About This Quiz
Like any regular school, coursework or a curriculum is required for students to experience educational progress. It usually consists of instructional content with objectives, demonstrations, and finally examinations to test just how well the students have grasped the concepts.Â
In real life, from as early as kindergarten, we've been taught mathematics, English language and literature, science and in many places physical education. Once we go to college, not only does the coursework intensify, but students also have to option of taking electives.Â
At Hogwarts Wizarding School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the same applies, and as the years go on, harder subjects and the final exams (called the Ordinary Wizarding Level O.W.L.s) must be taken. A variety of subjects are offered at the school, some of which include Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Herbology, Divination, Flying and even Muggle Studies.
Which of the subjects taught at the magical school will you ace? Will you be surprised at what it is or do you already know what it will be? Will it be one of the more difficult ones like Defense Against the Dark Arts, or something hands on like Care of Magical Creatures? The only way to find out is to take this quiz!