Which Luxury Car Are You Most Like?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Luxury Car Are You Most Like?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

It's time to answer the question that has been keeping you awake at night - which luxury car are you most like? It might seem impossible to deduce such a thing, but we have it down to a science. After we learn about your lifestyle, your driving expertise, and how you view vehicles, we'll find it easy to pair your traits with the luxury car that you resemble the most. 

With their leather seats, technologically advanced engines, and steering that could handle the world curviest roads, luxury cars are more than just a way to get where you need to go. Luxury cars are status symbols, and they are built to last. You might prefer a sportier car or you might feel more comfortable with four doors, but are those cars really like you? Are you really like them? By the time we're done, we'll be able to get the bottom of it. 

Buckle up, and remember to take your time choosing your response. Pay no attention to that tailgater behind you, and choose the response you feel sums you up the best. Then, we'll tell you what luxury car you can imagine yourself being on your way home from work today!

Where do you live?
A rich suburb
A major American city
A major town
The seedy side of town
How often do you hear sirens in your neck of the woods?
I'd say, but I don't know what a siren sounds like.
Every time I speed, baby!
How big a concern is your career in the grand scheme of things?
I've made it, so it's a small concern.
I'm on my way up, so it's a concern, but not a major one.
I have no life outside of work, so it's all I think about.
It's not going the way I wanted, so I think about it a lot.


How much time away from work do you spend thinking about going back to work?
A little
All my time
My darkest moments
How satisfying is your job?
It's starting to get too easy.
It's very satisfying.
I'm never satisfied! I want more!
It's totally unfulfilling.
Are you happy with the industry you work in?
Mostly, but I want to see some things changed.
I love it, but I could be happy elsewhere.
I am miserable with the state of my industry.


Are you happy with the vector of your career at the moment?
Yes, how could I be otherwise?
Yes, I couldn't plan things better.
No, I want more!
No, nothing is making me happy.
How do the trappings of success measure to your real degree of success?
How introverted are you?
Only a little
I'm a total extrovert.
I don't have the luxury of having the power to make such distinctions.


Are you a bit of a control freak?
Only in my own life
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes
How important is keeping up with the Joneses to you?
Not important, so long as I'm well ahead of the Joneses.
I'm too mature to worry about that.
It's the only reason to live!
I've given up on that a long time ago.
How much more mature are you now than when you were in your early twenties?
I like to hope I'm the same.
It's like I'm a different person.
I don't know, but I'm much more focused.
More or less the same, just beaten down.


When you really focus, how effective are you?
Very, to a point, and then it's just sound and fury, signifying nothing.
When I kick into gear, nothing can stop me.
When I'm focused, I'm at my best.
It's not a huge improvement.
What is your management philosophy?
Overpower, overkill, over-deliver
Save your strength for the big push.
All the power all the time, to the end.
Scrape by as long as you can, until the bottom falls out.
Do you do much in the way of recreation?
My whole life is recreation.
I pack in plenty of recreational time.
No, I'm only about the job.
No, I can't afford it.


How do you dress for work?
However I like because I'm in charge.
Blazer and jeans
A tailored suit
An off the rack suit
How often do you replace your phone?
Whenever I feel the impulse, like when the new iPhone comes out.
Once every couple years
Once a year
When the old phone breaks
How expansive is your wardrobe?
It's massive. At this point, I probably have $20,000 of clothing that does not fit me.
I pare things down, so I have enough clothing to last about four weeks, if I were to ignore the weather.
It's small but really expensive.
It's small and cheap.


Of the gadgets you own, which is your favorite?
My Vertu Constellation
My LG V30
My iPhone X
My Swiss army knife
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A few dozen
How far do you travel when you go on vacation?
I cross the whole planet.
I'll cross an ocean.
I'll find the best nearby ski resort.
Staycation every time


How often are you accused of talking over everyone?
I used to be accused of that, before I was capable of destroying someone's career.
Sometimes, when I get worked up.
How privileged was your upbringing?
Not very
How far have you come from your origins?
Not far
I've come a long way.
I've stayed right where I was.
I've moved a bit, but not far enough.


Are you pleased with your personal life today?
Yes, my life is pretty perfect.
I'm pleased with the progress I've made, and where things are headed.
I'm never satisfied.
My personal life is satisfactory.
How ambitious are you?
I'm not ambitious anymore.
I have towering ambitions.
All I care about is getting ahead at work.
I was ambitious, but then I got stepped on.
How involved in your community are you?
I pay people for that.
I'm on some boards.
I don't have time for community.
I'm around for some local groups.


How involved in culture are you?
I go to the opera.
I love a Broadway show.
I will go to something expensive to show my status.
I like movies.
How old are you?
Under 30
How much of a showoff are you?
I'm a gigantic showoff.
I'm a little bit of a showoff, but I keep it low key most of the time.
I'm a totally unabashed showoff, but I'm not the flashiest.
I like to show off, but I can't do it well.
