How well do you remember Home Alone 2, ya filthy animal?

By: Dyann Joyce
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How well do you remember Home Alone 2, ya filthy animal?
Image: Hughes Entertainment

About This Quiz

"Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" is the 1992 sequel to the Christmas comedy "Home Alone". Although not quite as successful as the first one, this movie was also a huge success and so sealed Macaulay Culkin's place in Hollywood fame. Take our quiz to see if you know as much as you think you do about "Home Alone 2!"
What event occurred that caused Kevin to wind up in New York, rather than Florida with his family?
He overslept
His parents grounded him
He got on the wrong plane
He took a wrong turn at Albuquerque
Why did Kevin not want to go to Florida for Christmas vacation?
Because there was no reindeer
Because there are no Christmas trees in Florida
Because it's too warm for hot chocolate
He's afraid of hurricanes
How old was Macaulay Culkin when he was in "Home Alone 2" portraying 10-year-old Kevin McCallister?
He was 9
He was 12
He was 18
He was 7


What was so special about the snow used in this "Home Alone" compared to the others in the movie series?
Yellow snowcones were made
Snow was made from real sugar
Real snow was used
Snow was imported from Paris
What real store was the toy store based on?
FAO Schwarz
What scenes were removed from the movie after 2001?
Scenes of Kevin visiting Boston Marathon
Scenes of Kevin visiting Fort Hood
Scenes of Kevin visiting the World Trade Center
Scenes of Kevin visiting Sea World


Which president makes an appearance in "Home Alone 2?"
Donald J. Trump
George Washington
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
What flew into Marv's mouth, later described as "...revolting...”?
A pigeon
A tarantula
A spray of basement water
A handful of change
In the first film Kevin watches a movie --%0D"Angels with Filthy Souls" -- and records pieces from it. What is the name of the movie he uses in "Home Alone 2?"
"Angels with Even Filthier Soles"
"Angels with Even Filthier Seals"
"Angels with Even Filthier Souls"
"Angels with Even Filthier Stoles"


When Kevin arrives in New York, how is it that he manages to stay in such a nice hotel?
His "Home Alone" money
The producers paid for it
His father's credit card
He saved his allowance
Known as the Wet Bandits for leaving faucets running in the first movie, what did the bad guys call themselves in the sequel?
Stanky bandits
Sticky bandits
Wetter bandits
Dry bandits
What was the character's name of the shorter bad guy, played by Joe Pesci?
Hairy Lime
Harry Lime
Harry Mime
Harry Lame


Kevin's brother gets a slip of paper from Cedric and shows it to Kevin's father. What was it?
A room service bill for $967
The bill for the room
A letter of thanks
A Christmas card
What was the main character's name in the movie, played by child actor Macaulay Culkin?
Kevin McCallister
Kevin Culkin
MacCaulay McCallister
Kieran Culkin
What one event again occurs that causes Kevin to wind up in New York?
Kevin oversleeps
The family oversleeps
A storm
Kevin has made everyone upset


What does Kevin do to entertain himself on Christmas Eve?
Watches television
Has a big dinner
Goes to a movie
Tours the city in a limo
Who did Kevin meet in Central Park that gave him a scare, but later in the movie he has a touching scene with?
A police officer
A homeless lady feeding pigeons
A little girl his age
A homeless guy with a dog
What is the gift that the toy store owner gives to Kevin when he visits the toy store on Christmas Eve?
A football
A red truck
Turtledove figurines
A baseball


Kevin overhears the Sticky Bandits discussing their next caper. What were they planning to do?
Rob a bank
Break into a house
Break into the toy store
Steal the Salvation Army money pot
What is it that Kevin gives to the pigeon lady that he met in Central Park?
The hotel room key
One of the turtledoves
A Christmas card
What does Kevin do at the toy shop in order to prevent the Sticky Bandits from succeeding in their plans?
Calls the store owner
Throws a brick though the window with a note
Calls the police
Tells the pigeon lady


When the Sticky Bandits chase Kevin to the park what does he do to alert the police?
He throws a brick
He sets off fireworks
He fires his BB gun
They see birds
What is thrown on Marv and Harry to make pigeons attack them in the park?
Bread crumbs
Loose change
Peppermint candy
Which fictitious game show hosted by Bob Eubanks does Kevin watch?
"Ding Dong Dang"
"Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"
"Ding Dang Dong"
"Ring a Ding Dong"


What slippery green substance does Kevin buy at the toy shop?
Monster Soap
What was a treat for the child actors who were extras in the toy store?
They all got turtledoves
They all got to meet Kevin
They all got Talkboys
They all got to choose a toy from the store to keep
What windy big city does the McCallister family hail from?
Seattle, Washington
Houston, Texas
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Chicago, Illinois


What was not a thing that Marv stole in the movie?
Change from the bell-ringer's kettle
A cowboy hat
A pair of mittens
Although never mentioned in the movie, the name of the shrewd and meticulous concierge at the Plaza Hotel is Mr. Hector, played by which actor?
Tim Curry
Tim Robbins
Mick Jagger
What confection was not ordered on Kevin's room service bill?
Two chocolate cakes
Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream topped with M&Ms
36 chocolate-covered strawberries


After Kevin thwarts the Sticky Bandits attempt to rob the toy store, what is his plan called that consists of booby-traps and hidden holes?
Operation HO HOLE HOLE
Operation HO HO HO
What was the name of the director of "Home Alone" and "Home Alone 2?"
John Hughes
Chris Columbus
Kevin Magellan
Joe Pesci
How does Kevin's family find out where he is after they realize he did not make it to Florida with them?
Facebook posts
He was on the news
By the credit card activity
The security cameras showed him get on the New York plane


What happens on Christmas day at the McCallister's hotel room?
The bandits come back
They have a family Christmas dinner
They order room service
A truck load of toys arrives
The artist John Perry, who created the turtledoves, is known in real life for depicting what type of art?
Sea Life