Which Canadian Animal Are You?

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Canadian Animal Are You?
Image: Noel Hendrickson/Photodisc/GettyImages

About This Quiz

The animals of Canada are beautiful and intriguing and always have to be equipped for the extreme cold! Living in forests, fields, and sometimes even in the big city, there are so many chances to get a glimpse of these phenomenal creatures. Animals like the beaver and the moose are almost entirely synonymous with the word "Canada." Which animal would you be?

If you took a trip around the country, you'd encounter many different habitats and creatures throughout your journey. One animal that is commonly found all across the country is the Canada goose, which is also known for its migration in the winter months. Going far up north to the glaciers and tundra would give you a glimpse of the incredible polar bear, which is not an animal you would want to reach out and pet, no matter how cute they look! The beaver can be found in many different water bodies, like lakes and rivers, where it works to build dams. The moose likes to stick to the forests, but it's not uncommon for one to wander into a city.

Every Canadian has a favourite Canadian animal, but do you know what animal is most like you? Now is your chance to find your match in the Canadian animal kingdom by taking this wild quiz!

Sky Diving
Graiki / Moment / Getty Images
Not all of us are comfortable doing this, but do you ever step out of your comfort zone?
No, that's not for me.
Almost never
I do when I feel like I need to push myself
All the time!
Loud Mouth
Tara Moore / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you say you're an outspoken person?
No, I usually keep to myself.
Only when it's necessary
Most of the time
freestocks.org via Pexels
First impressions can matter! How do people describe you?
They often say I'm quiet.
They usually describe me as trustworthy.
I get that I'm friendly.
I'm often called sponteneous.


It's time to think of your morning motivation! What gets you out of bed in the morning?
My motivation and determination
My friends and family
[AJ_Watt] / E+] / Getty Images
Think back to your time in school. Who were you in class or friend groups?
People knew me as the focused kid.
I was always the quiet one.
I was known to be popular.
I was an active kid in school.
5 Swim
Digital Vision/Digital Vision/Getty Images
If you were - or are - an active person, which sport do you dominate in?
No one could beat me at wrestling.
I was great at track!
Swimming was always my thing.
I wasn't a sports person.


Relaxing weekend
[Martin Dimitrov] / [E+] / Getty Images
Weekends are for relaxing or taking some time to do what you want. You usually spend them doing what?
I usually spend them by myself, taking up a hobby or pastime that I enjoy.
I'll go out with a few friends on a Saturday night.
I like to have a huge dinner with my family.
I'm always on the next adventure.
[ fcafotodigital] / [E+] / Getty Images
Some love them, and some hate them. Are you a holiday person?
Yes, it means more time with my family.
They aren't for me.
I don't mind them now and then.
Everyday is a holiday for me.
doll house
Cultura RF/Emma Kim/Cultura/Getty Images
What was your favorite toy or game as a kid?
I loved to play with dolls or trucks.
I usually loved to play games, like Pictionary.
I was very into playing playground games, like tag.
My favorite was a skipping rope or a ball and bat.


AleksandarNakic / E+ / Getty Images
Whether it's to earn dough or to feel accomplished, would you say you're a workaholic?
I can be at times.
Absolutely, it's in my blood.
No, I'm not.
Only when it's necessary
Matteo Colombo/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What would you say is your favourite part of Canada?
The Northern part where it's cold
The secluded areas of the country
The big cities
Wherever there is adventure!
Woman Freedom
Pixabay by JillWellington
How would you describe your lifestyle?
It's very family-oriented.
It's laid back with lots of freedom.
I'd call it normal and calm.
My lifestyle is exciting and fast-paced.


[PeopleImages] / [E+] / Getty Images
Everyone goes through these once in a while. How do you deal with tough times?
I push through them.
I take a lot of time for myself.
I do something to take my mind off things.
I try to put the past behind me.
Volunteer Food Shelter
[ asiseeit] / [E+] / Getty Images
Would you ever give someone the jacket off your back if they needed it?
Of course, without question
If they let me know they needed it, sure
Only if I had one to spare
No, I might need it in the future.
Can you Guess What Letters Are Missing From These Phrases? 1
Which of the following are you best at?


19 A Quick and Easy Guide to Throwing a Great Baby Shower
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision /GettyImages
They can be exhilarating or scary! What do you think of roller coasters?
I'll go on if someone comes with me!
Definitely not for me
I don't love them, but I also don't hate them.
They're a lot of fun!
Chris Hadfield
Wiki Commons
Many awesome people were born in Canada. Which famous Canadian do you admire?
Chris Hadfield
Laura Secord
David Suzuki
Wayne Gretzky
How Much Money Could You Make on Cash Cab 2
Of the following, what Canadian competition show would you try?
"Cash Cab"
"The Great Canadian Baking Show"
"Canadian Idol"
"Wipeout Canada"


Debate Team
SolStock/E+/Getty Images
Can you be easily persuaded or convinced?
I'm usually the one doing the persuading.
I usually stand my ground and don't take well to convincing.
I can be easily convinced.
It really depends on what someone is trying to convince me.
Tim Hortons
Wladyslaw via WikiCommons
There are so many great restaurants in the north! At which Canadian restaurant could you eat forever?
Tim Hortons
Baton Rouge
franckreporter / E+ / Getty Images
Whether it's alone or with a big group, who do you spend the most time with?
Myself and my thoughts


maydays / Moment / Getty Images
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you choose to visit?
I'd go to Greenland where it's cold.
I'd go to the outback of Australia.
I would love to visit Venice Beach.
Who wouldn't love to visit Brazil?
14-Montreal Olmpics
Pixabay by Oliver2017
Every country has moments to be proud of. What moment in Canadian history is your favorite?
Legalization of same-sex marriage
The invention of insulin
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The 2010 Vancouver Olympics
14-Long Commute
Pixabay by Christine Sponchia
How do you get to work or school?


Person Thinking6
Mattia / Photodisc / Getty Images
Are you a fan of cold sweater weather or the heat of the summer?
I love the freezing cold!
A mild temperature is best for me.
Temperature doesn't bother me.
I like the heat.
Youtube by Infonews
Canadians know their style. Which Canadian clothing brand do you wear most?
Canada Goose
naibank / Moment / Getty Images
Can you choose one great Canadian city in which to live?
St. John's


Alina555 / E+ / Getty Images
Would you consider yourself to be a good judge of character?
I like to think that I am.
Not really, but sometimes I can hit the mark.
I'm definitely not.
Unsplash Pub Domain
Everyone has different skills and things they like to do. Would you prefer an office job or a trade?
I wouldn't mind an office job.
I love working with my hands, so I'll choose a trade.
I'd be happy in either of them.
I don't like to limit myself.
Funny Personality
FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images
Showing you care is important. How do you make others happy?
I do my best to help them when they need it.
I respect their privacy and boundaries.
I'm always there to listen.
I try to give them fun opportunities.
