Which Breed of Horse Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Breed of Horse Are You?
Image: bernswaelz

About This Quiz


Are you ready to gallop into this fun and exciting what horse am I quiz? Saddle up and get ready to discover which horse breed matches your unique personality! From colorful Appaloosas to elegant Andalusians, this fun quiz will determine if you're a graceful runner, long jump achiever or an elegant city canterer.

Get ready to answer a series of personality questions that will reveal your inner horse breed! Whether you're a Seabiscuit-style thoroughbred or a cute mountain pony, this quiz will match you with the perfect equine counterpart. So don't be a neigh-sayer, take the reins and find out which horse breed best fits your spirit!

So trot on over and take this quiz to unleash your inner horse breed! Answer honestly and let your psychology shine through as you discover if you're a high-stepping Andalusian or a proud city canterer. Get off your high horse, invite your best friend and join the fun - let's see which breed of horse you truly are!

Full length of father and son playing soccer in lawn
Morsa Images / Getty Images
Do you prefer working or playing?
Frankly, I love to frolic.
I don't like mindless work, but I enjoy honing my skills.
To help the people I care about, I'm willing to work as hard as I can.
My motto is "work hard, play hard."
beautiful woman portrait with long hair with highlights
vitapix / Getty Images
What does your hair look like?
Sleek and shiny
Thick and shaggy
Short and wild
Introvert, extrovert or ambivert: Which one are you?
William Perugini/Getty Images/Image Source
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm an extrovert.
I'm an introvert, although I have a deep bond with my partner.
I'm an ambivert.
I like socializing, but only with certain special people.


Which of these environments do you like the most?
Cool, misty mountains
Warm, sunny beaches
Beautiful rolling farmland
Totally untamed wilderness
Notebook coffee cup on top of the table for planning days to travel.
twomeows / Getty Images
Do you enjoy making impromptu plans, or do you prefer to plan ahead?
I'm very chill and can deal with impromptu plans.
I prefer to keep to a strict schedule.
I can adjust my schedule when asked, but I'm essentially a creature of routine.
All of my plans are impromptu! I love to be spontaneous.
What's your political affiliation?


Group of person having exercise
Maskot / Getty Images
What's your favorite form of exercise?
I don't exercise on purpose!
Do you enjoy having your hair brushed?
I love it.
I appreciate it, but it doesn't happen very often.
What's your work style?
I'm relaxed but goal-oriented.
I work very hard but in fits and starts.
Slow and steady wins the race.
I work hard until I get bored (and I get bored a lot).


Frustrated couple arguing during a meeting with their insurance agent in the office.
skynesher / Getty Images
How do you handle conflict?
I crack lots of jokes and act sassy until everybody relaxes.
I don't handle it well.
I tolerate discomfort in the name of harmony.
Anybody who tries to get in my way, I ditch.
Competition among women may be partly driven by smells.
Are you competitive?
I'm sometimes envious of others, but not enough to kill myself competing.
I'm extremely competitive. I live to win.
I'm not at all competitive. There's no "i" in "team."
Yes, although I don't like admitting it.
Two children share a book. They lie on their tummies, rest their heads on their hands and read the book together.
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images
Do you like kids?
I love kids!
I think kids are obnoxious.
I'm fine with kids; I like people of all ages.
Kids are boring.


Are you strong?
Very much so
Not really
Do you ever lift weights?
Do you ever lift weights?
Sometimes. I don't aspire to be ripped but want to maintain my bone density.
No. I'm scared it would make me look too bulky.
Yes. I love to lift and I'm kind of swole.
No. I'd like to but lack the discipline.
Girlfriends clink cocktails during dinner.
Maria Korneeva / Getty Images
What's your favorite drink?
Fine wine


Female friends in discussion while sitting poolside at luxury suite of tropical resort at sunrise
Thomas Barwick / Getty Images
If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would you go?
Grand Canyon
How's your health?
Fantastic! I'm much healthier than I might look.
Not great. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac but also suffer from several recurring ailments.
I'm fine. Maybe a bit exhausted.
I'm as strong as, well, a horse!
Which of these values is most important to you?


What's your favorite kind of music?
Camping or glamping?
Camping! I don't even need a tent.
I like glamping, but I like hotel rooms even better.
I'll go camping if asked, but prefer glamping.
I love sleeping out in the open.
What's your body type like?
Petite and stocky
Tall and thin
Tall and muscular


What's your greatest talent?
My ability to entertain others
The speed with which I complete tasks
My physical strength
My independent nature
Your friend wants you to do them a favor that will be annoying and tedious for you. What do you do?
Say no, but in a sweet and friendly way.
Defensively say no, then fret that I've damaged the relationship.
Agree to do the favor, even though the mere idea of it fills me with dread.
Laugh at my friend for making such a ridiculous demand.
Your new partner is pushing for a commitment, after only a few weeks of dating. You're not sure how much you like them yet. What do you tell them?
"Sorry, I'm not ready for that. Want to go bowling?"
"I don't know what I want. I don't know who I am. Who can say who anyone is? What is this life, anyway?"
(Sigh) "Sure."
I wouldn't say anything; I'd just ghost them.


What's your favorite season?
It's the middle of the night. You're awakened by an odd sound outside your window, as if someone in the alley behind your house is attempting to jimmy open your back door. What do you do?
I'd take a deep breath and call 911.
I'd have a panic attack.
I'd pick up a baseball bat and go after the thief. I must protect my family!
I'd yell "Who's there?" and wait to see what happened.
Do you find it easy to keep still?
Depends on whether I'm bored or not.
No, I'm pretty fidgety.
Yep! I savor every chance I get to slow down.
No. I need to stay in motion!


Are you a perfectionist?
No. What a waste of time!
Yes, and it's sort of killing me.
Only when it comes to my ethics. I try to do what I think is right.
No, because I'm already perfect!
Do you put others' needs ahead of your own?
Not often
If you were really a horse and had to choose a "Lord of the Rings" character to ride you, who would you choose?
