Does He Like You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Does He Like You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

We have all been there, you meet a guy, and you like him a lot, he seems to crush on you too, and everything seems to be going well. Maybe you two are flirting, and you just know he is going to ask you out soon. Maybe you want out, everything went great, and you know another date is right around the corner, or maybe you have gone out a few times, and you are waiting to see how things progress.

But the thing is, even though he seems to like you or things seem to be going okay, does he really like you? Maybe this is just all in your head, and you are not reading his signals right, or even worse, maybe you are being played, and he is just trying to hook up with you, without really getting with you. Or who knows, maybe he does like you just to hang out with, but he doesn't like you enough to get serious with you.

Honestly, it is enough to drive a person crazy, what are you to do? Well, the first thing to do is take this quiz, and then at least when get ghosted, become a friend with benefits, or get proposed to, you won't be all that surprised.

Does he make a lot of eye contact with you?
Not that I recall.
Not really.
Quite a bit yes.
It is contsant.
Does he often touch you in a casual way?
I don't think so.
Yes, and it is creepy!
He does quite often.
He does all the time.
Does he flirt with people in front of you?
All the time.
Not that I notice.
No, quite the opposite.


Does he talk to you a lot about things that interest you?
I don't think he knows what those are.
No, he talks about himself mostly.
Yes, he makes a point to do that.
Does he get nervous around you?
I can't tell.
Not at all.
Maybe a little.
Yes, he does.
Does he talk about any of his exes around you?
No, but I don't know him that well.
Yes, all the time.
Not ever.


Does he tease you?
Not that I can think of.
Yeah, and it is kind of mean.
Maybe a little.
Yes, in a cute way.
Does he ask you a lot of questions?
About what?
No, he talks mostly about himself.
All the time.
Has he ever talked about going away together?
Does his bedroom count as away?
Once or twice.
All the time.


Does he say things that are meant to impress you?
I don't think so.
Yeah, but in a really surface way.
Yeah, he does that a lot.
No, he is always himself.
Does he compliment you a lot?
Yes, but just my appearance.
Yes, quite often.
Does he get jealous when you are with other people?
Not at all.
He acts it, but I can't tell.
Yes, really jealous.
I don't think so.


Does he like and comment on your social media?
Not often.
Pretty much never.
Yes, he does that often.
Does he buy you a lot of presents?
No, he has never done that.
Not often.
Yes, he does it a lot.
He does it all the time.
How often does he text you during the day?
Pretty much never.
All the time.


How much does he text you late at night?
All the time.
Pretty much never.
Do you make him laugh?
Not that I have noticed.
Not really.
Yes, quite often.
Does he ever call you "babe" or "sweetie"?
Not ever.
Yeah, quite a bit.
Not usually.


Does he stare at you a lot?
He never does.
Yes. Creepy!
Yes, but not in an obvious way.
Does he ever tell you that he misses you?
Yeah, but in a funny way
No, that would be unexpected.
If something is bothering you, would you tell him about it?
No. Awkward!
No, I don't think he would be interested.


Has he ever mentioned meeting your family?
Not once.
No, and I wouldn't expect that from him.
Yes, but I think he was joking.
Does he lean into you when he talks to you?
Yes, all the time.
Not usually.
How often does he try to make plans with you?
Never, but I am hoping he might.
Never, but he wants to hang when I see him out.


Where have most of your conversations taken place?
At work or school.
At a bar or a club.
On a date.
At each other's homes.
Does he remember your birthday?
He doesn't know it.
Well, he did buy me a drink.
Yes, he acknowledges it.
Yes, he makes a big deal of it.
When you go out, who pays?
We haven't gone out for real yet.
Usually me.
It is even.
Usually him.


If you stopped talking to him, how long would it be before he talked to you again?
I have no idea.
Probably a week.
A few days.
Later on today.
Do you ever argue?
No, we don't know each other enough to do that.
No, I don't think he cares enough to get worked up about anything.
No, if I get mad I don't tell him.
Of course.
Does he have any nicknames for you?
Not that I know of.
I don't think so.
Yes he has a few.
