All About You!

Let's talk about you, your personality type, your catchphrase, your ancestral roots, your phobias. Don't blame us if you wind up taking more than one of these fun personality quizzes.

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Some girls just belong in the city. Maybe you grew up outside of the city and felt connected to it, or you grew up in the city and couldn't imagine yourself anywhere else. What % city girl are you? Take this quiz to find out!

By Jennifer Post

Cowboys are American icons defining many of the virtues we see as part of our rugged individualism. All Americans have a little cowboy in them. What percentage cowboy are you? Take this quiz and find out!

By Zoe Samuel

Did you have strict parents as a child? Or were your parents more relaxed, with very few rules? In this quiz, we're about to find out how strict your upbringing was, with 30 questions about your childhood!

By Talin Vartanian


Where your brain cells betray you, your taste buds will save you on this journey through snack land. And just about every snack imaginable is covered here. Tune up your palate's memory and identify snack foods from corresponding images.

By Tasha Moore

Fighting fires has been a priority since Roman times and likely even before, as skilled crews banded together to take on nature's most unpredictable element. Do you think you know everything a firefighter should know? Take the quiz and see!

By Ian Fortey

Whether you're a professional standup comedian or late night comedy writer, or merely the class clown, everyone hopes they're funny. Take this quiz to find out if you really do have the gift of the giggle, or just think you do.

By Zoe Samuel

Do you often wonder how pretty you are? Well, you're about to find out the answer with this quiz, which contains 30 questions that will determine just how pretty you are. It's time to find out the truth now!

By Talin Vartanian


Soul food tastes so good not only because it's seasoned, but also because it's made with love. See if you can name the foods in this type of cuisine from a single hint.

By Kennita Leon

Are you as cute as a button or as cute as a rattlesnake? Share all your adorable ways with us, and we'll let you know what kind of cute the world thinks you are! It's not like you don't already know, right?

By Teresa McGlothlin

Can we guess what percent Irish you are? In this quiz, we're going to ask you 30 questions to determine if your personality is really Irish! Will you be 100% Irish, 25% Irish, or somewhere in between? Take this quiz now to find out!

By Talin Vartanian

Do you rely on the old toothpick test to know when your baked goods are done? From creaming and folding to baking and frosting a perfectly moist and tasty cake, find out how good your baking skills really are.

By Maria Trimarchi


We find it kind of shocking how little people know about linemen. Take this quiz and we'll let you know if you have the type of spark needed for the job.

By Brian Whitney

In this quiz, we're going to guess which type of angel guards your soul! Everyone has a specific angel that looks out for them, but do you know what kind yours is? Take this quiz now to find out more!

By Talin Vartanian

Do you have an unusual job? Are you confident that we'll have a hard time guessing it? Want to see how close we can get? Take this quiz to find out what we think your job is!

By Allison Lips

If you love to create logos, images and designs for fun, we've got the perfect quiz for you: a graphic design quiz that will test your knowledge on everything about colors, shapes, lines and other elements of design. See how well you do by taking this quiz now!

By Talin Vartanian


Being a licensed esthetician is more than just knowing about skin types and the latest beauty products. It's a lot more medical than you may think! Care to take a closer look at what it takes to be an esthetician? Take this quiz!

By Deborah Beckwin

In our teens, we learn a lot about who we are. We discover our identities and take on personas for ourselves. The trouble is, those personas all fit into set categories. Answer these questions and we'll tell you what kind of teenager you are.

By Lauren Lubas

Folks sick of the daily grind might think a career switch is in order -- with many turning to farming as a way to get back to nature and slow down. While farming can be lucrative, it also requires plenty of hard work and dedication. Think you've got what it takes? Test your agriculture knowledge with this quiz!

By Bambi Turner

Have you been paying more attention to the food than the place it comes out of? Can you tell us which fast food restaurant or chain we're talking about if we give you a hint?

By Kennita Leon


Everyone on board, as we are going to test your knowledge and see if you can pass the train conductor exam! Do you have what it takes to do the locomotion?

By Todd Betzold

Oval, heart, round, square, triangle. The shape of your face dictates the type of glasses that will make the most of your features. Make a stylish choice for your next spectacles by taking this quiz now.

By Monica Lee

Would you like to find out just how sexy you are? Well, in case you didn't already know, here's a quiz to help you find out. Take this quiz to see how sexy you are on a scale of 1 to 10!

By Khadija L.

Calling all foodies out there! Fans of American food items should be able to easily pinpoint their favorites among this list. See if you can identify the yummy goodies in the screenshots—but get some snacks first, as this quiz is guaranteed to induce hunger! Happy eating and answering!

By Olivia Cantor


Want to peer into the mind of a barista? Try this quiz now, which will test your knowledge on coffee drinks, coffee tools and coffee brews and roasts. If you think you can easily do the job of a barista, let's see if you can score at least a 90% on this quiz!

By Talin Vartanian

Do you think you're a mature person? In this quiz, we're about to find out what your psychological maturity level is with 30 questions about your lifestyle habits! Take this quiz now to find out more!

By Talin Vartanian