All About You!

Let's talk about you, your personality type, your catchphrase, your ancestral roots, your phobias. Don't blame us if you wind up taking more than one of these fun personality quizzes.

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When you crack a joke, how does it go over? Do people think you are witty or do they think your mind is in the gutter? After you fill in our blanks, we'll be able to guess exactly what kind of sense of humor you have!

By Teresa McGlothlin

You don't want to be caught sporting a tattoo that does not fully represent you! Once you tell us about your glowing personality, we'll tell you which popular tattoo style will help you express the best of yourself.

By Teresa McGlothlin

When it comes to surviving, some of us are a little more aggressive than others, and some aren't aggressive at all. Would you hunt, gather or scavenge to survive?

By Brian Whitney


We define our personalities based on our style. Someone can look at you and learn a lot about you just by the way you present yourself to the world. Answer these questions, and we'll rate how sexy your style is.

By Lauren Lubas

Intelligence takes many forms and no two people are exactly the same, but there are broad categories that cover classes of intelligence. Which one is yours?

By Zoe Samuel

Checkered shirt? How about gingham, houndstooth, tartan or Madras? Anyone with even a hint of fashion sense knows that there are more styles of checkered patterns than there are clothes in an average closet. Think you can ID the most popular patterns, checkered or otherwise? Take this quiz to find out!

By Bambi Turner

Firefighters often put their lives on the line protecting the lives and property of others. It’s a good thing they have plenty of tools to help. If you know all about firefighter gear, from regular turnouts to wildland equipment, do you think you can name all the tools in this quiz? Jump in and find out!

By Jacqueline Samaroo


The world of heating, ventilation and air conditioning is very specialized and includes a range of tools not used by others. Can you identify them?

By Robin Tyler

Many people use a variety of emoji to spell out funny and witty phrases to their friends and families. Think you know enough about emoji to guess what they spell out? Test your emoji knowledge on this quiz now to see!

By Talin Vartanian

Howdy, partner! Step off the horse and have a sit by the fire. After you tell us about yourself, we will be able to give you a cowboy name that even John Wayne would love. Now, saddle up, and get along, little doggie!

By Teresa McGlothlin

If you know anything about diamonds, you’ll know there’s a sprawling range of styles and cuts to choose from, each with its own stunning quirks and personality! But which cut of diamond fits your personality like a perfectly-sized engagement ring?

By Kathryn Davis


Hairstyles are both timeless and modern and are inspired by a variety of TV shows, movies and theatre productions. Do you think you can recognize the popular hairstyles in this quiz? Test your luck now to find out!

By Talin Vartanian

We hear these slogans all the time, but how well do we know what company they are associated with? Take this quiz if you would like test your skills!

By Khadija Leon

A quiz all about cookies? You've got it! Grab your favorite bag and come see if you can tell us which of these cookies is which, in this fun, delicious quiz!

By Kennita Leon

As long as you work with a group of people, you are a co-worker. The issue now is finding out what kind of co-worker you are. If you would like to find out, then this is the quiz that you should take!

By Khadija Leon


Most things in life aren't black or white, but this quiz is making it that way. We're going to ask you to answer some yes or no questions so that we can guess whether you're male or female. Are you up for it?

By Kennita Leon

You might think that what trade you wind up doing for work has more to do with your aptitudes than your personality. But you would be wrong. Take this quiz and we'll tell you what trade suits you best.

By Brian Whitney

Different hues go in and out of style, but just because a color is trendy, that doesn't mean it's right for you! Take this quiz to find out once and for all which three colors suit your coloring best.

By Emily Maggrett

Who knew there was so much to know about skincare?! From fine lines to pores to skin tone, an expert in the field must know about it all, so take our quiz to see if you make the cut!

By Jennifer Post


Being a spy is a lot more than you'd think based on the movies. Being a spy is part data nerd, part social worker, part businessman, part fixer, and part patriot. Do you have what it takes?

By Zoe Samuel

Do you want a job that will be future-proof? Are you considering a job in a STEM field? Do you need expert guidance on which job to pursue? Take this quiz, and we'll tell you which STEM job matches your personality!

By Zoe Samuel

If you know a lot of Jeff Foxworthy quotes, you might be a redneck. As we humorously rev our trucks through this quiz, your yes or no answers will tell us a lot about you. Most importantly, they will tell us how redneck you are!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Is there anything better than a perfectly cooked steak? Don't say world peace or love or winning the lottery, just say no. Steak is good. So good. Want to know what kind of steak represents your inner goodness? Take the quiz!

By Ian Fortey


Is there anything like unwrapping a brown-paper butcher's parcel in the kitchen, ready to start a classic meat-and-potatoes dinner recipe? If you know the feeling, then this quiz is for you!

By Torrance Grey

We've got a really fun astrology test for you today. Not only will you be answering some strange questions for us, but we'll also reward you by guessing which of the 12 signs you are. Think we've got what it takes to hit the nail on the head? Let's see!

By Kennita Leon