All About You!

Let's talk about you, your personality type, your catchphrase, your ancestral roots, your phobias. Don't blame us if you wind up taking more than one of these fun personality quizzes.

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Life without properly functioning indoor plumbing would certainly be the pits! It’s a good thing we have plumbers and their specialized tools to call on. Do you think you can identify each of these plumbing tools from just one image or will you get washed away by this quiz? Get started and find out!

By Jacqueline Samaroo

Would you rather paint your room turquoise or a bright shade of tangerine? Play this "Would You Rather" game, and then we'll know your favorite color!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Scuba diving: It's the passport to a gorgeous underwater world ... but it's not very forgiving of the careless or the reckless! Think you could pass a diver certification quiz? Find out now with our quiz!

By Torrance Grey


Can you differentiate between a Phillips screwdriver and a flathead? Do you know what a crawler-loader is? If so, this is the quiz for you! Test your knowledge of all different types of construction site equipment with this ultimate challenge!

By Bri O.

Cheese is one of the most popular foods of all time. Provolone, parmesan, gouda, feta, the list goes on. Some are orange, some are white, some are even blue. Can you identify the type of cheese from a single image? Prove it!

By Narra Jackson

What color should you wear when you need a little pep in your step? Quiz along with us, and find out your power color!

By Teresa McGlothlin

Many companies have slogans which they use to market their brands. How well do you know them? Take this quiz to find out!

By Khadija Leon


Do you adore Dior? Or not know an A-line from a V-neck? Test your style savvy with our quiz! Don't worry; there's no dress code - you can take it in your sweats and a messy bun!

By Torrance Grey

Are you a true cooking expert? Put your sharp kitchen skills to the ultimate test with this too-hot-to-handle quiz! Don't wait too long or your skills will cool off!

By Isadora Teich

It's the most essential skill for any grownup who wants to be self-sufficient, whether they're a man or a woman. Do you know the secrets of sewing?

By Zoe Samuel

Every drinker falls into one of several categories. Want to find out which one you fall into? Then this is the quiz for you!

By Khadija Leon


Few things are better than something sour, something sweet, or something chocolatey? You may recognize these popular and delicious treats without their wrapper, but that doesn't mean you can name them! Take this quiz to see if your outcome is sweet or sour.

By Jody Mabry

Are you a dark and gloomy one, or does your passion burn people up? Find the color that matches your personality here.

By Kennita Leon

Both firefighters and police officers are hardworking and heroic, but in totally different ways. Which of these professions is more like your personality?

By Brian Whitney

If you think things like "Thirsty" and "Yolo" are things that the kids are saying these days, chances are you aren't a kid.

By Brian Whitney


Sometimes, when things need to get done, you need a name to get noticed and respected. Instead of John Smith, you could be Johnny Switchblade! So, which name would work best with you? Take the quiz to find out your street name!

By Amanda Monell

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but not in this quiz! Answer our questions, and we'll tell you how attractive you are (inside and out) because personality is part of the equation.

By Kennita Leon

Being brave isn't always about big things. Are you the hero your life wants, or are you the hero it needs? Take this quiz to find out.

By Brian Whitney

Whether you are that friendly neighborhood electrician, DIYer, or just someone who likes to change lightbulbs, the electrician's tools should never be too far off. But, how well can you identify them? Hopefully, your lights are on because you might need a little spark with this quiz.

By Jody Mabry


Some of us run toward the light, while others are drawn to the shadows, not shying away from the darker side of life. Which are you?

By Zoe Samuel

Everyone has a moral compass but the direction that it points to differs from person to person. Where does yours point?

By Khadija Leon

Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane … it's you! Finally, you're flying your own F-16 above the treetops. Do you think you can pass this general aviation quiz and become a real pilot?

By John Miller

How much do you fit in with your gender stereotypes? We think we can guess what gender you are. And no, we won't peek. Promise.

By Brian Whitney


Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee chains in the world. With such a wide variety of drinks, there must be one which fits your personality. Take this quiz if you would like to find out if you're a sassy shaken iced tea or a calm and collected dark roast house blend!

By Khadija Leon

Taking off your clothes at your home is one thing. Doing it in front of total strangers is another. Find out if you've got what it takes to bare it all in this quiz.

By Kennita Leon