What British Candy Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What British Candy Are You?
Image: PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Candy has been around in various forms for many centuries, though it really took off when it became accessible to the masses during the Industrial Age (thus accounting for the remarkable state of many people's teeth in Victorian London's post-sugar, pre-fluoride age). Indeed, many major British confectionery companies began to expand, introducing all kinds of lovely sweets into our lives. Giants like Rowntree, Cadbury and Bassett's were born in the 1800s, and Fortnum & Mason came along as early as 1707!

Of course, all these candy-makers meant plenty of approaches to making candy, and that means all candies are different. Some confectioners focus more on chocolates - which, for our non-British friends, are not counted under the umbrella of "candy" in Britain - while others are all about sweets, which is what we Brits mean when we say "candy". Some do a little of both.

The upshot is that there are as many kinds of candy as there are people to enjoy it, and that means that no matter what sort of personality you have, there's a candy out there that is a great match for you. Whether you're super-sweet or semisweet, hard or soft, fizzy or plain, it's time to find your candy match. Let's get started!

Question 9
xavierarnau / E+ / Getty Images
In which part of the UK do you feel most at home?
Remote countryside
University towns
Major cities
Question 13
Conny Marshaus / Cultura / Getty Images
How much sugar is simply too much?
I have a sweet tooth, but I'm not nuts about it.
Semisweet is ideal to me.
All the sugar is just right!
Quite a lot, but you also want to include plenty of fat.
Question 14
Willie B. Thomas / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What one color do you ensure is a part of your daily wardrobe?
Jewel tones
I mix it up by season, event, and mood.


Question 6
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Beauty comes in many types! What sort of attractive are you?
I'm cute as a button!
I'm weird and wonderful.
I'm the girl/boy next door.
I'm sleek and chic.
Question 7
LeoPatrizi / E+ / Getty Images
Do visitors to Britain's shores understand you easily?
They do if they give me a chance!
No, never
No, but generally it doesn't take long.
Of course
Question 15
MediaProduction / E+ / Getty Images
Be honest: Do you know how to party?
More than you'd think
Less than you'd think


Question 11
mediaphotos / E+ / Getty Images
If someone left a dish of candy in the break room, what type could you absolutely not resist?
Dolly mixture
Galaxy Minstrels
Question 16
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Relative to how you look, how innocent are you?
I am exactly as innocent as I look.
I am exactly as not-at-all innocent as I look!
I am a smidge less innocent than I look.
I am rather more innocent than I look.
Question 12
Pai-Shih Lee / Moment / Getty Images
How much do you like surprises?
I loathe them!
I love to give and receive them.
I only like to give them.
I like to get them, but I don't give them unless I know they're welcome.


Question 17
Denkou Images / Cultura / Getty Images
Have you ever entered an event under false pretenses such as pretending to be on the guest list?
All the time!
Once in a while
Yes, but I left before I got found out!
Question 3
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
In what sort of social situation do you really shine?
Anything involving kids
Late night snack time
Question 18
Robert Daly / OJO Images / Getty Images
Which is the best sort of packaging for candy?
Plastic wrapper
Plastic bag
Cardboard box
Cardboard tube


Question 19
ideabug / E+ / Getty Images
How do you cope with the 3 p.m. sugar slump?
Healthy snack
Unhealthy snack
I avoid it by including protein with my lunch.
Question 20
Marccophoto / E+ / Getty Images
What time of day is simply too early to get up?
5 a.m.
8 a.m.
6 a.m.
7 a.m.
Question 10
GizemBDR / E+ / Getty Images
What time of year is most uncomfortable for you?
I like it all!
I hate the winter.
I hate the spring.
I hate the summer.


Question 21
Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images
What is the one habit you simply can't seem to shake?
Watching trashy reality TV shows
Dating toxic people
Eating junk
Working too long and hard
Cute Woman
Tara Moore/DigitalVision/GettyImages
How would you describe your body type in three words?
Cute as hell
Angular and gorgeous
The best curves
Little but lovely
Question 8
wundervisuals / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever travelled overseas?
Of course, many times
Yes, but I didn't like it.
Only briefly


Question 23
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How much time do people need to spend with you to get a sense of who you really are?
What you see is what you get.
Five minutes
An hour
Half an hour
Question 24
Matt_Brown / E+ / Getty Images
What's your idea of the ideal room temperature?
Question 25
Bobby Coutu / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have a signature dance move?
No. I can't dance but I do it anyway!
Yes, I do a breakdance move that always gets admiring looks!
I do stanky leg.
I actually know how to waltz!


Question 26
NicolasMcComber / E+ / Getty Images
How much does it bother you when you like someone who doesn't like you back?
I hate it, and it gnaws at me constantly.
I just move on to the next person.
I give mysef time to wallow, then I block it out.
I worry about it for some time, but less so with time.
Question 2
Ingrid Deon / Moment / Getty Images
You get into hot water. What happens?
I confess immediately just to get out of there.
I don't react.
I dissolve immediately.
I keep it together until I get out.
Question 27
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
Do people often mistake you for someone else?
More than I'd like
Yes, which I find useful


Question 28
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Do you worry that you're so busy being likeable that you don't stand up for yourself as much as you should?
Yes, often
Not at all
I sometimes have this problem.
No, I have the opposite problem.
Question 29
Sami Sert / E+ / Getty Images
How well do you travel long distances?
Fairly well. I usually arrive squashed but functional.
I am a very good traveler.
I am usually in ruins after a long trip.
I get sick and go to pieces.
Question 30
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
Be honest: Are you just a softie on the inside?
Yeah, and the outside
Not really
I'm softer on the outside, actually.
Yes, but ONLY on the inside


Question 1
Alistair Berg / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you say you have a hard shell?
No, but I could develop one given enough time.
Not at all
Mostly not
Question 5
Jetta Productions Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What kind of club would definitely invite you to join?
Mother and toddler group
Film buffs
Question 4
Kevin Kozicki / Image Source / Getty Images
Are you most people's proverbial cup of tea?
Everyone loves me!
Most people hate me but it doesn't bother me.
I think about 50% of people like me and 50% think I am the worst.
The vast majority like me.
