Which DC Villain Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which DC Villain Are You?
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Films and The Safran Company

About This Quiz


Looking to take a break from the usual heroes and save the day as a DC villain instead? Dive into this thrilling quiz by Talin Vartanian and discover which iconic villain from the DC universe you truly embody. From the diabolical Brainiac to the chilling Mr. Freeze, these characters have captivated audiences in comic books, movies, and TV shows. Are you ready to unleash your inner villain and see where your dark side leads you?

Not all DC villains fit the typical mold of pure evil. Take a character like Catwoman, for example, who blurs the line between hero and villain with her complex motivations. Could you have a similar complexity lurking within your own soul? Whether you align with the cunning Black Manta or the unpredictable Harley Quinn, this quiz will reveal the true nature of your villainous spirit. Embrace the darkness and embark on a journey of self-discovery as you explore the depths of your own wicked potential.

So, are you prepared to face the ultimate question: Which DC villain are you? Prepare to confront your inner demons, embrace the darker side of your personality, and unlock the secrets of your villainous identity. From the depths of Arkham to the streets of Gotham, your destiny awaits. Take the quiz now and unleash the power of your malevolent alter ego!

Wallet on ground
Seb Oliver/Cultura/Getty Images
You're walking down a street when you notice a wallet laying on the ground. Are you going to turn it into the police?
I'll take the contents out, and then give it to the police!
Of course, that seems fair.
I don't need some stupid wallet anyway.
Man with pig mask on hoarding money
Tim Platt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Which of these seven deadly sins do you think isn't really that bad?
Wicked man
Koron/Moment/Getty Images
Most people like to be described as kind and generous, but with you, __________ is your middle name.


Invisible Man
Samad Malik Photography/Moment/Getty Images
What's the first thing that you would do if you gained the power of invisibility?
Play tricks on people!
Hmm ... that doesn't sound like much fun.
Go somewhere far, far away from here.
Hunt down my enemies with ease.
Young student being bullied
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
You notice that your friend is getting bullied by someone who looks menacing. You decide to ...
Team up with the bully and laugh at my friend.
Tell the bully a few riddles.
Confront the bully.
Ignore the situation, it's not my problem.
Young woman holding snake
urbazon/E+/Getty Images
Which of these scary and deadly animals would you tame as a pet?


Man with weapons
Lorado/E+/Getty Images
What type of weapon would you use in a battle?
I don't need a weapon, I'll use my fists!
Warner Bros.
How would your ideal villain costume look?
A tuxedo sounds good to me.
I prefer a full bodysuit.
I don't care, as long as it has body armor on it.
Dark and evil, like an assassin
Batman 2012
Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Entertainment, Legendary Pictures and Syncopy
You're eating at a restaurant when you notice Batman walking in with his new girlfriend. What do you do?
Throw some water in his face and laugh.
Hit him over the head a few times before disappearing.
Attack him at the restaurant!
Hide in the shadows and wait for an opportunity to strike.


Happy friends in party
Morsa Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Normally, you try to be friends with people who are ___________.
Serious man
Manuel Breva Colmeiro/Moment/Getty Images
What is something that people don't understand about you?
They don't get how I really feel on the inside.
I don't know, I'm a pretty straightforward person.
Nobody understands my past.
They don't get how tough I am.
Star Wars - Sheev Palpatine
Which of these "Star Wars" villains would you team up with?
Papa Palpatine
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren


Sleeping man with drawn moustache
Ulrik Tofte/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you the type of person who likes to play pranks on people?
Hahaha ... how did you know?
Only if they're being mean to me
No, that sounds immature.
Hmm ... once in a great while
ferrantraite/E+/Getty Images
Is revenge really as sweet as it sounds?
Oh, it's even sweeter than you think!
Sure, I'd like to think so.
No, it's actually very bitter.
I don't know, I've never thought about it.
Dangerous man wearing hooded jacket at night
mariusFM77/E+/Getty Images
If you were a villain, would you want your presence to be known by the public?
Of course, I'm the star of my own show here!
I don't really know.
Only by a few people
No, I prefer to live in the shadows.


Cool and crazy man with hat and mirrored sunglasses
Martin Steinthaler/Moment/Getty Images
True or false: you find yourself thinking and behaving a little differently from other people.
Blah, blah, blah ... who cares?
I don't think I'm too different from people.
Virtual City
Dong Wenjie/Moment/Getty Images
To you, this world is turning more and more __________.
Evil man
Janos Csongor Kerekes/Moment/Getty Images
What really makes a person turn evil in this world?
People are just born evil.
Your guess is as good as mine.
It's usually caused by a traumatic event.
Being evil is always a choice.


Plates of insects for sale in market
John D. Buffington/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you were baking a birthday cake for your friend, what type of edible bug would you hide inside of it?
Lemon ants
That sounds kind of mean ...
Children throwing tissue paper at each other
Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Has anyone ever told you that you're a troublemaker?
HAHA, all the time!
Occasionally, but I don't care.
Yeah, when I was a kid
Not too often
Super Hero getting Zapped
Peter Richardson/Photodisc/Getty Images
Traditional comic book villains are portrayed as __________ in your eyes.


14 Justice League
DC Films/RatPac Entertainment/Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusual Films
Do you enjoy leading a team to victory, or do you prefer to be the follower?
It's always more fun being the leader.
I prefer to follow and watch others.
I guess it depends on the situation.
I don't like the idea of being on a team.
Woman with fist in the air
Christoph Hetzmannseder/Moment/Getty Images
Where does your strength really come from in this world?
From my hatred for Batsy!
I don't know, but it's there.
From my muscles
From my willpower
Cool kids
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How would you describe your childhood?
I can't remember much.
Like a roller coaster ride
Not very fun
Happy and full of life


Justice League 2017
DC Films, RatPac Entertainment[, Atlas Entertainment, Cruel and Unusual Films
What type of strategy would you use to defeat a superhero in battle?
By luring them into traps
Logical strategy
Who needs strategies when you've got swords?
Persuasive strategy
Mid adult man shouting whilst playing video game at night
Romona Robbins Photography/Image Source/Getty Images
After you lose at a board game or a video game, you tend to feel ...
Angry, I hate losing!
Determined to win again
Annoyed, but it's whatever.
Businesswoman Being Controlled Like A Marionette
DNY59/E+/Getty Images
What's the best way to manipulate another person?
By pissing them off as much as possible
By using their logic against them
I don't know and I don't care.
By toying with their emotions


Two young women looking at each other
Giulia Fiori Photography/Moment/Getty Images
One of your enemies has suddenly decided to join forces with you. Does this seem like a trick?
Of course not, allow me to team up with them!
Hmm ... let me ask them a series of questions first ...
I'm not sure yet, so it's best to be cautious about this.
Absolutely, I don't trust anyone.
Angry eyes
Lesley Magno/Moment/Getty Images
When you become angry, you quickly transform into a _____________.
Question mark
Supermassive black hole
Human brain hologram
Yuichiro Chino/Moment/Getty Images
How would you describe your type of intelligence?
I don't know, smart. I'm just smart!
