What Type of Redhead Are You?
By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
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Image: CoffeeAndMilk / E+ / Getty Images
About This Quiz
Only a very small fraction of the world's population have red hair, somewhere between 1% and 2%. No other hair color is quite as rare so you should feel pretty special to be sporting such unique locks when everyone else is generally saddled with the same old same old. Red hair has always been a little exotic and a little mysterious.
What makes a redhead a redhead? Well, in scientific terms, it's a mutation. On your 16th chromosome, you have something called the MC1R gene, or melanocortin 1 receptor. A mutation of that gene is what leads to red hair and it's also what you have to thank for a pale complexion and freckles. Call it the Ginger Gene if you like, but it's where everything gets started. That may be the source of your ginger powers on a genetic level, but there's more to being a redhead than simple genes. For a lot of people, it's an attitude. It's part of your identity, how you're seen by the world and how you want to present yourself to the world. So what kind of redhead are? What's going on beyond your fiery roots? Take the quiz and let's find out!
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fitopardo / Moment / Getty Images
Which beverage is closest in color to your hair?
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Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
Has your hair darkened or lightened as you've gotten older?
It does what I want it to do
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PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Do you consider yourself to be pretty calm under pressure?
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Towfiqu Photography/Moment/GettyImages
Have you ever gotten into a war of words with a total stranger on social media?
Only with someone who really, really deserved it.
I don't have time for that.
I say my piece and end it.
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pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
If you catch a stranger smiling at you are you likely to smile back?
Well, that depends on what this stranger looks like.
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Natalia Ganelin/Moment/Getty Images
Everyone likes a tasty piece of ripe, red fruit, right? What's your favorite?
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chezbeate / Pixabay
Redheads are more attractive to bees than other people. Do you get stung often?
Not often, but it's happened before.
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Roos Koole/Moment/Getty Images
Are you proud of your hair color?
Never really thought of it that way
When I'm having a good hair day
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[PeopleImages] / [E+] / Getty Images
Redheads are known for their tempers. Would you say you have one?
No more thana anyone else
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Carmen MartÃÂnez Torrón/Moment/Getty Images
Red is a musical color there's no doubt about it. What's the best red song?
"Red Lipstick" by Rihanna
"99 Red Balloons" by Nena
"Little Red Corvette" by Prince
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Marco Ferrarin / Moment / Getty Images
There's red and then there's red. What's your favorite shade?
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Pixabay by garageband
What other hair color would you be willing to try out for a week or so?
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Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury/OJO+/Getty Images
Do you ever feel like you're a bit too over the top or intense for people?
Yeah, some people can't handle me.
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Do people underestimate you a lot?
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[ powerofforever] / [E+] / Getty Images
How often do you dye your hair?
I give it highlights now and then
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mikroman6 / Moment / GettyImages
Do you tan or burn?
I burn like nobody's business.
I have about a ten-minute window before a tan becomes a burn.
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SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Imagese
Do you need to avoid harsh chemicals?
I avoid that stuff but not because I'm sensitive.
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Paper Boat Creative / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Does your hair color match your temperament or does your temperament match your hair color?
Oh, it's all me, and the hair color just followed along.
I think my temperament matches my hair color.
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Philipp Nemenz / Cultura / Getty images
Has the word feisty ever crossed anyone's lips when they described you?
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Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the morning?
I need it to look perfect, so yes.
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Henrik Sorensen / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you more sensitive to cold than others?
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kali9/E+/Getty Images
Have you ever been accused of being nefarious in any way?
Naughty, but not nefarious
I'm sure it's come up before.
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ploveking/E+/Getty Images
Do you have Celtish ancestry?
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Image Source/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How many freckles do you have?
Well, I've never counted.
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Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How many gingers are in your family?
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Delmaine Donson/ E+ / GettyImages
Which nickname annoys you the most?
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Văn Thắng via Pexels
Have you ever dated a redhead?
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GMint/E+/Getty Images
What color are your eyes?
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Irene Lasus / Pexels
Do people ever try to touch your hair?
Sometimes, and it's weird.
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Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do blondes really have more fun or do you?
I think everyone deserves to have fun!
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