Which "Phineas and Ferb" Character Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which "Phineas and Ferb" Character Are You?
Image: Disney-ABC Domestic Television

About This Quiz

Love music? Mad scientists? Running gags? If so, then you're going to love this "Phineas and Ferb" quiz, because we're about to build a roller coaster and take you on a wild and hilarious adventure!

Now don't worry, you won't have to fight off villains like Darth Ferb, Balloony or Vanessa, because this quiz is going to take an in-depth look at your core personality traits and how it relates to the most iconic "Phineas and Ferb" characters. So for instance, maybe you're like Candace, who is always on her phone, but seems to be good at nearly everything (did you know she can wrestle)? Or maybe you're more similar to Isabella, who is the troop leader of the Fireside Girls. She also has a massive crush on Phineas, and some of her skills include running and dancing super well. 

But there are other characters worth mentioning here, such as Buford, Linda, Karl, Stacy and, of course, Perry the Platypus. So which one matches your personality the most? Well, you won't need any creative building skills for today (although a space station wouldn't hurt), but you will have to have big ideas to take this fun "Phineas and Ferb" quiz!

Q 01 Phineas line
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Which "Phineas and Ferb" line could serve as your life motto?
"What did I miss?"
"Seize the day."
"I'm in charge!"
"Oh ... poo."
Q 02 Donkleberry cake
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Would you rather try a doonkelberry cake or a stinky limburger?
Stinky limburger
Doonkelberry cake
Eww ... neither.
Both sound delicious.
Q 03 Dark side
recep-bg / E+/ Getty Images
Does your personality have a dark side?
I guess maybe a little.
How should I know?
Uh ... no.
Yes ... mwahaha!


Q 04 Stealing
Jupiterimages / Polka Dot / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
If you caught someone stealing an item, would you snitch on them?
Probably not
I guess it depends on the item.
I would take them on myself!
Q 05 Phineas song
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Which of these "Phineas and Ferb" songs is the best bop?
"They Left Me Standing Outside"
"Let's Take a Rocket Ship to Space"
"Ready for the Bettys"
"When We Didn't Get Along"
Q 06 Van Stomm
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Who would be your BFF in this show?
Buford Van Stomm
Stacy Hirano
No one


Q 07 Pesimistic
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you the more optimistic or pessimistic one in your group of friends?
I guess I'm more pessimistic.
I'm full of joy!
I'm just moody all the time.
I'm smack in the middle.
Q 08 Rollercoaster
Joe Mcbride / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Are you a super fan of rollercoasters?
I mean, they're OK, I guess.
No way!
I prefer space ships.
Q 09 Giant Robot
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Which of these inventions would you love to create in the show?
Brain-controlled termites
Giant robot
Magnetism magnifier


Q 10 Steve
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Would you rather look after Steve the chameleon or Goldie the goldfish?
Steve the chameleon
I like Perry the Platypus more.
Goldie the goldfish
Q 11 Nerd guy
RichVintage / E+ / Getty Images
Which school superlative is most you?
Most likely to be president
Class clown
Life of the party
Most intelligent
Q 12 Brain logical
Noctiluxx / E+ / Getty Images
Would you describe your brain as more logical or creative?
I don't know, probably neither.
I'm a genius, so I'm both.


Q 13 Fashion Designer
Romilly Lockyer / The Image Bank / Getty Images
If you could have any of these jobs, which would you pick?
Toy designer
Fashion designer
Q 14 Rollercoaster
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Which episode title best describes how your life is going?
"Flop Starz"
"Crack That Whip"
"It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World"
Q 15 Geminis
Daniel Eskridge/Stocktrek Images / Stocktreck Images / Getty Images
Which of these zodiac signs describes your personality the most?
Aquarius: Logical and innovative
Gemini: Curious and sociable
Cancer: Moody and protective
Leo: Dramatic and assertive


Q 16 Theme park
Oliver Rossi / Digital VIsion / Getty Images
What's your favorite weekend activity?
Something relaxing, like reading and watching TV
Something fun and adventurous, like visiting a theme park
Something with my friends, like shopping or going to a movie
Something that keeps me busy, like projects around the house
Q 17 Meap
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
Who's side are you on: Meap or Mitch?
I don't trust either of them.
Who are these freaks?
Q 18 Doofenshmirtz
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
What would you do as the head of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated?
Sell it for money.
I would make lots and lots of toys!
This sounds lame.
Create broken inventions.


Q 19 Spider
jsteck / E+ / Getty Images
What would you do if you saw a spider?
Step on it.
Create an invention to kill it.
Scream in fear and run away.
Get someone else to handle it for me.
Q 20 Gravity falls
Disney Television Animation
Which of these other Disney Channel shows would you watch?
"The Proud Family"
"Gravity Falls"
"Kim Possible"
Q 21 Karaoke
Prasert Krainukul / Moment / Getty Images
How would you rate your skill level with karaoke?


Q 22 Thinking
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Can you name something about yourself that you'd like to improve?
I'm too shy and quiet.
I feel like I could be achieving more.
Nope, I'm perfect.
My head is always going a million miles an hour.
Q 23 Judging
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
True or false? You're the type of person who tends to judge other people.
Kinda sorta true
I don't know, it depends on the person.
Q 24 Squad
Nick David / Stone / Getty Images
If your friend squad had a name to it, which of these would fit the best?
The Baljeatles
Har D Har Toy Company
Mr. Slushy Franchise


Q 25 Super strong
claylib / E+ / Getty Images
What kind of superhero do you look up to?
Someone underrated
Someone super smart
Someone super strong
Someone super cool!
Q 26 Science subject
Portra / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Which of these school subjects is the most fun?
Q 27 Messy hair
Darren Robb / The Image Bank / Getty Images
How do you normally wear your hair?
It depends on the day.
I like to do it in a particular style.
I just wear it down.
It's always a disaster.


Q 28 Moving
DreamPictures / Digital Vision / Getty Images
If your friend needed help with moving, you would most likely ...
Help them, it's the right thing to do.
Build a machine that would do all the heavy lifting.
Tell them I'm busy.
Ask someone else to do it.
Q 29 Professional
Morsa Images / Digital Vision / Getty Images
How would you describe your style?
I wouldn't say I really have a style.
Q 30 Rodney
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
What nickname could work for your worst enemy?
Pizza Guy
None of these
