What Ridiculous Thing Would You Actually Bring to a Deserted Island?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Ridiculous Thing Would You Actually Bring to a Deserted Island?
Image: PeskyMonkey / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The most popular hypothetical question in the world is the one about being stranded on a deserted island. If you were going to wind up on a chunk of sand with some palm trees in the middle of nowhere, what would you bring with you? What one thing would you want to have more than anything else? It's actually a pretty tough question to answer. Do you answer it seriously? That can't be easy because, for real, you're probably in for a bad time no matter what you bring. A machete isn't going to save your life. Neither is a phone, a lighter, or Skittles. 

If you're stuck on a deserted island you need to think of it more like what it is - a tropical island. People pay a lot of money to go to tropical islands on vacation. So don't bring goofy survival tools, who needs that? We bet we can figure out what you'd really want to bring to that island in the middle of nowhere, even if it's a little ridiculous. At the end of the day, the world needs more ridiculous stuff in it anyway, that's half the fun of being here. So pack your towel and sandals and take the quiz!

No one ever asks how you got on this deserted island. What do you think is the most likely explanation?
Fell off a cruise ship
Took a wrong turn
A prank from my friends
The upside of a tropical island is tropical fruit! What's the best kind?
Let's forget deserted islands for now. What island that has people on it would you like to visit?


It's your lucky day! You found a lamp with a genie inside. What's your first wish?
World peace
More wishes
I have three wishes? My first is for tacos, then
A billion dollars!
How do you think you'd manage some first aid on your deserted island if you were injured?
I could rinse it or whatever
Uh... I have no idea
Wrap it in some banana leaves
I guess I'm in trouble
Are you building a shelter in the shade or are you staying on the beach?
Wait, I have to build a shelter?
It's all beach for me
I'll just hang out under a tree
I'll build in the shade, that's the safest place


What would you say is the most important thing in your life right now?
My friends
My health
My family
Having fun
Have you ever been lost before?
Once or twice
In the mall
When I was a kid, I think
What's the absolute best kind of food in the world?
Junk food
Breakfast. All kinds of breakfast


Walks on the beach are supposed to be a romantic date thing. Are you down?
I dunno. Sometimes the beach smells funky
Sure, I like a walk on the beach
I can think of worse things, I guess
Nah, too much sand
Are you pretty organized and ready to go on any given day?
I'm not super disorganized.
Most times, sure
Eh. Not really
Sort of the opposite of that.
Did you remember to make your bed this morning?
Maybe not "this" morning
You bet I did.
I can't remember the last time I made my bed.


This is a tough one for some people - what's cooler, "Star Wars" or the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Meh, they're both fine
Wakanda forever!
Can't I love them both?
"Star Wars" for sure
Have you ever fallen asleep in class or at work and gotten in trouble for it?
Of course not
Do people do that?
Never been caught yet
If you could only play one sport ever again for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I'm not super into sports so nothing, I guess


Is there any kind of activity you really enjoy doing in the water?
Marco Polo
Does taking a bath count?
You'd be surprised how many people get this one wrong. What's the best topping to put on a hot dog?
I don't actually like hot dogs
Straight up, do you think you'd actually survive being stranded on a deserted island?
I saw "Cast Away," I'd be fine
I'd give it a good fight, for sure.
I mean...maybe.
Oh, no chance at all. I'm doomed.


What would be the scariest part of being alone on an island anyway?
The loneliness
Non-stop sunburns
No food
Aside from dying on a deserted island? Gee, tough one.
It couldn't hurt to write a huge message out on the beach for passing planes to read. What are you saying?
OK, say you are stranded but you're not alone. What one person in all the world do you want with you?
My best friend
One of my parents
A boatmaker
Bear Grylls


If a friend of yours has a super serious problem, how likely are they to go to you for help?
They might ask for my help.
My best friend would.
I feel like maybe I'm not the best person for serious issues.
Not at all
Are you a pretty good problem solver?
I'm not bad
Depends on the problem.
With Google's help, I am.
Not really
How many hours a day are you spending on social media anyway?
A lot
A few
Too many
Pretty much all of them


Do you ever wish you could actually just get away from your phone and everything even for a little while?
Nah, I manage OK.
Never! I love my phone.
I tried! It's super hard.
We're ordering some pizza, what do you want on yours?
Just cheese
Surprise me!
Do you feel like you're pretty much in control when people start getting on your nerves or does your temper get the best of you?
I'm pretty cool headed
Oh, I can flip out sometimes
I'm mostly good, I think
People almost never get on my nerves


What's clearly the coolest job in the universe?
Celebrity Chef
Whoever has to test roller coasters.
A little fear is healthy now and then. What are you most afraid of?
Being alone
Deserted islands sound rough but dessert islands sound great. Pick the best dessert!
Cookies and cream Ice cream
Apple pie
Chocolate lava cake
Chocolate chip cookies
