All About You!

Let's talk about you, your personality type, your catchphrase, your ancestral roots, your phobias. Don't blame us if you wind up taking more than one of these fun personality quizzes.

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You just have to walk around Home Depot for a few minutes to realize there's nothing you can't fix, build, create or do. It's a home improvement store that can improve every aspect of your life. Take a look at these items and see if you can name them all.

By Jonnathan Chadwick

Nothing can take an outfit from sassy to trashy faster than wearing the wrong hat! Get to know which one best matches your style before you make a fashion faux pas you can't take back. Which one will be your crowning glory?

By Teresa McGlothlin

Do your friends call you whenever they need makeup tips? Are you the go-to guy or gal when it comes to skincare advice? Get ready to put Google to shame and slay us with your beauty knowledge. If you're an expert, you'll ace this quiz!

By Jane Andrews


America bills itself as the land of rugged individualism, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Things are more complicated than all that but no less fascinating. Who would you be if you'd grown up American?

By Zoe Samuel

Whether you love your job or you're ready for a new one, we think that it's time to take a look at what your life skills are like. So pull up a chair and get ready to answer some of our tricky questions in this interview quiz!

By Talin Vartanian

Is your job more of a fall-asleep-during-a-documentary or a thriller type of gig? Tell us all about it during this quiz, and we'll let you know what the marquee would say. We're really sorry if it's a rom-com!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Fires aren't just going to fight themselves in this world, and not every call a firefighter gets is going to require the same kind of response. It takes the right firefighter for the right job, so which one are you? The alarm is ringing; answer the call!

By Ian Fortey


Nursing is a demanding, rewarding profession that requires a great deal of specialized medical knowledge. How good is your grasp on the vocabulary a nurse might use? Scroll down and take this quiz to find out!

By Laura DeFazio

Being British is complicated, and in this world where globalisation has spread all cultures everywhere, it's a rare person who is 100% any nationality. Find out what % British you are with this quiz!

By Zoe Samuel

Pizza Pizza has been the Canadians' choice of pizza restaurant for many years. If you've got the famous telephone number down, then you probably know a bit about the menu. If you think you're a Pizza Pizza expert, take the quiz to find out!

By Heather Cahill

A trip to Harvey's isn't complete without bringing along someone that you love. Which brings up the question — what do you love in a man? Tell us how you like them, and we'll guess what you get from Harvey's!

By Heather Cahill


Jonesing for a snack and hungry for answers? Wunderbar! You won't need to get all-dressed to take this quiz, but you may find yourself wanting to Eat More when you're finished!

By Ashley Linkletter

Every province is known for something. Sometimes it's the people, while other times it's all about the scenery! Ever wonder which province you'd fit into the best? Tell us about your temperament and we'll match you to one!

By Heather Cahill

Do you know the difference between a bradawl and a drill? What about a wrench and a riveter? Test your hardware knowledge by naming these 40 gadgets and find out if you're the sharpest tool in the shed!

By Cameron Cobb

Hey, howdy hey! Round up the crew and see just how much you know about the equipment farmers use. Do you have what it takes to get a passing score on this quiz?

By Lauren Lubas


From Felonious Gru to Dr. Evil, there are a million different variations of evil in the world. We all fit somewhere on the sliding scale. How does your morality stack up?

By Elizabeth Lavis

If you're a juggernaut who likes to sprint up cargo nets for fun, then you might be able to qualify for the first round of FBI Special Agent training! It's time to show off your bravery with this patriotic quiz!

By Talin Vartanian

Firefighters have one of the most difficult and dangerous jobs on the planet. However, how much do you know about what they do and the rules they must follow? Do you think you have what it takes to withstand the heat of our firefighting quiz? Read on to find out.

By Kale Havervold

Whether you're an 'exposure' expert or you know a thing or two about JPEG files, this photography quiz will determine how 'prime' your current skills are. So the question is, how well can you see the big 'picture'?

By Talin Vartanian


Whether you're a little miss perfect polynesian sauce or a wild and crazy zesty buffalo flavor, we're about to find out how spicy your personality really is! Just try not to "honey roast" us if you don't like the results!

By Talin Vartanian

If your favorite part of your day is creating amazing makeup looks and you consider yourself to be quite the expert regarding all things within the beauty world, then you better put your skills to the test and find out if you're a true beauty addict!

By Jenna Dennison

You've probably heard the song "Here Comes The Bride." Well, today, you're going to be the bride of your dream wedding! Even if you're dressed in all white, you'll still need a real-life tiara that will show off your royal personality!

By Talin Vartanian

Remember that song "I'm Too Sexy" from back in the day? What do you think gave that guy the impression he was too sexy for his Milan, New York and Japan? There's gotta be something that makes you a sexy man so grab a mirror, take the quiz and we'll see!

By Ian Fortey


Some of us live life like it's nothing but smiles and rainbows, and some of us are just caught in the rain all the time. Which side of the fence are you on? Turn that frown upside down or just leave it where it is and take the quiz!

By Ian Fortey

Calling all nonhumans! If you're made up of glitter, rainbows and sunshine, then you're the perfect match for this magical quiz! Just tell us all about your unicorn life so we can show off your mythical look to the world!

By Talin Vartanian