I fit them in when I can.
They disagree with some of my choices, but I still love them.
It's about average.
Yes, we talk all the time.
What is your favorite physical characteristic on a guy?
His legs
His jawline
His arms
His smile


No one is perfect - what's one character flaw you could accept in your guy?
Not being in the best physical shape
Working too hard
Being a little too sensitive
How soon after you meet the guy of your dreams will you start thinking about marriage?
A year or two
A few months, maybe
Six to eight months
Two or three years
How do you envision you and your guy spending the holidays?
Doing something creative like writing a story together
Alternating between our in-laws' houses
Watching sports on TV and hanging out at home
Doing a nice dinner, once he gets home from the office


What is your preference when it comes to facial hair?
A bit of stubble
A short beard
What are your thoughts about eventually having kids?
Maybe down the line, but I have too much I want to achieve right now.
I haven't really thought about it.
At some point I think I will have them.
I'll definitely be having kids.
What's your go-to beverage of choice to start your morning?
Pre-workout drink
Strong coffee


Which animal best represents the type of guy you want to settle down with?
Which of these will be your preferred pet name for your man?
What is your zodiac sign?
Aquarius, Cancer, Libra
Pisces, Leo, Scorpio
Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn
Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius
