All About You!

Let's talk about you, your personality type, your catchphrase, your ancestral roots, your phobias. Don't blame us if you wind up taking more than one of these fun personality quizzes.

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What you choose to snack on can say a lot about you. Do you enjoy a Kit-Kat over some chips? What about a soup over a salad? Tell us all about your snacking preferences, and we'll guess where in the country you spent your formative years!

By Heather Cahill

When it comes to woodworking, there's only one requirement: Build it out of wood. Other than that, the possibilities are limitless. How much do you know about this craft that has been around for thousands of years?

By Gavin Thagard

Popcorn, Skittles and root beer ... oh my! If the movies make you feel like you're "not in Kansas anymore," then it's time to pick up the "Reese's pieces" with this "Life Savers" quiz!

By Talin Vartanian


Can you go a full day without a trip to the closest Timmies or do you avoid Tim Hortons at all costs? Let's find out just how much you love (or loathe) the most popular coffee shop in Canada!

By Ashley Linkletter

Est-ce que tu parles français? Do you speak French? Aimes-tu la culture française? Do you love French culture? Everyone is at least a little bit French — take this quiz and find out if you're more French than you might realize!

By Ashley Linkletter

From windbreakers to floral accessories and crimped hair, the '90s had it all in terms of style and makeup. You'll have to remember the best of the '90s (and also the worst) to pass this quiz!

By Ashley Linkletter

When you're a baby, you can't even sleep through the night. When you're a teen, you'll try to sleep all day. And when you're old and grey, you can't even sleep through the night. Think we can guess your age? Grab your pillow and the quizzzzz!

By Ian Fortey


Her dad didn't invent Toaster Strudel just for you to forget about her 15 years later. It's been a minute since "Mean Girls" was on the big screen, but we're still living for Gretchen Wieners. In honor of our fave Plastics member, join us in asking ourselves: Am I fetch?

By Alex Wittman

Have you been feeling a little unbalanced lately? Create a workout playlist and learn which one of your chakras needs unblocking. Heart, crown or root? Which one needs an energetic jam? Turn it up and find out!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Although Canada and the U.S. share a border, living within each country can be a much different experience. Do you think you have what it takes to survive in the U.S.? Take the quiz to see if you could make it!

By Heather Cahill

Deck the halls with ... well, we're dying to know how you go about decking the halls, my dude! Spill the hot cocoa about your Christmas traditions, and we'll guess your eye color. Like Santa always knowing precisely what you want, we're crazy accurate!

By Alex Wittman


We can't promise you a new car smell as your reward, but we will find out if you're a real peach! Don't waste anymore thyme, or else we'll be turning Old Spice!

By Talin Vartanian

Everyone has their morning routine figured out to make their morning go smoothly. Now, it's time to find out what province your routine matches. Tell us all about your perfect morning, and we'll tell you where you should move!

By Heather Cahill

Overwhelmed by work, your relationship or just life itself? Do you need just 5 minutes of peace and quiet? If your soul needs some soothing, just escape for a minute into this quiz and find out how!

By Ian Fortey

Are your photography skills headed for the streets or the fashion runway? Point your lens at this quiz, and find out what kind of photographer you are at heart. This time, it's your turn to say cheeessseeee!

By Teresa McGlothlin


Do you clean as you go? Save the heels of bread? Believe in the five-second rule? Tell us all about your cooking habits and we'll reveal some surprising facts about your personality!

By Emily Maggrett

He's smart, he's fun, he's the light of your life! Yet, it's nearly impossible to find the perfect gift for him. Take the mystery out of it this year by telling us all about him. Then, you'll find out what he really wants!

By Teresa McGlothlin

He's smart, he's fun, he's the light of your life! Yet, it's nearly impossible to find the perfect gift for him. Take the mystery out of it this year by telling us all about him. Then, you'll find out what he really wants!

By Teresa McGlothlin

He's smart, he's fun, he's the light of your life! Yet, it's nearly impossible to find the perfect gift for him. Take the mystery out of it this year by telling us all about him. Then, you'll find out what he really wants!

By Teresa McGlothlin


She's as lovely and as unique as they come! Do you know which gift would suit her best, though? Tell us all about the things that make her who she is, and we'll be your personal shopper. She'll be thrilled you know her so well!

By Teresa McGlothlin

She's as lovely and as unique as they come! Do you know which gift would suit her best, though? Tell us all about the things that make her who she is, and we'll be your personal shopper. She'll be thrilled you know her so well!

By Teresa McGlothlin

She's as lovely and as unique as they come! Do you know which gift would suit her best, though? Tell us all about the things that make her who she is, and we'll be your personal shopper. She'll be thrilled you know her so well!

By Teresa McGlothlin

He's smart, he's fun, he's the light of your life! Yet, it's nearly impossible to find the perfect gift for him. Take the mystery out of it this year by telling us all about him. Then, you'll find out what he really wants!

By Teresa McGlothlin


She's as lovely and as unique as they come! Do you know which gift would suit her best, though? Tell us all about the things that make her who she is, and we'll be your personal shopper. She'll be thrilled you know her so well!

By Teresa McGlothlin

With 2019 in the rearview mirror, what color is going to rock your world in 2020? Open up about your goals and hopes for the year, and we'll let you know which power color will help make all your dreams come true!

By Teresa McGlothlin