Which Iconic Dragon Ball Z Villain Are You?

By: Daniel Yetman
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Iconic Dragon Ball Z Villain Are You?
Image: Fuji TV

About This Quiz

If you were born in the late 1980s or 1990s, you probably have fond memories of watching "Dragon Ball Z" on TV. "Dragon Ball Z" is one of the most successful anime shows of all time, and for a good reason. Who can resist watching Goku as he travels to other worlds and protects the universe from evil? The show originally started airing in 1989, but even thirty years later, it remains popular with spinoffs like "Dragon Ball GT" and "Dragon Ball Super."

If you're a fan of the show, you're probably already familiar with the major villains who appeared throughout the series. Who do you associate with? Are you more of a Frieza, Vegeta, Cell, or Majin Buu? 

The final battle between Goku and Frieza lasts for more than four hours of air time, making it the longest battle in anime history. Even though Frieza is about as bad as they come, not all of the villains in the Dragon Ball franchise are bad to the bone. Piccolo, Buu, and Vegeta are three examples of characters that are big softies deep down.

Are you ready to find out which villain you're most like? Hopefully, you're not on a quest for world domination like some of these characters, but hey, we're not judging. Ready? Let's get started!

Dragonball Z - Goku vs Majin Vegeta
Fuji TV
Who is your favorite Z Fighter?
Young woman exercising on treadmill
EmirMemedovski/E+/Getty Images
After you work out, how much do you eat?
A lot!
Hardly anything
A medium amount
I'll eat until my stomach explodes.
Friendly chat
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
Do you think you're more cute and friendly or mean and tough?
Probably more mean and tough
Definitely mean and tough!
Somewhere between
Definitely cute and friendly


Portrait of a Grumpy Persian Cat
Kryssia Campos/Moment/Getty Images
Do people often tell you that you look angry?
Very rarely
All the time
Nobody has ever told me that.
Batman and Joker
Fox Kids
Which of these comic book characters do you think you're most like?
The Joker
Two woman having fun
CHBD/E+/Getty Images
Do you think that you're easy to get along with?
I'm fairly difficult to get along with.
I'm very difficult to get along with.
I'm pretty easy to get along with.
I'm very easy to get along with.


Group of people having fun at music concert
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
On a scale from 1 to 10, how outgoing are you (10 being very outgoing)?
Destroy the earth
Fuji TV
If you were a villain in "Dragon Ball Z," would you destroy the world if that was the only way to win a battle?
Yes, if I were desperate.
No, of course not
I would blow up the world just for fun.
Karate kick into punching bag
petesphotography/E+/Getty Images
What type of martial arts do you most like to do?


Power Push-Ups
Do you consider yourself a physically strong person?
I'm about average.
I'm the strongest!
I'm stronger than average.
Not at all
Dragon God
Fuji TV
If you collected all seven dragon balls, what would you wish for?
Unlimited wealth
The ability to fly
Unlimited food
Woman flying
sturti/E+/Getty Images
What's your dream superpower?
Superhuman speed
Super strength
The ability to change forms
The ability to regenerate limbs


Woman sitting on suitcase in train looking at smart phone
Counter/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Where would you go on your ideal vacation?
Hiking in the deep woods
Another planet
Somewhere tropical
Anywhere with good food
Goku's Spirit Bomb
Fuji TV
Which of these classic "Dragon Ball Z" episodes is your favorite?
"Transformed At Last" (Goku becomes a Super Saiyan for the first time)
"Final Atonement" (Vegeta tries to defeat Majin Buu by himself)
"A Hero's Farewell" (Goku saves the world from Cell blowing himself up)
"Spirit Bomb Triumphant" (Goku defeats Majin Buu with the spirit bomb)
Italian Buffet
DIANE PADYS/Photodisc/Getty Images
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Something healthy like fruit or vegetables
Noodles or pasta
Pizza or burgers
A dessert, like cake or cookies


Woman watching television with dog
Luka/Cultura/Getty Images
On a scale from 1 to 10, how laid back do you consider yourself (10 being very laid back)?
Stylish woman in city holding a cup of coffee and looking at smart phone
Eva-Katalin/E+/Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as a stylish person?
Yes, very stylish
Somewhat stylish
Not stylish at all
Not at all
Man hands up ready to fight
Ian Ross Pettigrew/Moment/Getty Images
Do you make a lot of enemies or do you get along with most people?
I have trouble getting along with others.
I occasionally have trouble getting along with others.
I get along with most people.
I get along with everybody.


Multi-ethnic men cheering on sofa
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
When you watch sports on TV, what do you watch?
Fighting sports
Football, soccer or hockey
Baseball or cricket
Olympic sports
Mountain man on a summit
Vernon Wiley/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you an adventurous person?
I'm not very adventurous.
I occasionally enjoy going on adventures.
I'm always exploring new places.
I enjoy staying in bed all-day.
Buu Saga
Fuji TV
Which of these storylines do you like the most?
The Namek Saga
Saiyan Saga
Cell Games Saga
Buu Saga


Friends playing video games
Pekic/E+/Getty Images
Do you prefer strategy games or action games?
Definitely strategy games
Usually strategy games
Usually action games
Definitely action games
Man biking to work
RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images
Which of these jobs do you think you'd be most suited for?
Professional athlete
Professional food tester
Young man having fun with avocado at the kitchen
Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images
Has anybody ever called you a funny person?
Yes, people call me funny occasionally.
No, I'm very serious.
Once or twice
Yes, I get that all the time.


Woman Stretching Before Run
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you like training hard for sports or martial arts?
I don't really like training.
I love the feeling of improving at something.
I like training.
I hate training.
Dbz 21 guns
Fuji TV
If you were a Dragon Ball Z villain, would you use a weapon?
Probably not
No, but I might transform into an ape.
I might use a sword.
Of course not
Businesswoman yelling at laptop with bullhorn
Daly and Newton/OJO Images/Getty Images
How in control of your temper are you?
Mostly in control
Not in control at all
Completely in control
Not very in control


Business men and women by red line
Adie Bush/Cultura/Getty Images
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a lone wolf are you (10 being a complete lone wolf)?
Goku transforms into ape
Fuji TV
Which of these powers would you prefer to have?
Superhuman intelligence
The ability to transform into a Great Ape
The ability to absorb others for their energy
The ability to heal from all injuries
Fuji TV
Which of these secondary antagonists do you like the most?
Captain Ginyu
Android 18
