Who's Your Marvel Dad?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Who's Your Marvel Dad?
Image: Marvel Studios

About This Quiz

We are pretty sure your real dad is probably a swell guy and all, but is he super? You might think he's super, but has he ever gone into the darkest reaches of space to fight off an intergalactic threat from beyond? Has he handled a guy with a red skull for a face for trying to take over the world? Did he build his own suit of armor in a cave in the middle of nowhere that became the basis of his world-saving powers? Has he ever saved the entire race of Asgard because it was the right thing to do? Probably not.

If your dad could be one of the Avengers, we're sure he would be great at it. But for now, if you had to pick from the existing Avengers and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe crew, who do you think your dad would be? Which of these heroes would be up to the task of being the guy in your backyard grilling up burgers and fatherly advice on the weekend and then grilling bad guys 9-to-5 during the week? There's no time like the present to find out, so take the quiz and see.

Iron Man and father
Marvel Studios
Is your dad your hero?
I loved him and all, but he wasn't like a hero.
He sure was.
Yeah, I'd say so.
Not really
Father and son playing video game
Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Kids often surpass their parents at some things. Are you better than your dad at anything?
Maybe some things
No, he's still the best.
Ask him that question and see what he says.
Laura Kinney
20th Century Fox / Marvel Entertainment / TSG Entertainment / Kinberg Genre / Hutch Parker Productions / The Donners' Company
Did you get into trouble a lot when you were little?
Only when I got caught
Define "trouble."


Hulk and father
Marvel Enterprises / Universal Pictures
Do you have a problem with authority?
Who, me?
Not one bit
I respect authority.
I am the authority.
Aunt May
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Laura Ziskin Productions
If you could pick a Marvel mom, who would it be?
Aunt May
Captain Marvel
Black Widow
Father and son
Hello World / Stone / Getty Images
Are you the kind of person who does everything your dad asks the moment he asks it?
I got to it eventually. Usually.
You bet.
Almost always
Pfft ...


Father and son playing superhero
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you make a good superhero sidekick?
Not really
I sure would!
It depends on the hero.
Real heroes don't need sidekicks, do they?
Marvel Studios
Which Marvel villain could you see your dad taking on?
Maybe Loki
All of them
My dad would get someone else to do it for him.
Dad ain't got time for that.
Columbia Pictures / Marvel Enterprises / Laura Ziskin Productions
What superpower do you feel like your dad would get the most use out of?


Father helps son to pinnacle summit
Ascent Xmedia / Stone / Getty Images
What's better, an awkward dad who doesn't want to get too into your business or an involved dad who wants to know all of your business?
Some kind of happy medium
I like an involved dad!
Involved and awkward would be fine.
I'll take awkward and uninvolved.
Iron Man creating
Marvel Studios
What skill has your dad passed on to you?
Something else
Father laughing
Flashpop / Stone / Getty Images
Does your old man make dad jokes?
Yeah, but they're funny.
Corny ones
I guess sometimes, but they get kind of dark.


Father and son drinking
Hello World / Stone / Getty Images
Should your dad be your friend?
Well, not like a hang-out-on-a-Saturday-night friend.
Heck, yeah!
Dad isn't supposed to be your friend.
Not even close
DC Films / RatPac Entertainment / Atlas Entertainment / Cruel and Unusual Films
Just for kicks, let's switch teams. Who would your DC dad be?
Steve Trevor
Father giving daughter lecture
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What kind of punishment was typical for you as a kid?
A lecture at most
I lost privileges.
Let's not get into that.


Laura Kinney and Logan
20th Century Fox / Marvel Entertainment / TSG Entertainment / Kinberg Genre / Hutch Parker Productions / The Donners' Company
Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
Dad for sure
Young Hulk
Marvel Enterprises / Universal Pictures
When you were little, which of these did you like doing the most?
Video games
Bossing around younger kids
Father and son fishing
Hello World / Stone / Getty Images
What's better, a fishing trip with dad or a video game marathon with him?
Let's try both and see.
Not really into either of those


Jean confronts her dad
20th Century Fox / Marvel Entertainment / The Donners' Company / TSG Entertainment
If your dad forbids you from doing something you really wanted to do, what would you do?
I am so doing what I want to do.
Do as I was told.
I might have to sneak out under the cover of darkness.
Who's forbidding me from doing stuff?
Young Iron Man and father
Marvel Studios
Ever talk back to the old man?
Under my breath
If I felt I was right
I express myself, sure.
Father and daughter listening music
Tempura / E+ / Getty Images
How's your dad's taste in music?
He rocked.
He liked the classics.
He had some rhythm.
Dude was metal.


Howard Stark
Marvel Studios
Does your dad dress like a dad?
He's all business.
Oh yeah, very casual
He dresses pretty cool.
He's a bit over the top and flashy.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - Mustang
Marvel Studios
Is your dad more minivan or Mustang?
Something flashy like an Audi R8
He's a classic car kind of guy.
Definitely a muscle car
Father's Day
skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
What were you most likely to get for your dad on Father's Day?
A watch
A new tie
Tickets to a football game


Thor and father
Marvel Studios
Would you listen to your dad's dating advice?
I dunno about that.
Of course!
Yeah, why not?
I doubt he'd give any.
Thor yelling at his father
Marvel Studios
Do you feel comfortable swearing in front of your dad?
For sure!
I don't generally swear.
He swears, I don't.
I can express myself in other ways.
Boys skipping class
Imgorthand / E+ / Getty Images
Did you or do you ever skip classes at school?
From time to time
Of course not!
Yeah, sometimes there are better things to do
You bet!


Iron Man working
Marvel Studios
Do you feel like you have a strong work ethic?
I have an appropriate work ethic.
I do what I need to do when I need to do it.
Everything about me is strong.
Happy man
Willie B. Thomas / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's your dad more likely to do rather than save the world?
Volunteer somewhere
Organize the neighborhood watch
Work out
Drinking milk from carton
Ashley Corbin-Teich / Image Source / Getty Images
Do you ever drink milk out of the carton?
When I'm thirsty
That's rude.
My milk, my carton, my right
I don't drink milk.
