
Do you know more dog breeds than the AKC? Can you name sea animals from A to Z? If so, you'll love our fun animal quizzes. Ready to show off your animal smarts?

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Is your feline buddy named Bastet? Milo? Coco? Bella? Yes, we're going to play 30 questions: the kitty cat edition! Tell us about your cat's personality, and we'll guess what his or her name is fur real.😻

By Emily Maggrett

They slither, they hiss, and they always look like they know something you don't. Some folks think they're shady, but not everyone. Want to know what kind of snake is your spirit animal? Slither on into this quiz and find out!

By Ian Fortey

The world's oceans are homes to countless numbers of beautiful, horrifying and adorable animals—all fascinating! How many of these marine creatures do you think you can you name? You "otter" do better than you think you will!

By Teresa McGlothlin


Let's forget about the domestic dog breeds and house cats of the world, and check out what the animal kingdom has to offer. Will you be able to identify all 40 of these interesting creatures, or will you have to look them up?

By Teresa McGlothlin

Horseback riding is not only fun and relaxing, but it can also be very useful as well. When not in the saddle, horse people are often found dreaming of it. Consider yourself to be one of them? Saddle up and get ready to see if you can handle the ropes on this quiz!

By Heather Cahill

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but maybe they just had kind of a dumb dog. Not all pups are created equal, after all. How about we find out how smart your pooch is? Grab your leash and take the quiz!

By Ian Fortey

Everyone knows that cats are smart, but is your cat smarter than your friends? Once you open up about your relationship with your favorite feline, we'll let you know just how your little furry friend measures up!

By Teresa McGlothlin


Mountains cover around 20% of the Earth's surface, and there's a whole lot more life way up there than a few dozen humans seeking climbing glory. Take our quiz to see how many of these mountain-dwelling critters you can name!

By Bambi Turner

There are some things our human hearts cannot handle alone. Luckily, everyone has a spirit animal they can summon when things get rough. Which beasts helps guide your way? Take this quiz and get the purr-fect answer!

By Teresa McGlothlin

"It's not easy being green," a famous frog once told the world (in song, no less). But if you paid attention in science class, you shouldn't find this quiz too hard! Good luck!

By Torrance Grey

The world is full of dangerous beasts looking for some prey. When you're having a rough day, are you like a shark who senses blood or a big sinewy cat, stalking your annoying coworkers in the office jungle?

By Raj Chander


Some relationships are pretty cool, calm and collected, and others can be as wild and woolly as a zoo. Think we can guess what animal guards your soul? Answer these relationship questions and see!

By Ian Fortey

If bird watching is your thing, you've come across the right quiz. If you think you have what it takes to name 40 of the most common birds, test your skills with this quiz.

By Lauren Lubas

It's a dog party ... a little dog party, that is! Combine the hints and the photos and see if you can tell the difference between a Maltese and a Miniature Pinscher. We bet you're a natural (small) dog whisperer!

By Beth Hendricks

They aren't known as the sharp tooth and the three-horn. These dinosaurs have some pretty intense names. Do you think you can identify all of them if we show you a picture?

By Lauren Lubas


There once was a cat named Cat, who'd walk about town in a hat. When the weather turned gray, he'd oft stay away, now what do you think about that? You didn't name your cat Cat did you? Take the quiz and we'll guess its name in no time!

By Ian Fortey

Do you know the main difference between predator and prey in the wild? Prey don't know the difference either, that's why predators keep getting them! Which one are you? Take the quiz and see!

By Ian Fortey

Australia is home to many different species of snakes, both venomous and nonvenomous. How well can you correctly identify some of these creatures? Take this quiz if you would like to find out!

By Khadija Leon

There may be over 300 different dog breeds out there but we're going to throw you a bone and just quiz you on 40 of them. These are some of the best dogs, from poodles to corgis! If you're a canine expert then this should be a walk in the park!

By Jacqueline Samaroo


From the finch to the snowy owl, a wide variety of familiar and exotic birds fly around in various regions of the world. Think you can name them all from a picture? Try our bird identification quiz to find out!

By Talin Vartanian

The seas are full of graceful creatures with fins. Some of them are majestic. Some are playful and intelligent. Some will eat you alive! Take our Myers-Briggs Personality Test and we'll tell you which marine animal you are!

By Zoe Samuel

There are more animals out there than can be named, so we thought we would start with just the ones that begin with a vowel. Jump into this quiz and see if you can name them as well!

By Gavin Thagard

There are a wide variety of freshwater fish that inhabit the lakes, rivers and streams in various parts of the world. Today, we're testing your knowledge on all of these types of fish! Do you think you know the difference between a rainbow trout and a striped bass! Try this fishy quiz now!

By Talin Vartanian


Embark on a "down under" trip with us to find out more about your soul, personality and how you perceive life. You've got an Australian spirit animal that's waiting for you on the other side, and it's about time you meet them with this personality quiz!

By Talin Vartanian

Did you know that animals have personalities, too? Now that you're in the know, it's essential to find out how your Myers-Briggs type causes you to resemble one of nature's finest beasts. Are you as perceptive as an owl or as extroverted as a Labrador? Let's find out!

By Teresa McGlothlin