Are You Basic in the Bedroom or a Freak in the Sheets?

By: Mariana Sabino
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You Basic in the Bedroom or a Freak in the Sheets?
Image: Boy_Anupong/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you curious about your bedroom preferences? Do you lean more towards the ""Ever After"" or ""Fifty Shades of Grey"" side of things? Take this quiz to find out where you fall on the spectrum from tame to kinky. Whether you prefer standard moves, using freaky stuff or are constantly looking for ways to spice things up, this quiz will help you discover your style and desires.

Don't worry about being judged - your secret is safe with you and your partner(s). Whether you're into gentle and romantic encounters or more adventurous experiences, this quiz is here to help you explore your preferences and find a compatible partner. Discover just how open you are to new experiences and see where your desires may lead you. Take the quiz and dive into the world of passion and desire!

Ready to find out if you're basic in the bedroom or a freak in the sheets? Take this freaky test to uncover your true preferences and desires. Knowing where you stand can help you have a clearer sense of your style and potentially find someone who shares your interests. So, are you ready to get it on and explore your adventurous side? Take the quiz now and see what surprises await!

What's your favorite position?
I have a couple.
I can't decide.
Favorite position? I like to discover new ones.
What is your idea of romance?
Holding hands
Passionate kissing
Taking it outside the bedroom
Sex and games, anywhere
Q3 Collar
Chris Amaral/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Would you wear a collar?
A collar? Of course not! That's for animals!
Hm. Not really my sort of thing.
Ha! Maybe ...
What kind? I've tried them all.


Q4 How Many Times
quavondo/E+/Getty Images
How many times do you usually have sex at night?
How many times? Really... Once is more than enough.
Usually just once, but I might go for more if the occasion presents itself.
More than once, usually. I run a marathon now and then.
As long as we up the ante, I have no limits.
Q5 Mask
mammuth/E+/Getty Images
Would you wear a mask as a freaky stuff in bed?
No. What for?
Well, I'd rather not, but if it's nothing too crazy, maybe.
Sure, but I'd have to find the right one.
Definitely. Want to see my collection?
Q6 Lingere
Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/Getty Images
Are you into lingerie?
Sure. Something attractive.
I find it titillating.
Certainly, I like a little fantasy.
Naturally. Keep it hot!


Q7 Nature
Svetlana Iakusheva Images
Have you ever done it in nature?
Almost, once
Sure, in a tent a couple of times
Of course. I get frisky in the wild.
Darling, I've had sex in every conceivable place.
Q8 Blush
Stanton j Stephens/Image Source/Getty Images
What makes you blush?
So many things ...
Quite a few things
Well, the super kinky makes me laugh.
Blush? The only blush on me would be smeared makeup.
What's the state of your sheets in the morning?
Pretty much the same as when I went to sleep
A little tousled
Well spent
Over my head


Q10 Bite
Christine Schneider/Cultura/Getty Images
Do you ever bite?
No! What kind of question is that?
Biting? That's funny.
I'll go for a little biting and scratching, sure.
Growl, baby! Now we're talking!
What kind of music do you like to listen to get in the mood?
Romantic tunes
I have a playlist of funky, sexy tunes.
I have just the thing for every scenario.
Q12 Loud
Larry Williams/Stone/Getty Images
Are you loud?
No. Why would I be?
I moan and vocalize a bit.
I let the body speak for itself.
I roar, baby!


Q13 Roommate
blackCAT/E+/Getty Images
Have roommates ever complained about your "vocalizing" while doing it?
Gosh, no! I'd be mortified.
Once. That was a little embarrassing.
Haha. It's been known to happen.
Not really, but they avoided eye contact afterward. No idea why.
Q14 Honey
Unsplash by Alexander Mils
Can you think of other uses for honey and certain fruit?
I haven't the slightest idea what you're getting at.
I heard about that, and, well, who knows ...
It's still stuck to my chest.
I can give you the rundown of all the edibles.
Do you ever fake orgasms?
Sometimes. I don't like to hurt feelings.
I try not to.
No. I'm pretty uninhibited and communicative.
Of course not. No need to.


Q16 Sex Shops
Henrik Sorensen/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How do you feel about sex shops?
No comment
I've bought an item or two online.
I know what's out there.
I have a discount and I'm the first to hear about novelty items.
Q17 Shower
olaser/E+/Getty Images
Have you ever had sex in the shower?
Not answering that
Yes, but I blush thinking about it.
I sure have and dig it!
I've just had it this morning. So basic. Yawn. Next!
Q18 Dates
Unsplash by Crew
How many dates would you say is appropriate before having sex?
At least three, but I think that's too few to know.
Two or three dates, at least
I'm ready after the first date if it's a wild connection.
Dates? That is so old-fashioned.


Q19 Fetish
Jupiterimages/Polka Dot / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Do you have a fetish?
I don't think so.
There are certain things I like ...
I enjoy playing with ideas.
You can say I'm a fetish collector.
Q20 Time
DaniloAndjus/E+/Getty Images
What time do you usually have sex?
At night
Morning and night
Any time
I have things I enjoy doing at specific times of the day.
Q21 Fantisize
Francesco Carta fotografo/Moment/Getty Images
Do you fantasize much?
A bit
Quite a bit
Yes, and I act on my fantasies!
Oh, yes. And all of it gets plenty of practice time.


Q22 After Sex
Unsplash by Vladislav Muslakov
What do you usually do after sex?
Take a shower and sleep
Get ready for the next round
I lie there dazed at what I've just done.
Q23 Spanking
Jonathan Knowles/Stone/Getty Images
Do you like spanking?
Spanking is wrong.
A little, maybe
Oh, yes! Of course. I like to ... er, you'll censor me if I tell you.
Q24 Beach
Lindsay Upson/Image Source/Getty Images
When you think of sex on the beach, what comes to mind?
All those romantic movies!
Having it
Sand on my butt
Grinding my knees against rocks and ... what was that?


Q25 Kama Sutra
MOAimage/Moment/Getty Images
Are you familiar with the Kama Sutra?
What's that?
I've come accross it.
Yes! A bit of a revelation it was!
That and much, much more!
Q26 Initiate
Peter Cade/Stone/Getty Images
How often do you initiate sex?
Hardly ever. Things just happen.
Less than I'd like to. I tend to wait for the right moment to arrive.
Whenever I feel like it
When the urge starts gnawing at me
Q27 Brain
Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment/Getty Images
Do you put the knowledge gleaned from books and films into sexy action?
I've been known to kiss more passionately.
I have indeed!
I'm pretty familiar with the scenes they enact.
Movies are so tame. They should use me as a source material.


Q28 Dirty
Amy DiLorenzo/Moment/Getty Images
Do you think sex is dirty?
Now that you mention it, yes. I wish it were cleaner.
Yes, a little messy, but that's OK.
No. You think?
Only when it's done right
Q29 Talk Dirty
pierredesvarre/E+/Getty Images
Do you talk dirty in bed?
That's not the place to talk.
I'm more of a moaner.
Oh, sure. I have a few things I say to turn up the heat.
Dirty talk? I think of it as just natural sex talk.
Q30 Relaxed
Flashpop/Stone/Getty Images
How do you usually feel after sex?
Ready for a cuddle and sleep
Spent and fascinated
