What British Chocolate Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What British Chocolate Are You?
Image: Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Brand name British chocolate has been around since Victorian times, when great and glorious innovators such as Joseph Rowntree, John Cadbury and J. S. Fry realized that they could sell a lot more chocolate if people could trust that it was really their product, and not the goopy mulch that often passed for the treat in the dubiously-regulated markets of London. They and others founded Britain's great chocolatiers, and while giants like Nestle have purchased some household names since then (alas, poor Rowntree!), their inventions remain popular to this day.

This means that whatever sort of chocolate you like, there is a household name that is perfectly suited to your tastes - and better yet, whatever chocolate you ARE like, there's a chocolate bar knocking around Old Blighty that encapsulates your core characteristics. If you're bitter and weird, but a small group of people adore you despite you being consistently mean to them, you are Bendick's Bittermints. If you're cute and smooth, but a little of you goes a long way, you're Cadbury's Chocolate Buttons. If you're low-maintenance to the point that people mostly want to see you when they are totally out of energy, you are the generic white-labeled chocolate bars sold at National Trust gift shops.

Of course, there's clearly a lot more to you than these simple options. It's time to dig into your chocolatey characteristics and find out which more popular chocolate bar you truly are!

Misterious woman
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Do you contain multitudinous mysteries?
Yes, a few
One or two
Yes, actually
Friends embracing
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Be honest: What percentage of people actually like you?
Probably 65%
10%, which is how I like it
About half
Alone at party
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Have you ever found yourself sitting alone at a party with nobody to talk to?
No, I am always in the heart of the action.
Very rarely!
All the time, which I like
Once in a while


Woman pointing
Robert Daly / OJO Images / Getty Images
What happened to the last person who underestimated you?
Nobody ever underestimates me.
They got a shock.
I destroyed them.
I outlasted them.
Man trying to kiss
stock-eye / E+ / Getty Images
How long do you usually need to win over someone who initially thinks they don't like you?
Two or three seconds
One afternoon
I don't even try. It's not my problem if they have bad taste.
Either they like me at once or they never will!
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Friends are good, but fans are better. Do you agree or disagree?
I love both!
I'm easy, as long as people like me.
I only like friends.
I prefer fans.


Man under pressure
seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Moment / Getty Images
What happens to you when the heat is on, figuratively speaking?
I melt at once!
I suffer but I soldier on.
I hang in as best I can.
I seem like I will go to pieces, but I don't. Not one bit.
Woman waiting at cafe
Image Source RF/Zero Creatives / Image Source / Getty Images
When is the last time you made plans and simply didn't show up?
Not for months
Not for years
Last week
Overseas exploration
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Have you got a lot of friends overseas?
Yes! I am popular and widely loved.
Weirdly enough, no
I have never been overseas.
Yes, quite a few


TangMan Photography / London / Getty Images
In which part of the UK do you feel you fit in most?
Up north
The 'burbs
Saturday agenda
Just_Human / E+ / Getty Images
Your friend asks, "Do you have plans Saturday?" What do you say in response?
"I've been invited to a party actually."
"Yes, I'm seeing a movie."
"Depends, what's up?"
"Let me check my book."
Woman alone
Marco_Piunti / E+ / Getty Images
If someone left you in the back of the fridge for six months, figuratively speaking, what sort of state would you be in when you came out?
I would be dead.
I would survive, just.
I would be fine after a little thawing out.
I would be exactly the same.


Mean man
SchulteProductions / E+ / Getty Images
Someone is being mean to you. How do you respond?
I bombard them with loveliness.
I give it my best effort, then give up.
I'm perfectly sweet, but nothing more.
I ignore them.
Diverse people together
Drazen_ / E+ / Getty Images
Do you get on well with people who are unlike you?
Yes, mostly
Yes, but I prefer my fellow nerds/bookworms/jocks (as applicable!)
Sure, if they are cool
Extravagant woman
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Has anyone ever told you that a little of you goes a long way?
Yes, but they are wrong.
Once in a while, I hear this.
Yes, and they are right.
No, people can't get enough.


Band in USA
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
If you were a band, could you make it to number one in America?
I think so, but I would never try.
Definitely not. I'm an acquired taste.
I already have!
Surprised woman
Yoshiyoshi Hirokawa / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How often do people tell you they were surprised by something about you, once they got to know you?
Fairly often
Not often
Once in a while
Pretty and funny woman
Tim Robberts / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Everyone is attractive in their own way. Which word best describes your appeal?


Friends talking
We Are / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Whose good opinion of you would come as a total surprise?
Extreme introverts
Suburban housewives
Like-minded young people
svetikd / E+ / Getty Images
How often are you found around like-minded people?
Sometimes. I like to mix it up.
I mostly hang out in my bubble. It's safe there.
Nobody's mind is like mine.
I get on with most people.
Chocolate flavors
fcafotodigital / E+ / Getty Images
Which flavour is the best combination with chocolate?
Hazelnut. Obviously! Also orange.
Caramel is the only flavour that goes with chocolate.
Anything but peanut. Deep down, you know I'm right.


Woman holding up hand
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
As your chocolate bar counterpart, against what criticism are you prepared to defend yourself?
I am a little uncontroversial.
I do have a weird name.
I am a bit samey.
I do come across as weirdly desperate.
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
What frequent critcism of your non-chocolate self do you think is probably fair?
I'm really cute ... and I know it.
I am sometimes offensively relentless.
I don't give anything away.
I am a little obvious about what I want.
Paper Boat Creative / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How important is it to you that packaging is recyclable?
It's the most important thing!
Pah! Screw the Earth!
It's helpful.
Honestly, I don't really think about it.


Signing petition
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Someone asks you to sign a petition, but you don't care about the cause. Do you sign?
Sure. Why not keep the peace?
I let them persuade me for a while then sign, so they feel like they earned it.
I sign a fake name.
People on airplane
gchutka / E+ / Getty Images
Three minutes into your flight, you realize your seatmate is a crashing bore. How do you survive?
I don't believe anyone is boring!
Talk endlessly so they never get a word in
Ignore them
Seduce them then abandon them in the toilet!
Slim body
Yuri_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
How would you describe your body type?
Cute and appealing
Short and squat
Slim and long
Curvy and gorgeous


Relaxed woman
Kathrin Ziegler / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When do you feel most relaxed?
At a party
At a movie
At home on my own
With my boo
Crowd movie theater
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You're in a crowded movie theater. How much effort do you make to be considerate of others?
Only whatever is comfortable for me!
As much as is polite
I do my best!
Australia map
Jenny Dettrick / Moment / Getty Images
You have to go to Australia, but you are not allowed to take a plane. How do you do it?
Trains and cruise ships!
Probably buy a little sailboat and go that way.
Ride a horse to Hong Kong then hide in a container ship.
I'd just have to skip it. I'm not dying on the high seas!
