Which British Celebrity Are You Most Like?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which British Celebrity Are You Most Like?
Image: Totally Emma Watson via YouTube

About This Quiz

Humans have always had people who are like celebrities, but the celebrity in the modern sense is a fairly recent innovation. Much of what dictates celebrity is the reach of media. Celebrity journalists were actually fairly early in the development of the media, with early war correspondents becoming almost as famous as those they covered. The 1700s and 1800s saw the rise of celebrities like fashion plate Beau Brummell, who popularised the suit, playwright Oscar Wilde and early professional athletes.

As media increased its reach, becoming famous, and thus a celebrity, became easier. First, celebrities appeared in newspaper stories. Soon, newspapers could print photographs on broadsheet. Then radio made it possible to hear strangers as though they were in the room with you, bringing people even closer to potential celebrities. Soon, television would allow us to sit at home in our dressing gowns, watching strangers on television. Of course, the internet magnifies this. Being so close and yet so far away is tantalising, and feeds our interest in them.

But the question remains, do you really know celebrities? Do you actually relate to one or more stars, or are you projecting onto their public image? It's time to find out which British celebrity you are most like.

1 - pet cause
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
Many celebrities have pet causes. What's yours?
Prince's Trust
Red Nose Day
2 - doctor
AJ_Watt/E+/Getty Images
If you hadn't entered show business, what sort of career would you have pursued?
Something in social work, in all probability
I'd have been a university professor.
I would have been a sales agent of some sort!
I'd have been a doctor.
3 - trendy fashion
Liam Norris/Cultura/Getty Images
Are you trendy?
I prefer the classics.
Not at all!
I try to look good, but not trendy.
I'm on the bleeding edge of fashion.


4 - attitude
Emma Tunbridge/Corbis/VCG/Corbis/Getty Images
If what made you famous was something other than some special talent, what would make you famous?
My looks
My wit
My attitude
5 - Writing
TommL/E+/Getty Images
Many celebrities have more than one artistic medium. In what art form do you feel you are authentically happy?
Visual design
6 - complicated love life
Thanasis Zovoilis/Moment/Getty Images
Celebrities may be public, but they have secrets. What would someone be surprised to learn about you?
I had some bad things happen to me when I was young.
I was very nearly an American.
I have a very complicated love life.
I'm actually pretty normal.


7 - selfie airport
izusek/E+/Getty Images
What would you do if you were approached by a stranger who recognized you, while at the airport?
I'd hide.
I would say a polite hello, and goodbye.
I'd try to brush them off.
I would smile, pose for their selfie, and get on with life.
8 - meditate
filadendron/E+/Getty Images
How do you handle negative emotions?
I meditate.
I see a professional, and we talk.
I pour them into my work.
I make a change in my life, one for the better.
9 - Cool
izusek/E+/Getty Images
Everyone has their public face and their private one. What face do you present to the world?
Committed animal activist
I like to think I present my authentic, best self.
Intelligent feminist


10 - Music
baona/E+/Getty Images
Other than your primary field, in what other space do you have ambitions?
Organisational management
11 - career
Jacob Wackerhausen/E+/Getty Images
Celebrities' careers ebb and flow. Where are you in your career?
I'm in my prime.
I'm in the autumn years.
I've not yet even hit my stride.
I'm a veteran in my field.
12 - family
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Family keeps everyone grounded, celebrities especially. How would you describe your family?
They are fascinating, worldly people.
They are very intelligent and kind.
They are loyal and sweet.
They are supportive and proud of me.


13 - talent
Ashley Corbin-Teich/Image Source/Getty Images
Famous people often acquire fame because of talent. How did you learn to do what would make you famous?
I spent years in training at a major institution.
It was something I did on the side while at university.
I tried it on a lark and went straight into being a professional.
I was a passionate amateur who got lucky.
14 - joy
FG Trade/E+/Getty Images
If a professional peer were to describe you to a third party, which of these virtues would they ascribe to you?
15 - charm smile
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
What is the secret to your charm?
It's all an act, my dear.
I suppose that when one is authentic and joyful, it comes across positively.
I have a smile that lights up the room.
It's all in my eyes.


16 - interview
simonkr/E+/Getty Images
Fame has been described as a basilisk's gaze. How would you handle the media constantly asking for interviews and the like?
I would only entertain that while promoting my work.
I would gladly sit for an interview if I liked the interviewer.
I would need one of my people to handle the interview's scope, and then sit down for it.
I would have to go into it with some set answers and non-answers.
17 - retire
gradyreese/E+/Getty Images
Celebrities don't always remain as they were forever. When would you retire?
I will retire when my eyesight starts to go.
I hope never to retire.
Once I have a nest egg
I don't know. I think maybe I'll just change career paths.
18 - negative people
LeoPatrizi/E+/Getty Images
Being famous can change people. Of your social circle, who would you jettison?
The negative people
Jealous people
Needy and/or uncool people


19 - Hugh Laurie
Wiki Commons by Fido
Who would you want to befriend, if you became famous?
Meryl Streep
Hugh Laurie
Wood Harris
Bill Gates
20 - relationship status
Peopleimages/E+/Getty Images
Romance is something everyone is fascinated by, especially in the lives of celebrities. What's your relationship status?
I'm happily married and frequently take time off to be with them.
I'm married, but continue to work and travel, not letting it stop me.
I'm in a committed relationship, but I've had a long string of such relationships.
I'm in a relationship with myself.
21 - work ethic
AleksandarNakic/E+/Getty Images
What's your work ethic?
Find something special to bring to work.
When the passion goes away, step away from the work.
Work as hard as you can, as long as you can.
Be careful only to choose projects about which you can be passionate.


22 - India
SolStock/E+/Getty Images
If you were offered a chance to travel the world for a documentary in which you would star, where would you want to go?
The South Pacific
23 - chew you up and spit you out.
Peopleimages/E+/Getty Images
Everyone has an opinion about their industry. Which of these best describes your industry?
It can be a snake pit.
It is a tough nut to crack.
It's unforgiving of mistakes, so don't make any.
If you aren't careful, it will chew you up and spit you out.
24 - pets
Eri Miura/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Strange hobbies and pet interests abound among celebrities. Which one of these would match your solitary obsession?
Caring for pets
Clever gadgets
Techno music


25 - darker version of yourself
EmirMemedovski/E+/Getty Images
What are the odds that fame would really mess you up, turning you into a darker version of yourself?
It did, once. I'm better now.
I don't think it would do that to me, but then, I'm not everyone.
I'd hate to see what that would look like!
It could happen, but I try to push that away a little every day.
26 - focused on my own world work
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
If a colleague complained about you, what would be their most likely complaint?
I overshadowed them.
I was a little preoccupied at work.
I was a little to focused on my own world and work.
I stood up to them and they didn't expect me to.
27 - insecurities
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What part of you houses your greatest vulnerability?
My psychic scars
My insecurities
The skeletons in my closet
My past humiliations


28 - social media
d3sign/Moment/Getty Images
One can't have celebrities without their fans. How would you communicate with your fans?
As little as possible, one hopes.
Via social media, of course!
Waving, at a distance
Cheering for me, naturally!
29 - inspire
LeoPatrizi/E+/Getty Images
How would you go about living the example you hope to leave for the world?
If I ask someone to do something, it has to be something I'm willing to do myself, if I'm capable of doing it at all.
I would try to inspire people to be their best selves, just as I have been inspired to be the best version of myself.
I would try to help children who grew up with the same challenges I did.
I would confront the people I deem to be bullies.
30 - home on my own.
gradyreese/E+/Getty Images
When are you in your element?
When I'm in the thick of a difficult problem at work
When I'm surrounded by friends and loved ones
When I'm working with people I trust
When I'm at home on my own
