The World

Take a stroll around the globe with our world quizzes. They're packed with trivia about capitals, landmarks, historical figures and more.

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Semana Santa, tacos al pastor and the Palenque ruins, oh my! There's lots to explore in this colorful country, so if you're eager to experience bullfighting and meet some charros, then it's time to take this Mexican quiz now!

By Talin Vartanian

No matter how long you've been married, you deserve the perfect honeymoon! Plan your ideal getaway during this quiz, and learn where you should go to celebrate yourselves. Will it be as exotic as you've dreamed?

By Teresa McGlothlin

Do you have the enchanting personality of an Aslaug, the savvy personality of a Raul or the warrior personality of a Gulbrand? Answer a few questions about yourself and we'll tell you which Nordic name matches your essence!

By Emily Maggrett


This Bible quiz is so hard, that we challenge you to just score 11 questions! Get more than that sacred number right, and you're destined for greatness. But first, prove your intricate understanding of the divine wisdom we present before your don the crown!

By Tasha Moore

Do you think that you have what it takes to dissect this basic anatomy test? If so, put aside your specimens and scalpel and see if you can learn a thing or two.

By Amanda Monell

The world is a large and expansive place, with lots to know and discover. But just how much do you know about the lay of the land? Fancy yourself a geography guru? If so, take on our challenge to prove it.

By Kale Havervold

East met West along the Silk Road, connecting nearly all of Asia, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa and Europe. From Azerbaijan to Uzbekistan, how many countries can you name? Grab your globe and take the quiz!

By Ian Fortey


The 1950s were a time of global transition, as much of Europe worked to rebuild after WWII while the U.S. took advantage of unprecedented economic prosperity. Take our quiz to see if you can name the most famous landmarks of this decade!

By Bambi Turner

Everything in the universe comes down to numbers. There's a baffling mathematical symmetry to everything no matter how disorganized and chaotic it is. Numbers lie at the center of everything! But what numbers? Take the quiz and see what ones you know!

By Ian Fortey

Did you spend your nights taking care of your Neopets? Remember who Facebook was actually created for? When did the King of Pop pass away? Test your knowledge about one of the most memorable decades of recorded history, the 2000s!

By Ashley Palkovics

You'll get exactly what you're looking for from this exercise in the Holy Writ. Beginners gain a way better understanding of Bible lore, while experts will certify their advanced status. Meanwhile all participants are guaranteed a fun time flexing historical Good Book facts. Flex on!

By Tasha Moore


Are you true to the Australian state you live in? This quiz will determine whether you're the real deal or should maybe consider living in another state!

By Hania Syed

Even if Wacko's song of the countries is a little outdated, he might be able to pass this quiz. Do you think you have the northern knowledge to beat him?

By Lauren Lubas

There are more than 190 countries in the world, and that's a lot to know! If you've ever had a map hanging on your wall, you probably got the knowledge to ace this. Find out if you're a geography genius by seeing how high you can score!

By Heather Cahill

We all know our pluses and minuses, but how about the symbols for population mean and the golden ratio? What about the Euler-Mascheroni constant and radians? If you know your advanced math symbols, take the quiz and show your stuff!

By Ian Fortey


Knowing the British Isles and Northern Ireland well can be the work of a lifetime — and you need a pretty fine mind to truly understand it. Just how clever are you when it comes to the UK?

By Zoe Samuel

How much random knowledge do you think you have? Put your smarts to the test with this tricky trivia quiz that will have you trying to remember history, geography, science and more!

By Ruby Scalera

What comes along once every four years and is a real downer for salaried workers? It's leap year! While this one day may not hold a ton of historical significance, the year it represents certainly does. Can you identify the important events or moments in these years divisible by four?

By Beth Hendricks

Blessed are those who can ace this quiz on the Sermon on the Mount. If you know Jesus' famous teachings well, then let your light shine. And if you pass, your reward will be great!

By Brittany Rowland


Do you know your dunny from durry, or budgie smuggler from bludger? Test your knowledge of cheeky Australian slang now to find out how true blue you are!

By Hania Syed

Like "The Polygon" in "The Times," many a politician's name becomes unrecognizable when mangled into an anagram. Could you recognize the names of British politicians once put through an alphabetical meat grinder?

By Zoe Samuel

Where does everyone want to go when the weather gets cold? Down south! It's time to head way down south through Central and South America, see if you know your Belize from your Brazil and your Dominica from your Dominican Republic. Take the quiz and see!

By Ian Fortey

The British who have never visited America have a very distorted view of the country. To them, Americans fit into one of many cartoonish archetypes, each with a befitting name. What do you think they think your name is?

By Zoe Samuel


One of the world's most iconic painters, Frida Kahlo was an activist, an artist and a rule breaker! What else do you know about her, though? Paint a picture of your knowledge with this quiz and see how well you do.

By Teresa McGlothlin

Have you ever wondered where in Australia you're destined to live? Take this quiz to see if you're a sunny Queenslander, an adventurous Western Australian, or something in between.

By Hania Syed