Can We Guess Your Dream Car?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Dream Car?
Image: itsskin/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you ready to rev your engines and take a wild ride through the world of cars? Our ""Can We Guess Your Dream Car?"" quiz is here to put your automotive knowledge to the test! From classic Mustangs to luxurious Lincolns, we'll help you uncover the car of your dreams.

Step back in time to the 1800s when horse-drawn carriages ruled the roads. Thanks to German inventor Karl Benz, the first true automobile was born in 1885, forever changing the way we think about transportation. Whether you dream of cruising in a Mercedes-Benz, BMW, or even a Ferrari, we'll use our car-savvy skills to guess your top pick!

Do you see yourself cruising in a Volkswagen van packed with family and fun? Or maybe you're eyeing the sleek 2018 Lincoln Continental for a taste of luxury and tech. Buckle up and take our dream car quiz to discover your ultimate dream car - your journey to automotive bliss starts now!

How practical are you?
Very, very practical
Totally impractical
Hopelessly impractical
Mostly practical, but you have to have a soul.
Do you plan on parallel parking your dream car?
Yes, all the time
Hopefully, if I can see out the back.
No, it's too big.
Yes, it has a self-parking system.
Do you want to drive alone or with a companion?
I'll be mostly alone.
I'll always have a total babe on my arm.
I'd like to go for a drive with friends and loved ones.
I'll be in the back, reading the paper.


Do you bike?
Yes, I do, but only on weekends.
No, I can't keep my balance.
Yes, I mostly bike to work.
No, my knee won't do it.
What kind of headphones do you own?
Sony SBH50 wireless headphones
Old Sony headphones from my Walkman in the 1980s
Bose noise cancelling headphones like the ones you get in Business Class
Would you be proud to own this car over the age of 40?
No! It would make me look sad.
Yes, it's cool no matter who is driving it.
Yes, it shows that I'm mature.


Do you feel the need to shut out the outside world?
No, I like the sounds of the road.
No, I want to hear the roar of engines!
No, I want to feel the wind in my hair.
Yes. The road is unpleasant.
How old are you?
Do you like hiking?
Yeah, but only recreationally.
No, I prefer rowing.
I don't mind hiking even if it's not recreational.
No, I'm too old and broken for that.


Would you be able to handle this car over the age of 70?
I'd hope by then I'd have a chauffeur.
Would you be proud to turn up at your own child's wedding in your dream ride?
...maybe not
Heavens no
Yeah, it'd be cool.
It's discreet, I'd do it.
What kind of road to you prefer?
Twisting back roads
Big straight highways
Long, winding mountain roads
City roads


Do you like going on long road trips?
Not more than a few hours
No, my back can't take it.
No, I don't think I'd handle it.
Do you enjoy sailing?
No, I prefer kayaking.
No, but I like swimming.
Sure, I love sailing in a long boat with a big deck.
I sold my yacht years ago.
Do you seek respect from car people?
Only from very odd car people
Yes, from meatheads
Yes, from retro fans


How much do you need gadgetry to get around?
I'm pretty dependant.
I prefer satnav.
I can read a map, no problem.
I pay people for that sort of thing.
Do you seek respect from non-car people?
Only when I overtake them.
Yes, when they see how cool I am.
No, I'm good.
Yes, because that's how you become successful.
What paint scheme would you want for your car?
Just blue
Red with a white racing stripe
Black, obviously
Silver, as it is discreet.


Do you ever go to the track?
I'd like to.
I do!
I don't. What a waste of time!
No, I'm not a childish showoff.
Are you often ticketed for speeding?
Heh, I used to be.
Yes, all the time
I'm not usually the one driving.
Do you ski?
No, I snowboard.
Yes, I do.
I cross-country ski.
No, my back can't take it.


How often would you use this car for errands?
All the time
How important are looks to you?
Not important
Very important
All important
Somewhat important
Would you want your car to attract the gender you are attracted to?
No, it's to attract me.
Yeah! I'm having a midlife crisis.
It may be some people's mint chocolate chip, but nobody's vanilla.
No, it's just for what it can do for me.


Would you want to be able to stretch out for a nap in your car?
Not unless I were really small.
No, I'd be too excited to drive.
Maybe, but it wouldn't be comfortable.
Sure I could.
How much do you dream of horsepower?
Every day ending in "Y"
Every time I drive my Corolla
I don't, ever.
Only when I am on a highway on ramp.
Do you love the thrill of danger?
No, I want total safety.
No thrills for me thanks.
I just want some peace and quiet.


Do you care if your car is unreliable?
Yes, I care a lot.
I don't mind the occasional problem.
I don't care if it constantly breaks down.
I'll pay someone for upkeep.
Do you need a car for your job?
Yes, I do.
No, I do not.
I could use one, but there's no absolute need.
I have a company car.
Would your dream car be a second car?
No, it has to do double duty.
No, but then I don't really need a car.
Maybe, if my spouse insists on getting my old one.


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